[3.7] 1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer - 16M+ Shaper DPS Fullbuffed / 158%-220% Movspeed Speedy Boy

meister1523 wrote:
Hi mate! I would like to say kudos for making this build! Best melee build so far for me.

Kindly check my gears (nevermind the gems) if there are some improvements to consider :)

My POB: https://pastebin.com/heciJwgk

BTW, I'm a bit confused about updated Slayer DPS Skill Tree. Could you provide me with what you have right now? Thanks much! Cheers!

Next priorities should be - 6link Chest, swap weapons. That's about mit mostly.

Should all be clear honestly. Sharing my PoB doesn't do anything for you, as I'm a normal player in that regard as you are. I change stuff how I feel makes more sense to me. Doesn't mean everyone should run it.

Hardlikerockk wrote:
what's the best i can do now to craft this or better just selling as is ?

Craft % phys, Adds # to # Physical Damage, Attackspeed + Crit Chance with Quality, should yield the most value for that one.

Senjuku wrote:
Hey guys!

I am new to the game, and there's so much to learn, but I am at a point where simply don't know to progress. I've followed the build as best as I can, but now that I've finished Act 10, the low-tier maps are just killing me. My damage seems fine, but I am paper thin. I have about 8c in my stash, and I don't know how to proceed.

Here's a pastebin of my char: https://pastebin.com/eQLGZSEx

Also thank you Szynima, as I could finally relive my WW Barb days with this build - it has truly been fun to play!
Thank you!

First things first, your resistances aren't capped, get those to 75% asap.

You're missing quite some lifenodes. I'd suggest exchanging the Praxis ring, grabbing some higher HP Gloves + Helmet and exchanging weapons with foils that have 300+ pDps (That's a parameter you can use to look for on both poe.trade and trading on mainpage).

Gemwise you really need CwDT + Immortal call and Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Fortify + Endurance Charge on Stun. Those are the biggest defense boosters you have in maps.

chrisrippe13 wrote:
how do you have mana for all these auras and buffs from your guide i have almost all my mana taken up and thats wit hone ring with -mana cost thanks!

Yea cause we only have like 15 mana in the end, that's correct. If you still have mana cost, grab another -# to Total mana cost of skills ring and you're good.

You don't need mana if nothing costs mana.

zaxium wrote:
How is rage useless for bosses? You can maintain high stacks in uber elder no problem.

As I said, stacking it up takes too long, Rage itself is less damage, people oneshot phases before it could get much used and using berserk would even be worse cause you have long downtimes of way less damage, then with a stable setup. I did the math a few days ago alrdy.

SVNViking wrote:
Not sure if it's been said already, but why have you got a lvl 20 Flesh and Stone in the PoB when its max level is 7?

Also you have a Pride effect in your gloves for 20% more, what fix does that relate to?

Didn't know that prior to playing it myself, I'll change it tho. Doesn't change much dpswise anway.

Prides ramping up damage is not calculated in PoB.

imRadial wrote:
Why do we go "Inspirational" in the ascendancy node when it mostly relies on us placing the banner when we usually dont in our rotation.

Mostly for the aura effect. We have a lot of more multiplier auras so its worth.

jdilly23 wrote:
I was wondering what my priorities should be for upgrading my gear from here.

Have a few ex to spend and just trying to figure out how to properly progress the build.

Kind of mixed the tanky build with the damage one as I felt I wasn't killing fast enough to stay alive properly in full dps but also was killing too slowly in the full tanky setup with infused channeling.

Most of my gear is fairly shitty because I've been holding off trying to figure out my priorities.


I just make a short list if you don't mind in priority :p
-Diamond flask missing (a lot of critchance)
-Ruthless doesn't work, grab Melee Phys Supp or Infused Channeling
-Corsair sword has low range
-Both weapons can be upgraded, critchance missing on both, could also both have higher phys damage

AgentTrack wrote:
Having a breeze with this build. Kudos to you.

Just a question, does the %chance to Impale from Tree and Watchers Eye jewel stack together with the Impale Support gem?

40% chance to Impale from passive tree
25% chance to Impale from watcher eye jewel while using pride
40% chance to Impale from the gem itself

Does it mean I have more than 100% chance to impale at 105%?

We already have 100%, so we don't need the watchers eye.
BiS watchers has +2 additional hits from impale.

Hi again. What is the meaning of taking "Iron Reflexes" node in "Tanky champion" version of build?

Iam asking because, even without it, it is quite easy to cap psychical mitigation (90% is the cap right?). SO what would be the point of taking that node if that extra armor gives no mitigation (at least from my understanding)?

We're alrdy in the area, so I took the 1pointer that tops many ppl off cause I doubt everyone has full armour gear right away. If you need the extra point, move it somewhere else ^^
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647

Thanks for this awesome guide.

Just a Qestion , i am lvl 89 now and still couldn't find a better weapon than Scaeva for a reasonable price.
Should i change Scaeva for Rare Jeweld Foil and lose some DPS or just keep it until i can afford some ex worth Weapons?
PatrickFN wrote:

Thanks for this awesome guide.

Just a Qestion , i am lvl 89 now and still couldn't find a better weapon than Scaeva for a reasonable price.
Should i change Scaeva for Rare Jeweld Foil and lose some DPS or just keep it until i can afford some ex worth Weapons?

I personally swapped when I had a upgrade of 20 pDps. Just try to craft one meanwhile, alteration spam + regal should get you something decent.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Last edited by Szynima on Jun 13, 2019, 7:20:05 AM
The007Koala wrote:
I managed to 6-link a Bronne's Lithe, will slayer on this build be too squishy with it for the likes of shaper/elder? Just wondering if I should swap to glad and use it or just sell it off and get a different chest entirely for when I actually make this build entirely.

I have killed both shaper and uber. I used even less defensive variant then this one. I couldn't kill uber with no CWDT setup tho. But you dont have to play without it.
Hi @Szynima.

I wanted to ask you about the chest armor.

While I understand Bronn's Lithe is awesome, I wanted to ask about the Armor ZiggyD made a video about recently.

It's a the one that is a 7 link, and has "Gems are supported by level 1 Maim" and a shitload of life. We're talking like 12% max life + 126 to life.

The level 1 Maim gives it a 15% MORE multiplier. That.. might just outdo Bronn's.

Waht do you think?
Hi @Szynima.

I wanted to ask you about the chest armor.

While I understand Bronn's Lithe is awesome, I wanted to ask about the Armor ZiggyD made a video about recently.

It's a the one that is a 7 link, and has "Gems are supported by level 1 Maim" and a shitload of life. We're talking like 12% max life + 126 to life.

The level 1 Maim gives it a 15% MORE multiplier. That.. might just outdo Bronn's.

Waht do you think?

Short answer:
no, its worse dps wise. 33% to be exact - without critroll.

Long answer:
The chest would be equal if you get Maim + Attacks have #% to critical strike chance. But getting both those mods + life + resistances will be fairly expensive. Of course it is an alternative, with max crit chance even slightly better then Bronns, but costwise not sth I'd recommend for the majority of people.

My build is fairly cheap to get going, I don't wanna kill it with those items. That's also the reason I haven't included Watcher's Eye, T1 Quad Jewels or full T1 Gear.
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Last edited by Szynima on Jun 13, 2019, 8:13:57 AM
Hi @Szynima.

I wanted to ask you about the chest armor.

While I understand Bronn's Lithe is awesome, I wanted to ask about the Armor ZiggyD made a video about recently.

It's a the one that is a 7 link, and has "Gems are supported by level 1 Maim" and a shitload of life. We're talking like 12% max life + 126 to life.

The level 1 Maim gives it a 15% MORE multiplier. That.. might just outdo Bronn's.

Waht do you think?

It's high end chest and for this buiild i think we should aiming for maim+- manacost+high life cause we are freeing ring slots for gg's steel rings w/ -manacost.
Thanks for answers everyone.
And also thanks for guide.

I'am probably going champion route, because i think i'd like to build and play around best possible impale dmg/stacks and fortify (tho i have plans on including perma onslaught from jewels for maping and such small tweaks. Maybe also chance for phasing on kill, so i can free skill gem slot.).
But yeah thanks! :)

Here is another little question i want to clarify:

"+2 to Level of Socketed Movement Gems" from "Bronn's Lithe Cutthroat's Garb" also applies to Cyclone right? At least Cyclone has "Movement" tag on Wiki.

I just wanted to be sure, that we really can get a lvl23 cyclone this way :D

Here is another little question i want to clarify:

"+2 to Level of Socketed Movement Gems" from "Bronn's Lithe Cutthroat's Garb" also applies to Cyclone right? At least Cyclone has "Movement" tag on Wiki.

I just wanted to be sure, that we really can get a lvl23 cyclone this way :D

Exactly, we reach cyclone level 23 :)
Streamlink: https://www.twitch.tv/szynima
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChwoAYZn8wbwAwE1260cMdw

My Builds
1H-Impale Cyclone Champion/Slayer: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2514647
Hi @Szynima.

I wanted to ask you about the chest armor.

While I understand Bronn's Lithe is awesome, I wanted to ask about the Armor ZiggyD made a video about recently.

It's a the one that is a 7 link, and has "Gems are supported by level 1 Maim" and a shitload of life. We're talking like 12% max life + 126 to life.

The level 1 Maim gives it a 15% MORE multiplier. That.. might just outdo Bronn's.

Waht do you think?

It is also important so say that Bronn's gives you 10 ms and +2 cyclone. And +2 cyclone gives you not only dps but also extra stage thus more aoe. So Bronn's gives you much more clear speed.
Last edited by agarwean on Jun 13, 2019, 9:15:51 AM

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