[3.7] Zens Holy Chief | Purifying Flame - Totem Chieftain | alll content viable
![]() The idea for this build came to my mind when I used Purifying Flame for the first few levels at the start of the league. I really liked it but soon swapped to Divine Ire. Never the less the idea of a PF Totem Chieftain kept stuck in my mind. As a kind of "end of the league project" I made this build. My expactation was - damn nice skill effects but mediocre tankyness and damage. It tourned out to be the exact opposite: mediocre effects (it really doesnt look that good) - but damn great damage any huge tankyness. CHECK THE COMMENTS FOR CHANGELOG PoB: https://pastebin.com/Sd7BUSag Media: Uber Elder: https://youtu.be/NRJd6CrKl2k Shaper: https://youtu.be/3m7OzDw85d8 Shaper Guardians: https://youtu.be/0XipvGQ3RuM t16 Map: https://youtu.be/Q6hn74lDQ0c Pros and Cons: + very tanky + great single target damage + good clear speed + budget friendly + easy to gear for + well balance between QoL, Damage and Survivability + cpapble of every content in the game + easy to level, SSF, HC and league start viable + off meta, makes it cheap - sadly fps suck sometimes - no shatter/herald effect, which was a pro for me tbh (after playing hundrets of HoI builds this one was a appriciated change) - Wise Oak requires balnced resists - no anti freeze flaks How it works:
We use the Spell Totem Support Gem (as mod in the body armour) to make totems fire Purifiyng Flame. With some sources of additional totems we can spawn 4-6 totems. Damage-wise we highly relay on the Chieftain ascandancy, which is also great for for totem playstyle and tankyness. For stacking a bunch of life we made our way through the tree to the nodes behind the Blood Magic Keystone. A bunch of life regen and life leech serve a pretty solid life regeneration and makes us very tanky. The combination of a lot of regen and leech is just extremly powerfull.
In-depth Offense Explanation:
- Sources for additional totems: Tukohama's Fotress (Item), Ancestral Bond (Tree), Soul Mantle (Item), Multiple Totems Suport (Gem) for clearing.
- Ngamahau, Flame's Advance - Ascandancy: Phys to Fire Conversion makes all of PF's damage converted to fire damage (remember that PF is a phys gem!). Huge phys as extra fire damage every 10 seconds! Huge damage all in all. - Tukohama, War's Herald - Ascandancy: Totems leech fire damage for us which makes all of our leech, very powerfull. Increased AoE. - Arohongui, Moon's Presence - Ascandancy: 16% increased damage taken by enemies near totems, again 16% more... - Elemental Overload - Tree: 40% more Ele Damage after dealing a crit. We use Stormbrand + Incr Crit chance support to ensure EO proccing. I chose to go for EO as we dont have enough points for crit nodes, as we want to get a bunch of life and AoE nodes. But hands down, while crit isnt necessary for this build, crits will deal much more damage if you go for the crit version of the build (not covered in this guide tho) by sacrificing a lot of survivability. - Soul Mantle - Item: Lets us use a 7 link set up and gives an additional totem. Best in slot, mandatory. We deal with the curses by using a curse immunity flask. - Wiseo Oak - Flask: up to 15% Fire Penetration. - Cinderswallow Urn: Onslaught and 10% more damage if Storm Brand + Combustion ignites an Enemy - Zealotry or Anger + Watchers Eye - Gem(in Essence Worm): Check what combination of Aura and Watchers Eye mod is best for you. My setup is explained in the gear section. Why not use a good rare ring to get even more life? Well, we need the Damage that we gain through this setup, and its a lot! - Wave of Conviction (Totem) - Gem: -25% Fire Resists for enemeis. We have to use it as totem because Ancestral Bond makes us deal no damage by our self. - Weapon - Gear: Explained in Gear Section Stats to look for in order of importance: - Number of Summoned Totems - Phys as Extra Fire Damage - Fire Penetration/Ele Pentration - Spell Damage - Totem Damage - Cast Speed/Totem Cast Speed - Fire Damage In-depth Offense Explanation:
- Life: We can get up to 9000 Life with great gear and if we go for a high character level. I have 8.3k Life which is perfectly fine
- Life Regen: We get up to 20% Life regen, which is huge! Sources: Cinderswallow Urn (3%), Boots Enchant (2%), Consegrated Ground (6%), Ascandancy (2%), Tree (3,6&), Pantheon (2%), Enduring Cry (370 Life per Second) = About 20% = 1,7k with 8.3K life - Life Leech: We only get this through the Ascandcy, but thats enough. - Physical Mitigation: Armour on Gear, Endurance Charges, Immortal Call, Granite Flask, Some nodes on the tree, Pantheon shoud give us about 50% reduced Physical Damage taken. - Reduced Elemental Damage taken, 10%, through Wise Oak. - Purifiyning Flame creates Consecrated Ground everywhere. - Arohongui, Moon's Presence - Ascandancy: Enemies near our totems deal less damage. - Immortall Call or Molten Shell - Gems: as the share their cooldown you should decide which one you take. I think a cwtd setup with bot gems at lvl 20 is quite good. As we have masisve amounts of life we can afford cwdt at lvl 20 and take the advantages of a fully leveled immortal call or moltenshell. Choose whatever you want from these two, I havent tested them yet.
Tree level 92:www.poeurl.com/cvZe if you dont use Tukohamas Shield: www.poeurl.com/coRD
Ascandancy: 1. Ngamahu 2. Arohungui 3. Tukohama 4. Tasalio, Cleansing Water (+Xoph's Blood Amulet) without Xophs Blood: 4. Hinekora, Death's Fury (if you need the damage, if you want to go tankier, take the other 4. Option) Pantheon: Soul of Lunaris, Soul of Tukohama Bandits: take 2 Passive Points
My current Gear - 3.6, might be outdated:
Gear Explanation:
A rare Wand or Sceptre. Look for combined about 100% Spell Damage, Fire Damage or Elemental Damage. Prioritise Spell Damage. Other Stats to that are almost mandatory are Added Fire Damage to Spells and Cast Speed. If you can get something like Phys as extra Fire, Ele as Extra Chaos or Non-Chaos as extra Chaos you are good to go with them. ANother mod (that you have to craft as suffix) that is a huge QoL buff but isnt mandatory is "Trigger socketed Spell when ou use a Skill". I highly recommend using it! Search: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Synthesis/Gg5goDib Shield: Tukohama's Fortress: BiS, except you get a better rare shield. Its absolutly amazing for this build as we gain tonns of Life and Armour, Incr. Damage and an additional Totem. If you can find a Rare Shield that as the Additional Totem Mod, similar Life rolls and another good Damage roll, you can take it, but Tukohama's Fortress will be very likley a lot cheaper. Sadly it drops very rare so its not an option for SSF and its also quite expansive at teh start of a league. Body Armour: Soul Mantle: BiS. We get a 7 link, Totem life and another Totem. There is no other unique or rare chest that can compete with a Soul Mantle (GGG fix this pls). The Draw back is the thing with the curses tho. Ways to deal with this Problem: Curse Immunity Mod on Flaks, two Kikarazu Rings or a rare shield that has Curse Immunity. The latter of which would be a big damage loss,the rings too. I chose the Flask version which is the more inconsistent version, but it works too. More aboutthis in the Rings section. Helmet, Gloves, Boots and Belt: Get at least 100 Life on every piece. Fill your Resists with these and get a Belt with a socket. Thats it. There are some nice Enchants tho: Helmet: Get one of the PF enchatments, choose what ever fits your taste. Boots: Get the Life/Mana regen enchant! Amulet: Xoph's Bood - Fire Pen, Covering in Ash, a bunch of Life and Strength, it is expansive tho If you play without Xoph's Blood get a are amulet with about 100 Life, and use your Amulet to balance your Resists for the Wise Oak Flask. Other good rolls are Cast Speed and Phys as extra Fire. In this case you should take the Hinekora, Death's Fury Asacandancy Node if you want to go for a bit more damage. Ring: Mark of The Shaper, if you get a good rolled Elder Ring for the other slot. This is BiS. The Rare Elder Ring should have Life, Resists. The Opal Ring Base would be nice. Flasks: Wise Oak: best defensive and offensive option. Cinderswallow Urn: with the Life Regen mod. Quick Silver Flaks: with Movement Speed mod. Granite Flaks: with curse immunity mod. Life Flaks: with anti bleed mod. Swap the Quicksilver flaks for a Sulphite Flask with curse immunity mod for difficult endgame bosses. Jewel: 7% increased Life. two of the following mods: - Area Damage - Totem Damage - Spell Damage - any fitting cast speed mod Search: https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Synthesis/Qv5v8vuw Resists if you still didnt manage to balance your resists. A Watchers Eye Jewel, check what mod is best for your setup.
Look at my current Gear in the Gear section. There is nothing more to say about it.
Swap Multiple Totems and Incr AoE for Fire Pen and Conc Effect for bosses. Use Enduring cry in angerousSituations and to generate Endurance Charges with it. I use Cold Snap for frenzy charges while mapping.
You can level with whatever skill you want and swap to my build whenever you want. If you are playing this build in SSF or as league starter I will provide some Information. This isnt meant for absolute beginners tho.
- after entering the Submerged Passage you have access to the Flame Totem Gem by talking to Tarkleigh - take the spell totem support gem as reward form the "the Caged Brute" Guest and level it from then on - from Siosa in Act 3 you get access to Purifying Flame. Depending on what oyu like more you can now swap to PF Totem - best links are Controlled Destruction and Combustion, take Infused Channeling for Flame Totem - I recommend to use PoB to calculate wheter it is worth to use Multiple Totem Support. I only use it for clearing - damage will feel not that great for the first few levels, as we get mainly life nodes from the starter area - therefore I recommed to rush to the totem nodes as following: 1. Primal Manifestation 2. Holy Dominition 3. Ancestral Bond 4. Elemental Overload 5. Divine Fury and Divine Justice 6. Shamanistic Fury travel throught the rest of the tree as it fits your needs.
1. Flame Totem. If you like this skill you can use it of course. You arent tied up to a Soulmantle anymore with this skill, which is a pro. I just dont like the clear speed of Flame Totem.
2. Wave of Conviction, was never menat to be a "main" skill I think. Its clear is weird and the single target sucks too. But it works well as support due to its exposure effect. 3. Divine Ire, has probalby the bigger single target damage, but I dont like its clear. Just try it out. If you like it there is no reason not to play it. 4. Why did I chose PF? It is the best allrounder. Great clear speed, good single target damage. Other Guides: [3.7] Tivis Tendies | pretty fast Lightning Tendrils/Orb of Storm Trickster | Uber Elder down: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2482139 Last edited by henry4200#7090 on Mar 11, 2021, 6:35:30 AM Last bumped on Mar 26, 2024, 2:33:27 PM
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The Build is done now more or less. If there is anything you would like to add/change, let me know in the reply section. Dont hesitate to ask questions, but pleas dont message me in-game.
If the guide changes I will post a change log in this reply. 3.7 Update:
Whats new/gone in 3.7?: - Chieftain has been reworked. Main thing that has changed for us is the taunt effect, which is gone now. - now we might not want to get "cover in ash" through the ascandany but through xophs blood. - due to the lack of the taunt we loose some defensive strength which should be bypassed by taking "Tasalio, Cleansing Water" instead of "Hinekora, Death's Fury". - this makes the build a lot more expansive, if you want to keep it cheep take "Hinekora, Death's Fury" and live with a bit weaker defensive. - the change to the nodes behind blood magic lets us use zealotry/anger without essence worm, we loose some life tho - replace the essence worm with a good rolled ring or with Mark of the Shaper if your other ring is shaped, this increses our damage and compensates the life loss - the phys as extra fire damage buff now lasts 4sec instead of 3sec each 10 seconds Changes to the Guide at 3.7 Launch: - updated PoB and Tree - changed ring and amulet section - changed ascandancy section 11/07/19: - added some changes to the skill tree section Last edited by henry4200#7090 on Jul 11, 2019, 12:03:30 PM
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Pretty nice build bro, playing atm, smooth experince. :)
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" Nice to hear that! Have fun! |
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Hello. What armor should i use when i want to use holy flame totems?
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". I havent deeply looked into this. But you should go fine with a rare chest that gives you some defensive stats (armor and a bunch of life). I dont knwo of any bis unique chest. Of course you can take a Loreweave... this chest fits all builds. Last edited by henry4200#7090 on May 15, 2019, 10:09:42 AM
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Hey OP, thank for the awesome build. I'm having a lot of fun in flashback with it. One quick question tho, between getting rid of the cursed and getting a self-flagellation + spec-ing for more defensive gear to make up for the cursed vs a curse immunity flask, which one would you recommend more?
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" If you choose to use self flagellation you HAVE TO use two kikazaru rings! (have a look at them in the wiki). You cant handle 12!!! level 20 curses otherwise as they simply demolish your defences, there is no way to change that except for these 2 rings. I like to have these 2 ring slots for better rings so I chose to go with the flask. And thats what I recommend too. |
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" Thanks for the quick reply, I'll definitely try to keep the flask immunity then. Self-flagellation was fun for lower white map but you definitely get melted when you start hitting tier 5+ withotu the rings |
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Purifying Flame seems really, really good for a Chieftain. Maybe even better than for any Templars because of free physical to fire conversion, fire damage life leech, regen on consecrated ground etc.
I am just self casting it. Playing on console so I like that shoot em up gameplay. I did alot of leveling with Soul Mantle , kikazaru and a warding sulfur flask, it was more fun than i thought totems would be. |
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