[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 5-8k Life | 4-10m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

Crafting a Shaped Opal Ring now. Does it matter if it's level 8 or 12 Assassin's Mark on Hit?
Vanguard28 wrote:
Crafting a Shaped Opal Ring now. Does it matter if it's level 8 or 12 Assassin's Mark on Hit?

12 is better but its so marginal, you wont really notice that ever.
when your gems reach lvl20, how are you going to deal with the int, reroll the ring and add int? or jewels?
Apparently wont be playing this build cuz i spent 3000 fusings on my thicket 48q bow and didnt get 6L 100% sure its a bug something to do with high quality items when in reality it actually makes your item a lower chance to 6L anyway i spent 13 ex in fusings so yeah probably uninstalling poe cuz it was shit league anyway with hh general abusers
How do you deal with int problems for combustion?
Last edited by EdgaJudo#2021 on Jun 24, 2019, 2:42:25 PM
ŠaltasVolfiukas wrote:
How do you deal with int problems for combustion?

- craft
- tree
- suffix on rin or gloves
- jewels

Some slots are better than others. If an item can have a damage suffix you generally dont want to sacrifice that.
Well i somehow managed get this build going but one question why do you still use assassins mark on ring if we have infinite frenzy/power charges up cuz we use farruls fur?
Hi guys,
I'm selling a 40 ele hit dommage enchanted Frostferno (uncorrupted) on Legion league. You can see it on my deadeye. I think it's the only one for sale in league. PM if interrested :-)
Last edited by Gangrelet#5671 on Jun 25, 2019, 7:04:39 AM
How build feels in 5 legion emblem battle?
Video needed! :D
Would you pick up the Farrul's Fur or Watcher's Eye first provided you could only afford 1 upgrade?

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