
Thanks for the guide. Having a lot of fun with the build so far!

Can you please elaborate on the skill gem progression during leveling?

The leveling guide does a good job of covering it up to a point (Act 3 or 4), but then stops.

When and how should we transition out of "Bladestorm -> Melee Phys -> Close Combat -> Faster Attacks"?
UlyUly wrote:

So, how's the build going everyone?

Could you post a video of game-play? And look at my hero here, it's public. Seem to be very squishy. xD Would like to know what I can fix.
Very well rounded guide. Good job! Explains endgame build really well.

Still, i 've done my best to abide with it and i am still kinda squishy when it comes to T16 maps and some bosses like Catarina or Atziri, even though my resists are more than capped and i have 6.4k hp. But my clear speed is super fast, provided that I don't die of course....
Would you mind checking my gear and tell me what am i missing? Also, is there any different gem combination in my boots that could help me be more tanky without depleting my mana pool?

Thanks in advance!!!
UlyUly wrote:

So, how's the build going everyone?

Hi Uly ! The build feels really good to play and i've been running through T15 very easilly, I'll try T16 and Shaper soon.

I've noticed that getting high PDPS weapon don't increase a lot my Bladestorm dps tooltip. Is crit chance more important on weapon than PDPS ? (with jewelled foil)
For exemple : a 380 PDPS jewelled foil only increase my dps by 1k comparing to a 320 PDPS jewelled foil (with 7.4% crit chance)

Here's my gear if you have any advice to improve it (my 6L daresso's is in stash atm)


Thanks :)
IGN: Vavark - Standard RF CoC Scion lvl 80
Shop :
Last edited by Varkhan#4401 on Jul 17, 2019, 7:29:21 AM
Hi could anyone advise me on what i should look for next on my gear? (cyclone variant)

Hello! Love the build. Looking to see what I can upgrade next. I would like to get jewelled foils but I'm only working with ~2ex to spend.

Hey, Uly! Thanks a lot for this build. Playing Bladestorm with 2 rares, already done Shaper, Vaal temple, Delve boss, Mastermind - all fisrt time ever :D

Trying to decide, what enchantment make on helmet? In the list there is no Bladestorm, so it can be Asassin mark damage or duration, or Ancestral warchief, what do you think?
Last edited by EVGrinch2#6520 on Jul 20, 2019, 9:41:21 AM
current gear
Last edited by EVGrinch2#6520 on Jul 20, 2019, 8:54:25 AM
Hi, thanks for the guide.

I just killed Kitava.

Which items should i look for first?

Hi Uly,
thanks alot for the guide, just like your last guide this has been very good league starter.

I have customized the Cyclone build a bit and found it to be absolutely amazing. But i still want to improve it more and was hoping for some feedback.

First of all i have gone all out on Evade and Dodge, since the Blind from stone form gives a massive boost. Also dodge is easy available due to crazy Legion drops (11% spell dodge on good rare boots)

So now i got 6500 Life with 72% evade against blinded enemies (44% non blinded) and 59% attack and 58% spell dodge. Which feels super smooth, i rarely die anymore.

Oskarm seems like a really good choice for the gloves, due to assasins mark and even more dodge, but maybe there is something more powerfull?

Current Gear :

path of building :

i also took some liberties with the skill tree, mostly Onslaught on kill for an extra flask slot and bonuses from Phasing, which i have from the flask anyway.

Damage is actually insane, 3.3mil Path of building DPS with Beserk and 2.2 mil dps without Beserk. This however does not calculate the Impale damage. Due to the Watchers eye with 25% impale chance i get a 100% impale chance with a placed down banner. The Banner and Impale gem give ~90% increased Impale effect, so that should be 95% More damage on top of that after the 5th hit.

any and all Feedback for improvement is very much welcome :)

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