An extensive guide on Chaos-DoT Spells ft. ED, Bane & Co [3.14 rdy]
" Your Jewel: damage * 1.1 * 1.1 = damage * 1.21 (but if and only if your character is otherwise totally naked,which is unrealistic) All types of increased damage on your char are added together to a single multiplier. All types of damage over time multiplier are added together to a different single multiplier. A finished character will accumulate a lot of increased damage and some dot multi. If I take an old character of mine, that was 300% increased damage and 100% dot multi. This results in Total damage = base dot * 4 * 2 * all the other stuff If you now look at how further damage boosts will affect this character, you get this equation: 10% more damage = 40% increased damage = 20% dot multi These values hugely depend on your gear, tree and all other stuff. As a rule of thumb, take this equation. To know for real, check PoB on your char. "Increased AoE is great quality of life because you have more AoE. In most (all?) cases, aoe damage does not affect your dot dps at all! This is because most skills apply a debuff to all enemies in an area and the debuff deals damage. This is unfortunately (and strangely) something else than an area dealing damage. Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance.
- John Oliver Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ |
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Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for clarifying, and thanks again for the great guide!
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i look in here occasionally, i love ur chaos caster thread mate.
Ive had an essence drain witch since ED was added to the game, and it became my favourite character. bane really steps up that area of builds, even with the vixen gloves nerf i think bane + ed is still really fun. i use an occultist, because of course i use occultist, shes the best for everything, even when she isnt. but in this case shes not only the best but she actually is really the best too imo. Ill link my setup for how i build mine if its of interest to any chaos spell enthusiasts out there, im always happy to see how other people are doing it too if others want to show their setups. ive not rly looked at many builds so i dunno whats the best way to make these chaos casters, ive just sort of done my own thing since day 1 when the skill came out and im still pretty much doing the same thing.
current lvl99 tree 14,500 energy shield 21,000 evasion Bane dot: 836,500 ED dot: 1,173,000 its always phased and has piercing projectiles, 20% proj avoid and some dodge with the belt + boots combo. I sometimes have wither totems and sometimes the bane totem just to slow mobs down for blights etc, theyre kind of more of an agro diversion than anything tbh when u got withering presence. I love all you people on the forums, we can disagree but still be friends and respect each other :) Last edited by Snorkle_uk#0761 on Feb 5, 2021, 10:29:03 PM
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The guide is 3.14 rdy (which isn't saying much except that I read the patchnotes and stated that nothing changed for cdots while many other builds got slight nerfs and some builds got buffs).
I was kinda disappointed that Vaal Blight got no love (that was something I wanted to build my league starter around). gl&hf in Ultimatum :) Let tomorrow be about solutions. Today is about vengeance. - John Oliver Had a Chaos-DoT-Caster-guide for any class, then 2021 patches happened^^ Last edited by Lightelder#6734 on Apr 14, 2021, 1:09:32 PM
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