[3.9] Elemental Hit Crit | 5-8k Life | 4-10m DPS | Overleech + CC Immune | All Content

Just wanted to say thank you so much for the guide! Just downed my first uber elder today on my second try. Sold my other bow and crafted one that was better for single target, lost 10% damage on AoE, but 3% increase single target. I'm still thinking about upgrading a few things since I have 30ex saved up. Watchers eye and a frostferno with corruptions.

Posting gear for those who want to know: Jewels were normal rare ones, no watchers eye.

Last edited by dropios#7424 on Jun 16, 2019, 11:08:52 AM
I'm at 100% chance to hit but it seems my arrows go through enemies?
is this a bug? It's becoming unplayable at this stage, it only happens with my GMP setup and not my single target...
In a house of mirrors, who perceives who to be real?
I've got 5ex now.
What should i buy first... Kaoms Heart + Xoph's Blood, or a crafted Bow ?

Is thicket the best base for the bow because of the high APS? How does it compare to something like an imperial bow with implicit WED?
how are u guys reliably getting frenzy and power charges on bosses?
Mostly just not caring about it, really. I killed uber elder four times yesterday, and not once did I ever think "I HAD BETTER STOP AND BUILD UP CHARGES". The difference would be phasing the boss in three shots instead of four.

The thought generally going though my head was "PLEASE NO ICICLE SHOTGUN TO THE FACE!"
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Jun 16, 2019, 11:41:26 PM
I'm super confused on the crimson combat focus jewel. How does it have enough intelligence to work?
It doesn't need intelligence. "40 total strength and intelligence" means the sum of strength and intelligence needs to be at least 40. It can be satisfied with just 40 strength, which is in the radius.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Jun 17, 2019, 12:09:19 AM
FilthyMonkey wrote:
Mostly just not caring about it, really. I killed uber elder four times yesterday, and not once did I ever think "I HAD BETTER STOP AND BUILD UP CHARGES". The difference would be phasing the boss in three shots instead of four.

The thought generally going though my head was "PLEASE NO ICICLE SHOTGUN TO THE FACE!"

then should we not spec into those frenzy passives? im thinking meloney's machanism quiver to have charges, thats like 6ex though.... are the charges worth over the rare quiver crit/crit multi life resist etc?
sivertry wrote:

then should we not spec into those frenzy passives? im thinking meloney's machanism quiver to have charges, thats like 6ex though.... are the charges worth over the rare quiver crit/crit multi life resist etc?

I didn't spec into any of the charges, no. I think the points are better spent on other things. I picked up soul raker and lioneye's fall to go in heavy on the crit and leech.

As for a quiver, I've just been using a random crit quiver I bought for 50c. In PoB, putting it on shows as adding 28% total DPS.
Last edited by FilthyMonkey#0591 on Jun 17, 2019, 1:29:32 AM

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