[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 5-8k Life | 4-10m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content
" Perfectly fine, try looking for some of the timeless jewels. I've seen some sick combination of defences. |
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" I got 10 by now and haven't used any of them. I will experiment for sure :) |
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Great build, did my first ever deathless uber elder with this build, managed to get up to 7m dps with the guide tree, but pushed it further to 10.4m which made doing boss easier
Thinking of going 2 socket tombfists but not too sure yet since id have to balance res and all, tried going farruls but was way too squishy for my taste, stuck with kaoms instead and still clears flawlessly, only issue is with t16 maraketh legion which is pretty rippy especially if theres a clump of rares in a area, everything else is fine Been doing uber elder deathless with this gear |
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Starting to buy most of the stuff for the build just had a few questions.
For the quiver I went with most of the stats you suggest, would something like this be fine, only really saw 2 starting at 5ex+ https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/BkdYQQT8 -For rings would getting Taming/Assasin be a better combo for DPS wise then elder? Planning on getting WED, some flat maybe, HP, high resist and accuracy unless I can make that up on the bow. Planning on doing the Kaom's version since I tend to feel like this build has insane amount of DPS and the farrul would be nice but not needed so I'd take the HP. For rare gloves would a rare with accuracy, AS, and the enchant increased projectile attack damage be the best bet? of course with the mandated high HP and res needed. (I feel accuracy would be best on gloves to have more free space on quiver/ring) If im able to max out res on other items would just going tomb's for that extra DPS /intimidate be ideal Just having the below all my res are in the positives so guessing with a max resist belt/boots should be able to pretty much stack flat damage, WED on rings and gloves. For accuracy to achieve the 100% would we be aiming like above 325+ or near that area. Last edited by Bob123aka#1809 on Jul 14, 2019, 11:25:01 PM
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" Nothing is mandatory itemwise, always get what you need where u can get it without sacrificing something else for it. With that being said. On your quiver you pretty much only want dps mods paired with maybe a thick life roll. What I always do is either look for the mods I want or create a weighted search using the tool linked in the FAQ, it creates a gem search but u can easily modify it to have a life roll and search for all item types. Once that is done all you have to do is narrow down the amount of items shown by upping the minimum total value since trade sites are shit and dont always show all items. Taming is just nice since it has insane dmg and resistance, pretty hard to beat. Last edited by mseabird#4808 on Jul 15, 2019, 5:12:03 AM
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i got pretty much everything bar the watchers eye and i must say that the damage is really something else. my only problem has been survivability. i have all three res balanced so when immortal call procs and i use a wise oak elemental damage isn't a problem what so ever.
projectiles and physical damage on the other hand are a different issue altogether. ranged legion mobs on t16s pretty much one shot me before i even get a chance to fire off an elemental hit so has anyone found a way to improve this? been looking into it for a while and i've been firing a blank |
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" There's a few things you can do but none of them will make you never die. First off, stacking hp as main defense is pointless since if more than 1 shot from a buffed Legion elite lands on you, you will die with 7k hp same as you would with 5k. Just the nature of having so little phys dmg reduction. If you are using IC you probably want it in on something more substantial than 2l, also consider using Enduring Cry to generate 3ec and keep them up while fighting Legion, will make your IC a lot tankier and it will actually save you from a 1 shot. Another way to go would be to grab a Vaal Grace and have that saved up for Legion. You also want to maximize your damage against far away mobs to clear some elites before they can reach you, for that I would suggest not skipping Long Shot. I see a lot of players not pick it up and it seems crazy to me since it's basically just a better Far Shot and makes you deal 30% more damage to mobs at edge of the screen. Unless your strat is to utilize full Point Blank value fighting at 1y range which probably wouldn't work :) I'm also using a Brutal Restraint Jewel that gives me Onslaught on kill for 8sec so I dropped the Onslaught flask for a Quartz. I'm currently halfway to 99 doing just t16s and Uber/Shaper farm, so I can say for a fact if you play well and have enough damage to kill shit before it kills you, you will outlevel the deaths - they will still happen though. |
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Hey all
I noticed I only have 54.48 crit chance...not sure if this is good or bad. What would you suggest i have that number at? Also, My crit multi is 461% Thanks for your time! -Alavar |
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" thanks for that, definitely something i'll look into when i get more time tomorrow. one thing i did dabble with was dropping headsmen for masterful form and taking the extra frenzy charges on the tree. the problem i had was getting reliable endurance charge generation. i tried a ton of different timeless jewels for endurance charge on kill but i wasn't lucky to get it on any of them. you end up with 6/7 frenzy charges which in turn gives you the same endurance charges for some nice phys reduction and a juiced up immortal call |
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Just about wrapped up all my gear and gonna start this bad boy up later night, only things pending are the last gems on boots and gloves. Would the below be an ideal set up? Got Int Gloves so gonna be a bitch to get 4 off color. Ran a few test maps and DPS is so high I barely ever used the Single Target Ele,I spam the Ele from the helm and literally not doing much so have to go back to the AOE along with me feel super squishy atm even with kaoms and keep getting 1 shot by bosses and even random rare mobs in t16s.
I took 2 nodes by mind drinker to give the extra mana leech/reserve that help a shit ton without it as well as running HP flask over the Dying Sun, had a few closer encounters with porcupines which saved my life spamming those HP flask. Any cons to running Enlighten-anger-precision-bloodrage to conserve mana. Gloves: Cast when Damage Taken - Immortal Call | Blink Arrow - Faster Attacks Boots: Anger - Precision - Blood Rage - Dash Last edited by Bob123aka#1809 on Jul 17, 2019, 12:13:55 AM
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