[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

I have been testing in the POB the choice of Rupture instead Endless Muniniton, and it gives me more dps ...... i have doing some wrong...I am missing something


+40% to Critical Strike Multiplier against Bleeding Enemies
80% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding Enemies
Attacks have 25% chance to cause Bleeding
Moving while Bleeding doesn't cause you to take extra Damage
Gain +30 Life when you Hit a Bleeding Enemy

Endless Munition

Skills fire an additional Projectile
50% increased Area of Effect
+200 to Accuracy Rating

Take a look my character Fulanomengano Ranger Hardcore Level 80 https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Alberto_Wolf/characters

NOTE: Could you upload a video tryying uber elder or uber atizir?
Last edited by Alberto_Wolf#0126 on Jul 21, 2020, 5:18:41 AM
Alberto_Wolf wrote:
I have been testing in the POB the choice of Rupture instead Endless Muniniton, and it gives me more dps ...... i have doing some wrong...I am missing something

Rupture gives you more damage, but you want Endless Munition for the additional projectile. More projectiles means better clear with Ice Shot and better single target damage with Barrage.
Last edited by GreenWaltz#1411 on Jul 21, 2020, 9:32:27 PM
Anyone have a pastebin that works. The one on the first page isn't working using the community fork. Thanks
Any improvements i can do on my gear wise
im commiting on dex stacking

Crit chance is 46,9% Fully buffed
Any tips to improve my Damage and Crit chance
I know i can quality all my gems but gear wise is more important
Thank you
POB : https://pastebin.com/M4mrkH5K
Char: https://imgshare.io/image/NnUDtP

Last edited by ncredible#7740 on Jul 28, 2020, 10:16:07 AM

hi guys :)
i cannot beat Baran with just 2 sockets :( i got him to half only and all i used up all of my portals already.

any tips?

i have lioneyes already. i dont have watchers eye yet but it's super expensive in PS4.

i can understand if it's 3 sockets already, but 2 sockets :( that means I'm suuuper weak.
If I use Barrage on swap and instead make a 6L Herald of Ice can I use 2 curses if I use Awakened CoH gem? Or do I need to get 'can apply additional curse' from skilltree aswell?

What would be best? HoI with 2 curses or instead other gems to boost HoI dmg?

Currency is not a concern. Just for fun on standard league.
[Removed by Support]
Can someone tell me how yoke of suffering procs poison? im very confused.
crow187 wrote:
Can someone tell me how yoke of suffering procs poison? im very confused.

So through Lioneye's Fall it extend's over Adder's Touch changing it from Daggers to Bow.

Then through the Annointment it adds Adder's Touch onto your amulet, giving you the poison chance and crit multi (which with Yoke is an additional ailment, stacking that increased damage taken)

I'll add that to the FAQ
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
Last edited by SynixProcessing#1351 on Aug 18, 2020, 12:28:00 AM
DaddyDriverXaTo wrote:

hi guys :)
i cannot beat Baran with just 2 sockets :( i got him to half only and all i used up all of my portals already.

any tips?

i have lioneyes already. i dont have watchers eye yet but it's super expensive in PS4.

i can understand if it's 3 sockets already, but 2 sockets :( that means I'm suuuper weak.

Hi, i took a look at your build and i noticed some things to improve. But i am by no means a top tier PoE player. Anyhow...

1) You need to get your last ascendancy asap, the additional arrow from endless muintion is really inportant
2) Get the green nightmare Jewel and Atziris promise, both benifit dps and the jewel adds some nie defeces as well
3) for your barrage gem setup: First, getting the 25% phys to cold conversion craft on gloves is quiet important to get the full damage out of Barrage. The take a look at the support gems mentioned in the guide
Barrage - Increased Critical Strikes - (Awakened) Added Cold Damage - Chain Support - Elemental Damage with Attacks) - Inspiration

Hope this hepls
How does this build hold up against bosses such as Sirus and Uber Elder. Can this build do HoGM

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