Developer Q&A - Part I

As an average player, I feel that I'm locked from big part of the game by this trage league content which I don't enjoy. Its always cheaper to buy something than to craft something for me. And I don't want to study the market to make tons of currency required to craft something useful at end game, I just want to kill monsters. I even ok with all these spreadsheets of synthesis, they are not that hard, but to find 3 bases, craft them to get another base and then craft it again feels impossible for me. If the economy is such a big thing, why not just lock ssf and somehow even the chances to obtain items for someone who trade all day and someone who playing the game all day?
As for focusing on specific league content, if I got bored with too much delving, I could've just choose to do something else, right?
10centGGG Is telling us " we don't want a Trademarket inGame, because it would destroy the economy ".

Now the REAL #1 Question: Which ECONOMY are these guys talking about?

Leagues last 3-+ Month, after that everything is merged to Standard(Trashcan), where economy is basicaly dead and useless ANYWAY.

If a League comes with fresh economy, then so be it, let the Players choose, you are Gaining MONEY, thats the ONLY thing that you care ANYWAY.

So what is so wrong, why can't the Players choose what they want, why is always everything Gated by Trade,Speedmeta etc.?

Would you lose something if you experiemented a League with a new Trademarket way?

NOOOO you would not!, because after League ends, everything goes to TRASHCAN, where nobody gives a damn about.

This whole Game is a " every 3 Month BETA " , nothing more!

The Philosophy and Design behind this is utterly Bitter-Sweet-Garbage.

I have played enough and wasted enough Time, to realise that its totaly Garbage to know, your hard earned Gears, Currency is deposited in a Trashcan.

When i was only Standard before, i could not understand how people hate Standard, i mean you keep progress, thats nice.
But if you play Leagues later on, you realise this, that Standard is the most big Poop on earth.

So why even play more?, Why are we always BETA Testers every 3 Month, a FULLY Finished Game costs me 60-70€.
PoE cost me over 300€ already, it will rise in future too, becuase more non-stackable items will get released, thus, need more Stashtabs.

Good Luck to new players with 4 Inventory Tabs, you will Notice, PoE has long time been a Pay-To-Win Game. Just not DIRECTLY, its a Brainwashing method to make people think its not P2W.

I could write so much more but this is enough to understand.

billthegreet wrote:
Fixing trade doesn't need an auction house, just let people trade without having to be in the same zone.

John whispers you asking to buy an item for 5c, so you invite him and without having to switch zones and open a trade window with him. Have a little icon next to the trade window that opens a window to your stash. You cant move items in your stash from this window,but simply clicking them adds them to the trade window.

There trading in POE still has player interaction and isn't a time consuming chore.

they cant do that
the same reason is with the fact that you spawn in town, not in your hideout
if you are not interacting with the player, you will not see his glowing MTXs, his glowing premium hideout, premium decorations etc etc, and you will not want to buy those
having to interact = free mtxs advertisement and the ability of rich players to show their status

now you see how its flawed?
dead game
bring back 3.13
So you guys want some feedback on the league mechanics? Sure!

Bestiary: Amazing! Really love beast capturing rework.

Delve: Bad, hate it, don't ever wanna play it, i mean whats next? i die cause i touched floor cause its lava? Please make delve rewards accessible elsewhere. The only redeeming thing about it is having endless dungeon to dig.

Incursion: I really hope to enjoy this league someday seems cool, except that retarded timer that prevents non-meta builds from playing it. Also Alva should draw a map of the temple and we should get it as a tradable item.

Betrayal: Really cool but i would like to get more safehouse intel after each encounter or have more than 1 guy appear in encounter if more syndicate members are attached to a safehouse. Also make them not run away, i mean they are immortal surely they don't fear death?

Future leagues: please no more meta build timer crap its a dead meme...

Things that need quality of life fixes:

Trading. Please improve trading, nobody wants to randomly quit mapping/lab/temple/relog to another league etc. just so they can sell 1c item, thats where most problems occur and premium tabs are bullshit everyone should be able to participate in trading its a big part of the game.

Orb sliders for town vendors. I want a thing that i can drag at how many orbs i want to buy.

All orbs (except league stuff like harbinger/essences/perandus coins, etc.) should be buyable at town vendors or masters at fixed price. That way ssf can actually make sense. Please return master discount orbs (this time with ratios that make sense) and uniques.

Please don't delete atlas progress in standard league, if someone wants clean atlas they can play league, it feels like someone deleted my savegame.
Clear speed seems to becoming more and more of a necessity with each league mechanic you add. Are you happy with this trend and do you feel like this is affecting build diversity?

People certainly aren't playing Path of Exile at the speed that I initially imagined when we started development back in 2006, but I know that if we made a big effort to slow down top-end play, it'd probably ruin the enjoyment that many of our most-engaged users have. We have seen other games make that mistake and don't want to repeat it.

We are fully aware of clear-speed concerns when designing new league content. We generally try to create content that doesn't require insane clear-speed. Of course, it is true that the faster you can complete an area and get its rewards, the faster you will progress, so there's an implicit incentive to making good (i.e. fast) characters.

My concern with this is that things like league challenges become all but impossible without this mindset. I am not a fast player, but I still quite enjoy playing and would be willing to put in the time to earn the higher-end challenge rewards. The problem is that without pushing the boundaries of clear speed, there's really no way of obtaining them during the length of a single league, making the game just a grind, rather than an enjoyment.

Oh, what I wouldn't give for those Synthesis wings. Sadly, they will ever remain out of my reach. RIP :(
make delve the core!!

maps, shaper, elder and all that jazz could easily be areas in the mine..

it would solve the clear speed meta in party play.. and make the game interesting again..

not just the tedious low tier map grind in the exact same areas, we've been boosting through without picking up anything but currency for many years now..
The big problem with delves is that a Rusted Scarab + Well rolled T16 map cost 90 chaos and we get only 20k sulphite in a rota in a full party...
Unfortunately at this moment, sulphite is extremely expensive.
So... for those who like delves a lot, it's not possible to play it for more than some few hours in deep delves without have the sulphite depleted...
It's so sad. Why you don't allow the players to choose what they wanna play ?

At this moment, delves are dependent on a content that is not the current league: BETRAYAL. Why ?
Last edited by jacarishe1#1870 on May 5, 2019, 8:01:22 PM
Being able to decide for ourselves if we want to risk a possible burnout of the only content we enjoy is too big of a financial risk. Nothing to do with "we don't think you'll enjoy only doing X content." The idea that we want to be able to play until we (possibly) burnout isn't a good business decision for them, so they have to take that decision away from us. Player retention is the goal, not necessarily a better game experience for the player.

Kayowah wrote:
Being able to decide for ourselves if we want to risk a possible burnout of the only content we enjoy is too big of a financial risk. Nothing to do with "we don't think you'll enjoy only doing X content." The idea that we want to be able to play until we (possibly) burnout isn't a good business decision for them, so they have to take that decision away from us. Player retention is the goal, not necessarily a better game experience for the player.

not only that but they don't even care in gaining new players either, the new player experience is one of the worst I've seen.. I've seen this kind of behavior in pay to win korean mmo's
"Parade your victories, hide your defeats. Mortals are so insecure."

Once you break the cycle of fear no angels or demons can whisper you their sweet nothing words.

poe2 = ruthless 2.0 = bad.
Kayowah wrote:
Being able to decide for ourselves if we want to risk a possible burnout of the only content we enjoy is too big of a financial risk. Nothing to do with "we don't think you'll enjoy only doing X content." The idea that we want to be able to play until we (possibly) burnout isn't a good business decision for them, so they have to take that decision away from us. Player retention is the goal, not necessarily a better game experience for the player.

The same reason you never let the horse actually catch up to the carrot, or the racing dog catch the little pace rabbit.

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