An Update from Chris
I'm obviously part of the reason why this post was made and cannot help but feel bad. It was nice to get a closer look into the behind-the-scenes as this is oftentimes what people forget about when they start complaining, I experienced this very commonly in the community of the previous online game I played the everloving crap out of, yet back then the developers didn't even attempt to build up a good relationship with their community, the thing that keeps them alive. Later on it turned out their company was sold long ago to some other money-milking pile of garbage, which certainly explained the ex-devs' behaviour throughout the progression of the game, yet this luckily doesn't seem to be the case for Path of Exile, and I sure hope that that won't ever happen and it shouldn't as they clearly care.. or atleast make a damn good job at pretending as if they did.
Also I'm glad that the people at GGG care for each other and that the boss of the house actually acknowledges the workers status and cares for their health, surely we wouldn't want (or atleast I don't) GGG to burn out completely just for the sake of having a "fully functional" game for a few months just for it to be taken down later because nobody can afford to keep working on it, be it due to threatening health situations due to lack of sleep or low budget due to paying tons of overtime. A friendly work atmosphere and a good work/life balance is incredibly important... I wish everyone at my work knew that... I'll make sure to keep supporting the game where I can, for aslong as I can to keep the game F2P for others since PoE is one of the only games I've seen in ages that actually stays true to the meaning of that, whereas the previously mentioned online game I played seemed to have a different definition of "Free2Play" as clearly the only free thing about that game was to install and uninstall it again.. and even that cost some space on your harddrive. Looking forward to see what you have to say at the QnA and especially looking forward to 3.7.0, may the heavens open up and release another banger like Betrayal and Delve because by god, those leagues were perfection in their purest form.
Yes, that was an opinion. fITe Me
GGG deserves the praise they've been getting increasingly over the years, and I said it in my initial complaint and I'll say it again, "things" like synthesis happen, but we're here to learn from our "mistakes" and in this case I'm certain GGG learned a bit more about time management from this which should help the company grow and improve, only this way the game may survive the upcoming battle of RPGs. Let's hope things don't stack up as much as they did prior to Synthesis and that the devs get some time working on fewer things more intensly... or not as intense to keep the work/life balance healthy. Last things last, I don't think apologizing here is as necessary as it might seem, giving a context as to what's happening behind our backs should be enough to open our eyes as to how the "issues", that we may or may not have with the current league, came to be. So thanks, Chris, that's all I really needed. |
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"I will not run this company that way."
THIS! THIS RIGHT HERE! I'd rather enjoy the same content a few months longer than to see another dev burn their people out. Love you guys, keep being AWESOME. |
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Take my energy, you will need it for sure.
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Keep up the great work chris. While I myself did not play this much during this league i had a blast in the last 3.
Its great to see you that you are not willing to burn out your developers just so you can please everybody. I wish more game developers would follow suite. |
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Thanks Chris and GGG for keeping up with community and make gamers across the world proud of your (all GGG members) work. Ofcourse there are many people who disagree with your decisions or cry out loud at forums and reddit, but most of the community know that GGG can make it right, fix the broken, improve the underused and upgrade the core. Don't take the harsh critique too close to the heart, 'cause not everyone can handle their emotions and continue to spit the curses boiling the ocean around. This is not the best league, but our harts and souls are with you GGG.
When the throat roars, As eyes weep, When the hand grips hard With trembling fingers, When belly twists Yet legs stand strong, That is the work Of the Defiant Heart. Praise the Sun!
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We love you Chris, honesty and sincerity, good day is waiting for us
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Another proof that tastes are personal.
Personally I find it to be one of the best leagues yet, and I've played them all. Keep up the good work. |
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Well Chris, you are forgiven, however as synthesis. It was horrible. Maybe spend/ give yourself some more time before releasing a new league, or getting more employees? It seems you guys are overwhelm with all the shit that's going on, but I for one am not angry with GGG. Just synthesis.....
I guess shit happens, and for whatever it is I will be returning for the next league.(sitting out this league) Good to see what's in the horizon of the future of Path of Exile. This sentiment was summed up by a member of our design team who recently said "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."
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dont worry, part of exile players will allways be angry lol
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" Such bullshit. No one forced you to abandon patch work in favor of more bloat to sell stash tabs, and no one forced you to sell to China's EA. You're a AAA CEO now with all the soullessness that implies. Zero pity for the rich and shafty. " So maybe quit reaching into every coconut full of pennies you lay your greedy eyes on. Oh right, no choice, you sold your soul to Greed Corp Inc. No pity. This isn't wikipedia, this is your for-profit business. Do you actually believe what your tone implies? Like you're some kind of Buddha and this is all important charity for which we should be grateful? I know you've CULTivated a fan base that thinks that way, but have you drunk your own koolaid? " OMG cry us a river! All of which you are excessively over paid for, and all of which you take on for even MORE pay. Duplicate loot crates and broken 20$ single tabs? If you can't deliver on THOUSANDS of dollars of return to a player then don't TAKE THOUSANDS of dollars from a player! I dare you to release max dollar values you've extracted from the community whales. Any in the 10,000$+ range? I bet there are more than 1. The audacity of that destroys any moral wiggle room you have for doubt benefit. " Proudly exploiting a skinnerbox full of gambling addicts isn't a "relationship." You took a glorious innocent idea cribbed from final fantasy and diablo and turned it into a sleazy bottomless casino. I'm so glad I got this game's claws out of my typical day. The idea that I gave you over 200$ literally brings me shame. You didn't deserve a dime, let alone, the thousands of hours I put in. Too much censorship that you never even see. Totally removed posts and silenced accounts across all communities. Last edited by Innomen#6153 on May 2, 2019, 11:40:49 AM
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