[3.7] Rake's Tectonic Slam Equipment Guide - from League Start to Endgame

I had life on my rings but that didn't help too much. Still one shotted from lab bozoboy. I just did a swap on my rings recently, I think I tried to add damage there, since more life didn't do squat. I can't remember exactly. I did see your post though. You're going steelskin right? On the tree I may get rid of the staves for ManaRegen or more life somewhere, as dying is the problem, not killing. So I'm hesitant to add more damage. Maybe I should throw the life back on some rings then.

Perhaps a new gem setup which decreases damage but increases tankiness.

I only run the lab boss after I lvlup. Maybe I'll wait until I'm level 95 or something. I can't afford decent anything, so my solution is to change it up, or farm until the end of time until I can afford good stuff.

Almost uninstalled yesterday. Dying to that lab idiot multiple times is really annoying. I did all the research on the clown, didn't make one bit of difference. I'll wait until the lab website says it's an easy run, until then I'll just keep lvling and hope it all works out.
for all the foils that have multiple crafts, how come no one crafts "Global Critical Strike Multiplier"??

doesn't this provide more damage? it would give a foil 50%+ multiplier

Also, is there anything that i can improve in my build?
Last edited by wong007 on Jun 26, 2019, 2:51:19 PM
I just finished Uber Elder for the first time today using this build as a guide and I'd like to share some of my thoughts on it.

First of all, I almost rerolled this character 5 times. Starting out with Ahn's and 80% of my mana reserved was just miserable. My friends were all running multistrike builds and this build just felt stuck in quicksand by comparison. I stuck it out, though, and boy am I glad I did, the end-game feel of this build is incredibly fun. Here are some changes I made with my build that made things feel better:

#1 Ditch Hatred - After doing a lot of messing around in PoB I found it almost just as much DPS to use a combination of:

Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity + low level Precision (to get 100% chance to hit) + Blood and Sand

Gave me 35% free mana and around 7-8 attacks before running out of mana, as opposed to many of the suggested builds which include a Herald + Hatred resulting in around 20% mana available and only 2-3 attacks before running out of mana. This was incredibly critical when fighting single-target, as with a Hatred setup I'd out-swing my mana regen almost constantly without multiple targets available.

#2 Attack Speed is King - While using Ahn's when I was first starting out gave me enough power to clear up through mid-tier maps, it made the entire process feel like a slog. I had a love/hate relationship for a long time with Multistrike, as it undermines a lot of what is needed in this build with Endurance Charges, but I felt that using it made the build so much smoother. Ultimately, the DPS/tankiness loss from using Multistrike is just not worth it. Instead, I prioritized switching to foils with at least 1.8-1.9 APS, taking a lower value on crit or pDPS to make the foils affordable. Additionally, I added Blood Rush which was maybe the biggest quality of life buff this build could ask for. The degen is negligible with your passive regen and the attack speed base + frenzy charges are completely priceless to making this build actually feel good. I can't tell you how many times I died in Legion content simply because I couldn't leap slam or move away from a slow attack I was waiting to complete. Of course, this also meant ditching Pulverize since the attack speed hit is killer.

Truthfully this build truly starts to come alive with a Tectonic Slam attack rate of > 3.5 without Multistrike. I kept Ancestral Protector and used it for an even bigger burst of attack speed for bosses, but isn't necessary for clearing.

#3 BabyRage - Honestly I started using Rage out of curiosity early in the league and enjoyed it's stacking progression and use of Berserk for mowing down big enemies, but over time it's use is just too inconsistent. I can get more consistent damage using Ruthless and make up the attack speed with my gear.

#4 Embrace the Blue Socket - I ran extensive testing on my sixth link between Concentrated Effect/Increased AoE, and Elemental Focus. They each have their own benefits: Concentrated Effect is the highest DPS but the AoE hit feels bad even in Sand; Increased AoE is god-tier for sweeping low-level maps and farming Legion content off-screen (particularly good for using Lion's Roar with your increased range and killing the projectile Legion mobs before they can even get in range to attack); and Elemental Focus which I came to use as my standard. With only <10% less DPS than Concentrated Effect, Elemental Focus provides significant damage without any penalty to AoE and was my favorite choice for endgame content.

#5 Choose Hinekora over Valako - I ultimately gave up on trying to maintain max endurance charges. With a 20% chance for a charged slam enchant, I could consistently keep some amount of Endurance Charges up, but never enough to keep up 5-6 to further take advantage of Valako. I absolutely am not going to use 3 stupid skill points in the stupid staff nodes that everyone asks on every page of this thread just to get the %chance for endurance charge on hit, just not worth it at all. Instead, I turned down to Hinekora for a huge bit of life leach, health bump from the increased Strength, and significant DPS buff against bosses with Covered in Ash.

Here's my final build in PoB, keep in mind I only got the mastercrafted foils in the last two days, I was using 1.9 APS/ 6% crit / 325ish pDPS foils for almost all endgame content. Hopefully this helps some of you struggling to get this build the way you want it!


Thx so much, i was so frustrated about this (shitty) build... Took a look at your PoB, sounds way better. I just got two questions so far, how do you handle bleeding in your build ? And which pantheon gods would you suggest ?
I just finished Uber Elder for the first time today using this build as a guide and I'd like to share some of my thoughts on it.

First of all, I almost rerolled this character 5 times. Starting out with Ahn's and 80% of my mana reserved was just miserable. My friends were all running multistrike builds and this build just felt stuck in quicksand by comparison. I stuck it out, though, and boy am I glad I did, the end-game feel of this build is incredibly fun. Here are some changes I made with my build that made things feel better:

#1 Ditch Hatred - After doing a lot of messing around in PoB I found it almost just as much DPS to use a combination of:

Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity + low level Precision (to get 100% chance to hit) + Blood and Sand

Gave me 35% free mana and around 7-8 attacks before running out of mana, as opposed to many of the suggested builds which include a Herald + Hatred resulting in around 20% mana available and only 2-3 attacks before running out of mana. This was incredibly critical when fighting single-target, as with a Hatred setup I'd out-swing my mana regen almost constantly without multiple targets available.

#2 Attack Speed is King - While using Ahn's when I was first starting out gave me enough power to clear up through mid-tier maps, it made the entire process feel like a slog. I had a love/hate relationship for a long time with Multistrike, as it undermines a lot of what is needed in this build with Endurance Charges, but I felt that using it made the build so much smoother. Ultimately, the DPS/tankiness loss from using Multistrike is just not worth it. Instead, I prioritized switching to foils with at least 1.8-1.9 APS, taking a lower value on crit or pDPS to make the foils affordable. Additionally, I added Blood Rush which was maybe the biggest quality of life buff this build could ask for. The degen is negligible with your passive regen and the attack speed base + frenzy charges are completely priceless to making this build actually feel good. I can't tell you how many times I died in Legion content simply because I couldn't leap slam or move away from a slow attack I was waiting to complete. Of course, this also meant ditching Pulverize since the attack speed hit is killer.

Truthfully this build truly starts to come alive with a Tectonic Slam attack rate of > 3.5 without Multistrike. I kept Ancestral Protector and used it for an even bigger burst of attack speed for bosses, but isn't necessary for clearing.

#3 BabyRage - Honestly I started using Rage out of curiosity early in the league and enjoyed it's stacking progression and use of Berserk for mowing down big enemies, but over time it's use is just too inconsistent. I can get more consistent damage using Ruthless and make up the attack speed with my gear.

#4 Embrace the Blue Socket - I ran extensive testing on my sixth link between Concentrated Effect/Increased AoE, and Elemental Focus. They each have their own benefits: Concentrated Effect is the highest DPS but the AoE hit feels bad even in Sand; Increased AoE is god-tier for sweeping low-level maps and farming Legion content off-screen (particularly good for using Lion's Roar with your increased range and killing the projectile Legion mobs before they can even get in range to attack); and Elemental Focus which I came to use as my standard. With only <10% less DPS than Concentrated Effect, Elemental Focus provides significant damage without any penalty to AoE and was my favorite choice for endgame content.

#5 Choose Hinekora over Valako - I ultimately gave up on trying to maintain max endurance charges. With a 20% chance for a charged slam enchant, I could consistently keep some amount of Endurance Charges up, but never enough to keep up 5-6 to further take advantage of Valako. I absolutely am not going to use 3 stupid skill points in the stupid staff nodes that everyone asks on every page of this thread just to get the %chance for endurance charge on hit, just not worth it at all. Instead, I turned down to Hinekora for a huge bit of life leach, health bump from the increased Strength, and significant DPS buff against bosses with Covered in Ash.

Here's my final build in PoB, keep in mind I only got the mastercrafted foils in the last two days, I was using 1.9 APS/ 6% crit / 325ish pDPS foils for almost all endgame content. Hopefully this helps some of you struggling to get this build the way you want it!


I'm gonna try that as soon as i have a good crafter sword, cause at this moment its just impossible to kill shaper guardian for me and i start to be made. I see on your crafter foil on your profile, and i wonder, these foils allow you to make all content ? i ask cause my futur sword look like you're
tidus411 wrote:
I just finished Uber Elder for the first time today using this build as a guide and I'd like to share some of my thoughts on it.

First of all, I almost rerolled this character 5 times. Starting out with Ahn's and 80% of my mana reserved was just miserable. My friends were all running multistrike builds and this build just felt stuck in quicksand by comparison. I stuck it out, though, and boy am I glad I did, the end-game feel of this build is incredibly fun. Here are some changes I made with my build that made things feel better:

#1 Ditch Hatred - After doing a lot of messing around in PoB I found it almost just as much DPS to use a combination of:

Herald of Ash + Herald of Purity + low level Precision (to get 100% chance to hit) + Blood and Sand

Gave me 35% free mana and around 7-8 attacks before running out of mana, as opposed to many of the suggested builds which include a Herald + Hatred resulting in around 20% mana available and only 2-3 attacks before running out of mana. This was incredibly critical when fighting single-target, as with a Hatred setup I'd out-swing my mana regen almost constantly without multiple targets available.

#2 Attack Speed is King - While using Ahn's when I was first starting out gave me enough power to clear up through mid-tier maps, it made the entire process feel like a slog. I had a love/hate relationship for a long time with Multistrike, as it undermines a lot of what is needed in this build with Endurance Charges, but I felt that using it made the build so much smoother. Ultimately, the DPS/tankiness loss from using Multistrike is just not worth it. Instead, I prioritized switching to foils with at least 1.8-1.9 APS, taking a lower value on crit or pDPS to make the foils affordable. Additionally, I added Blood Rush which was maybe the biggest quality of life buff this build could ask for. The degen is negligible with your passive regen and the attack speed base + frenzy charges are completely priceless to making this build actually feel good. I can't tell you how many times I died in Legion content simply because I couldn't leap slam or move away from a slow attack I was waiting to complete. Of course, this also meant ditching Pulverize since the attack speed hit is killer.

Truthfully this build truly starts to come alive with a Tectonic Slam attack rate of > 3.5 without Multistrike. I kept Ancestral Protector and used it for an even bigger burst of attack speed for bosses, but isn't necessary for clearing.

#3 BabyRage - Honestly I started using Rage out of curiosity early in the league and enjoyed it's stacking progression and use of Berserk for mowing down big enemies, but over time it's use is just too inconsistent. I can get more consistent damage using Ruthless and make up the attack speed with my gear.

#4 Embrace the Blue Socket - I ran extensive testing on my sixth link between Concentrated Effect/Increased AoE, and Elemental Focus. They each have their own benefits: Concentrated Effect is the highest DPS but the AoE hit feels bad even in Sand; Increased AoE is god-tier for sweeping low-level maps and farming Legion content off-screen (particularly good for using Lion's Roar with your increased range and killing the projectile Legion mobs before they can even get in range to attack); and Elemental Focus which I came to use as my standard. With only <10% less DPS than Concentrated Effect, Elemental Focus provides significant damage without any penalty to AoE and was my favorite choice for endgame content.

#5 Choose Hinekora over Valako - I ultimately gave up on trying to maintain max endurance charges. With a 20% chance for a charged slam enchant, I could consistently keep some amount of Endurance Charges up, but never enough to keep up 5-6 to further take advantage of Valako. I absolutely am not going to use 3 stupid skill points in the stupid staff nodes that everyone asks on every page of this thread just to get the %chance for endurance charge on hit, just not worth it at all. Instead, I turned down to Hinekora for a huge bit of life leach, health bump from the increased Strength, and significant DPS buff against bosses with Covered in Ash.

Here's my final build in PoB, keep in mind I only got the mastercrafted foils in the last two days, I was using 1.9 APS/ 6% crit / 325ish pDPS foils for almost all endgame content. Hopefully this helps some of you struggling to get this build the way you want it!


In general, I feel squishy. Is the playstale intended to not be able to tank anything on red maps and keep out of harms way? The one-shots frustrates me so much :D
Niico75 wrote:

I'm gonna try that as soon as i have a good crafter sword, cause at this moment its just impossible to kill shaper guardian for me and i start to be made. I see on your crafter foil on your profile, and i wonder, these foils allow you to make all content ? i ask cause my futur sword look like you're

I've cleared all content except for Uber Elder with swords that were not mastercrafted, I linked a trade search a few posts back showing what I was using before, 325 pDPS, ~6 crit, 1.8+ aps.

tidus411 wrote:

Thx so much, i was so frustrated about this (shitty) build... Took a look at your PoB, sounds way better. I just got two questions so far, how do you handle bleeding in your build ? And which pantheon gods would you suggest ?

You handle bleeding in this build as you would with any other build, "of Staunching" on one of your flasks or a "Corrupting blood cannot be inflicted on you" gem if you'd prefer to have a "of heat" flask to avoid freezing.

Also don't shit on Rake's build, I learned a ton through how detailed his guide was, especially how to use advanced searches and work with PoB to optimize your build, and that's the only reason I'm able to send the improvements I'm using :)
Bit of a noob here if you guys don't mind. Got 2 things I hope I can get some advice on.

1. So I've been grinding low-tier maps for a bit and a Daresso's Defiance Full Dragonscale dropped on me with 2 perfect rolls on "Increased Onslaught Effect" and "Maximum Life", a low roll on "Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life" and mid roll on "Increased Armour and Evasion".

I've been looking at the gear setups for each tier through this guide and I wanna know if this body armour works for this build for endurance charges and stuff or I should just stick to what the guide says. If it does happen to be a good body armour I can use, which tier does it fall under for gears until I need to look for a better body armour?

2. Irrelevant question but which item is worth double corrupting between "Daresso's Defiance Full Dragonscale", or "Tombfist Steelscale Gloves" (with 1 abyssal socket cuz too poor for 2)?

Thanks for the help guys!

https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/9ydDrzIK - link for body armour
RengokuALT wrote:
Bit of a noob here if you guys don't mind. Got 2 things I hope I can get some advice on.

1. So I've been grinding low-tier maps for a bit and a Daresso's Defiance Full Dragonscale dropped on me with 2 perfect rolls on "Increased Onslaught Effect" and "Maximum Life", a low roll on "Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life" and mid roll on "Increased Armour and Evasion".

I've been looking at the gear setups for each tier through this guide and I wanna know if this body armour works for this build for endurance charges and stuff or I should just stick to what the guide says. If it does happen to be a good body armour I can use, which tier does it fall under for gears until I need to look for a better body armour?

2. Irrelevant question but which item is worth double corrupting between "Daresso's Defiance Full Dragonscale", or "Tombfist Steelscale Gloves" (with 1 abyssal socket cuz too poor for 2)?

Thanks for the help guys!

https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Legion/9ydDrzIK - link for body armour

A few things worth considering using for Daresso's.

It's amazing for normal mapping, assuming you have sufficient damage to kill everything before it can hit you.

The negative effect on hit isn't that bad while mapping either, losing damage and AoE for a powerful onslaught, especially if you already have the lab helm enchant for 20% chance of free charged slam + the smashing strikes to make up for when you have 0 charges after getting hit.

Against strong bosses however, it's terrible. Getting hit once strips away your defenses AND damage, and you can't make use of the endurance charge on kill it provides because all the hard bosses won't spawn adds frequently enough to make up for the longer (and harder) 1v1 sections of the fight. If you're already geared enough that most bosses are dying in 2-3 seconds, the downsides are irrelevant.

Wouldn't recommend trying it against a guardian, shaper, or uelder though.

I think it's an okay transitional piece until you can get a 6L going / craft your own, and eventually would be outclassed by a rare with lvl1 maim and -15 mana cost or a rare elder base with bonus crit.

As for the double corrupt, it just depends on if you plan on using either item. Having your item deleted is going to hurt if you want to use it.

A nice double corrupt on either item is going to render it incredibly valuable, there's really not going to be that much difference in value because it will all come down to getting a useful double corrupt (extremely random and low chance.) A double corrupted 1 socket Tombfist with a solid curse and crit/AS/etc will be easily worth 10ex, and the same is true with any synergistic mods on your Daresso's.
Last edited by BigBlappa on Jun 26, 2019, 5:03:29 PM
I see some players using perseverance vanguard belt + yoke of suffering onyx amulet. is that a thing now or?
why not use Anger instead of Hatred??
why not use Herald of Ash instead of Purity??

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