[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

Seriously dude, i have never read such a well structured and detailed guide! Will definitely be my league starter
blini wrote:
Is there a special loot filter for this build?

Hi, no. It's not meant to be for SSF. We probably have to buy most of the Items. Just use any lootfilter you want.

Freez3r wrote:
i dont see the +1 max res node taken although only a few points off your tree?

also, do u think tec-slam is also viable with a 2handed weapon? or is the attaackspeed too slow

I didn't took it because i think the build does already pretty well defensive wise. But the Tree is build in a way that everyone who wishes to sacrifices damage for more defense can do this without big changes. Just drop Damage and get Defense for it.
Currently 2H seems a 20-30% damage lose (comparing equaly good crafted weapons). We will have to see if this changes with the new buffs 2H Weapons will get in 3.7.

ermikoN wrote:
hey !

is it still work for leveling till tectokic?

Smite [lvl 1] + Ancestrall Call [lvl 4] + Added Fire Damage [lvl 8] + Melee Physical Damage [lvl 18] + Elemental Damage with Attacks [lvl 18] (when 5l)

I think every melee skill will work in 3.7. Just choose one which works with 1H Swords and you should be fine.
Last edited by Rake7 on Jun 7, 2019, 3:21:23 PM

Look insane
start with this and play to end leguage
Never seen such guides before
Hey, Rake7, what's about Transcendent Flesh jewel, how is it important to build? In PoB there are additional stats like simulated Ngamahu and 2nd ascendancy. And with real ascendancy its double damage to calulations?
How good is this build to farm delve and uber lab?
Great Guide and thanks for updating the main PoB link to 3.7!

Will be using this in the Legion league soon most definitely. The gearing up section will be a huge help I'm sure.

Xigari wrote:
Hey, Rake7, what's about Transcendent Flesh jewel, how is it important to build? In PoB there are additional stats like simulated Ngamahu and 2nd ascendancy. And with real ascendancy its double damage to calulations?

Currently it gives 55% crit Multiplier and 7% increased Physical Reduction. But that can be changed by taking for eg the 40str Node to up to 14% phys reduction.

And i just needed an Item where i was able to put on the Ascendancy Stats which are beeing ignored from PoB otherwise.

alvaro92 wrote:
How good is this build to farm delve and uber lab?

That's a really vague question. It probably can't go to delve deep 1k. I personally only go down to 250-300 and don't see any reason to go deeper because the enemie level won't increase further.
*double posting
Last edited by Rake7 on Jun 7, 2019, 7:14:34 PM
I can't wait to try this out in Legion. Thanks for the build.
Currently leveling with this build and having mana issues...i know assassin's mark will provide some mana regen later on but assuming we don't use oskarm's, does any1 know where the mana leech comes from?

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