First of all thanks for this build. Im having fun playing this build.
But now im at a point where i feel like im lacking of dps and dont know what to upgrade next or what will give me the most upgrade.
I would really appreciate it when you have time too take a lot at my char and give me some info about the equipment or the changes i should do.
First of all thanks for this build. Im having fun playing this build.
But now im at a point where i feel like im lacking of dps and dont know what to upgrade next or what will give me the most upgrade.
I would really appreciate it when you have time too take a lot at my char and give me some info about the equipment or the changes i should do.
Please share a PoB link with me.
Im not sure i did it correct, but tried it into pob and looks like it worked.
Hi. Nice guide, I'm about to roll a very similar build. Self-crafted a bow from the scratch:
So far the biggest headache of molding this character is the quiver slot.
1. I'm considering using 21/20 skitterbots linked with minion speed instead of anger, and thus eventually getting a precision aura watcher's eye. I realise that penetration with anger is a strong mod, but hear me out: Skitterbots provide easy (their AI is really good) chills and shocks for +20% more EH damage and 12% 24% shock, which otherwise is almost impossible to accomplish because of AoF. They'll also reserve less mana than anger, allowing to possibly squeeze a war banner in, for some extra accuracy and adrenaline buff for boss melting.
Do you think this is a good idea?
2. Why do you use combustion in both aoe and single target setups? Isn't elemental focus better for the latter? You can keep the "combusting debuff" from an ignite that comes from a secondary skill. Both the ignite ailment and mirage archer last for a few seconds, so with all that % chance to ignite and crit that this build has, it's super easy to keep up ignite/combustion by shooting with the GMP setup every ~6-7 seconds without sacrificing single target dps.
3. How hard is it in your opinion to get a +2 corruption on frostferno? Should I look for one of specific ilvl for the best chances? Should it be optimally between 20 and 55?
4. Why the heck are some people using pyre? Just for the corpse explosion against porcupines and while delving, or am I missing something?
5. Looking at the PoB numbers and your uber elder vids, I've decided to go with kaom's heart and a different passive tree, as the dmg potential generally speaking looks like a massive overkill for the current hardest content. :D
Last edited by shalq#5757 on Sep 20, 2019, 4:56:49 AM
Hi. Nice guide, I'm about to roll a very similar build. Self-crafted a bow from the scratch:
So far the biggest headache of molding this character is the quiver slot.
1. I'm considering using 21/20 skitterbots linked with minion speed instead of anger, and thus eventually getting a precision aura watcher's eye. I realise that penetration with anger is a strong mod, but hear me out: Skitterbots provide easy (their AI is really good) chills and shocks for +20% more EH damage and 12% 24% shock, which otherwise is almost impossible to accomplish because of AoF. They'll also reserve less mana than anger, allowing to possibly squeeze a war banner in, for some extra accuracy and adrenaline buff for boss melting.
Do you think this is a good idea?
2. Why do you use combustion in both aoe and single target setups? Isn't elemental focus better for the latter? You can keep the "combusting debuff" from an ignite that comes from a secondary skill. Both the ignite ailment and mirage archer last for a few seconds, so with all that % chance to ignite and crit that this build has, it's super easy to keep up ignite/combustion by shooting with the GMP setup every ~6-7 seconds without sacrificing single target dps.
3. How hard is it in your opinion to get a +2 corruption on frostferno? Should I look for one of specific ilvl for the best chances? Should it be optimally between 20 and 55?
4. Why the heck are some people using pyre? Just for the corpse explosion against porcupines and while delving, or am I missing something?
5. Looking at the PoB numbers and your uber elder vids, I've decided to go with kaom's heart and a different passive tree, as the dmg potential generally speaking looks like a massive overkill for the current hardest content. :D
1. Good suggestion alltho im not in a position to currently test it myself. If it works as you describe, it would be a really good budget option.
2. Thats just laziness/qol on my part. If you dont mind the extra management, that would certainly be better.
3. I would just buy one, or double corrupt one for the chance of hitting +4.
As you can see in the image below, the minumum ilvl required for hitting +2 is 1 for all the elements, and then 20 for the AOE and Proj. So potentially its best to have an ilvl 19 or lower helmet.
4. Yeah pretty much just for explosions, adds some clearspeed and safety.
5. Smort, its really not hard to hit 3-4m with this build, even on a lower budget. Given that you stick to stat priorities.
Last edited by mseabird#4808 on Sep 21, 2019, 1:07:23 PM
First of all thanks for this build. Im having fun playing this build.
But now im at a point where i feel like im lacking of dps and dont know what to upgrade next or what will give me the most upgrade.
I would really appreciate it when you have time too take a lot at my char and give me some info about the equipment or the changes i should do.
Please share a PoB link with me.
Im not sure i did it correct, but tried it into pob and looks like it worked.
I am quite busy atm due to real life issues, I will take a detailed look during the day and respond later tonight.
First of all thanks for this build. Im having fun playing this build.
But now im at a point where i feel like im lacking of dps and dont know what to upgrade next or what will give me the most upgrade.
I would really appreciate it when you have time too take a lot at my char and give me some info about the equipment or the changes i should do.
Ok so I had a look and ur dps in the pob you linked is 3.9m at close range/full life/flask up. That is actually quite nice.
Just upgrading ur single target ele hit gem from 19 to 21, adding cinderswallow urn with a crit roll and then getting a +2 frostferno will put you at 6.3m.
Last edited by mseabird#4808 on Sep 23, 2019, 4:26:56 AM
First of all thanks for this build. Im having fun playing this build.
But now im at a point where i feel like im lacking of dps and dont know what to upgrade next or what will give me the most upgrade.
I would really appreciate it when you have time too take a lot at my char and give me some info about the equipment or the changes i should do.
Ok so I had a look and ur dps in the pob you linked is 3.9m at close range/full life/flask up. That is actually quite nice.
Just upgrading ur single target ele hit gem from 19 to 21, adding cinderswallow urn with a crit roll and then getting a +2 frostferno will put you at 6.3m.
Thank you for taking the time to look over. Will look what i can get :)