Synthesis Flashback Event

I've been playing on/off since beta. I remember when Vaal and Piety were killing people, and then Dominus. That content was and still is available to everyone since it is story mode.

I don't like how they started gating content behind other content or rng drops. I get that the drops can be valuable, but they are limiting the content for people -> hard content != gated content or 1 shots

I've played a couple of the races way back when they still had them and some of them were quite fun, though a solo player couldn't even hope to compete for top places. Some of those races were preeetty rippy, if you made it to Ledge you were a "boss"!

So now they make more of the content available to casusals, but it still doesn't matter if it's gated behind other content or rng. And the difficulty? I'm not in the loop but when was the last time they promoted the game as a hard one? The mods here I wouldn't even consider mods.

I've skipped the Abyss league (among others), recently I was pleasantly surprised I got to fight a boss in one of the abbysal depths only to find out that it's not that common to get the fight... So instead of fights being fun (mechanics wise not 1 shot BS) and accessible by everyone they gate them behind rng or other contnet (sulphur in maps) - If only we could level in delves from lvl 1 that would be a blast, for me at least.

This is where I think they are at the crossroads, they want the game hardcore (or at least they did) and now they're putting in minimal effort for casuals -> being casual does not necessarily mean that one wants to have an easy time when playing the game. All we need now is a mobile version, we all have smartdevices right?, and then we'll know for sure where the difficulty will go and how content will be gated.
IGN: FoughtBledAndWeptForGod, WoE_HitoZ

Why no Delve!? That's all we wanttttttttt.
Aren't the flashback leagues parented to Synthesis and thus should migrate to their Synthesis parents?
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)
Why so much hate? I've been looking forward to this announcement! Actual free mystery box, and a (tiny tiny) chance at some footprints, but it's not that hard to get to 45, and I'm having fun anyway. Getting the mtx rewards for playing the game is so much more satisfying to me than buying them. And it's an opportunity to get the Perandus coins for the challenge if I feel like doing that.
Softcore, solo self-found.
----- Currently: -----
ya, too bad intervention is still unplayable for me. No point in playing when i get lag ganked cuz intervention lags for like 10 seconds
"Don't Tread on Me"
Last edited by jables#2975 on Apr 29, 2019, 1:20:29 PM
I like this race event.

Thanks GGG.
I was kinda hoping to play again for the race even though this league was so bad i nearly lost my interest in PoE, but not only the league itself seems really bad (it's just like regular mapping) but we also got this:

Outside of the Demigod's, the prize pool will be shared among all versions of the event on all platforms (more in-depth information in the Prizes section of this post below).

Is this an out of season april fools joke?
IGN gubert
Last edited by Gubert#1144 on Apr 29, 2019, 1:19:08 PM
Tainted_Fate wrote:
fresh start, fresh economy, lots of mobs on maps
i love flashback events and want to thank developers for implementing this one
think i even might support them with minor supporter pack
because as long as im having fun, im paying

Not sure if joking or not
IGN gubert
enol13 wrote:
Why no Delve!? That's all we wanttttttttt.

GGG obvsly dont want us to play their game.
So added the most unpopular stuff what everyone skips, like exiles, spirits. Why why? Is it for real? May be it is 1st april announcement?
GGG obvsly dont want us to play their game?

(Insert sad panda here)

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