ShakCentral’s Vortex Occultist: Beginner-Oriented | All Content | Budget | HC, SSF, & Console
" Im working on recording one currently. I was actually hoping to have it up last night but Shaper cut my influence in half twice and I got frustrated and went to bed. I've gotten him before with this build; video should be up soon. Cold DoT For Everyone:
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First time PoE player here. I am enjoying the game and your guide a lot, thanks for all the effort put in! I am currently at the start of Act 6 and have some general questions regarding gearing while leveling. I assume these are quite generic questions but please bear with me ;) You write that while leveling one should find upgrades to gear quite regularly, but I seem to have trouble with that. I.e. my main problem in following the suggested gem loadout is finding any/enough 4L gear, let alone in the correct colors. As an example I am pretty sure I have not been able to upgrade my shield for 3 acts, just because I did not find anything with 3B. I general I have trouble evaluating gear. What should be the main focus for choosing new gear while leveling? Since my resitances suck, I assume it's something like Gems > resistances > other stats? But what other stats are even important or what are good resistance stats to aim for. Also, I realized that I am having problems using all the G skills in the build since my dex is not high enough. To sumrise, my main question, is how do I go about gearing up at this point. Is there someplace to farm, or should I try crafting or buying things? Thanks a lot! | |
I do not understand this part of the leveling guide in Act 1:
" Where am I supposed to place the portal? Thanks. |
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Is there a mapping setup? The circle is very small for fast clearing
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For some reason my notifications stopped showing new comments. Apologies to the last 3 people; I'd have responded sooner if I knew the comments existed.
Welcome to PoE! So cool to see new console players showing up on the forums!
When looking for gear, remember that socket colors are preferenced toward their stat and defense. As an example, Spirit Shields are all Energy Shield, and naturally tend toward blue sockets. Therefore, it's trivially easy to use chromatic orbs and color any 3-linked Spirit Shield into a BBB. Same goes for red sockets in Armor gear and green in Evasion. By Act 6, you should be seeing very regular 4-linked gear. Make sure your loot filter isn't too strict, and look for 4-linked gear in Intelligence/ES bases than you can chromatic orb to BBBB or BBBG easily. As for gear stats, you want life, and you want resists. Anything else is pure bonus. The damage for spells scales with the gem level much more than your gear (opposite is true for attacks), so you can keep plenty of damage with no real gear bonuses. You just want to be survivable. Stack that life and resists! For dexterity, your amulet and rings can provide a big bonus. Try to get a Jade Amulet and roll or craft more dex onto it. That should help keep you good for a while. Enjoy! Elertar
There are 2 doorways to find in Submerged Passage. One leads to the Flooded Depths, which is a dead-end zone with a boss at the end that you can kill for a free skill point. The other leads to The Ledge, which is the progression zone where you want to go.
There is a set of stairs that always spawns in the Flooded Depths. These stairs always lead to the Ledge, and the Flooded Depths is always before the stairs. If you happen to find the Flooded Depths before you find the stairs, drop a TP so you can easily return and kill the crab without hitting a dead end and having to re-run the Passage. If you find the stairs, drop the TP there for the same reason. Japan
You could always swap the 4th/5th/6th link for Inc AoE while mapping if desired. I haven't found it to be necessary with good targeting of Cold Snap.
Cold DoT For Everyone:
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Thanks a lot for your reply!
Your section on gearing makes a lot of sense, for some reason I was trying to go about the other way, looking for the right gem colors and links first and then crafting good stats on to it. So your advice is great and something that'll be useful far out of the context of this guide! :-) Thanks a lot again, "unfortunately" I'm out of town, put I'll put everything to use when I return! | |
Hey man I'm the guy from Reddit, would love you to look at my char and see where I should go about upgrading. AFter buying a cheap 6l I'm at like 15C but am now mapping and gaining currency. Clearning up to lvl 4 maps quite easily.
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You're going to quickly come to a progression issue until you make the change to Chaos Innoculation. From your current position, I would continue to run low-tier maps and generate currency. You can clear up to red-tier maps on a 4-Link, so your goal should be to find good Energy Shield gear to make the swap. You can either craft them yourself using the guide, or buy some very cheap ES and resists gear to get started. Get your Uber Lab done ASAP. Not only does this make you freeze/chill immune, it increases both your damage and your defense significantly. Finally, once your gems hit level 20, vendor them with a gemcutters prism to receive a 20% quality, level 1 gem. Have fun! Cold DoT For Everyone:
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hey im following your poe guide (long guide) and am near reaching point where I assume you respec a lot of talents and reform tree. I cant find in guide any information on this, like when exactly to do it etc. I am building with the passives you display in the pictures per act tier, but then realized the full passives you take are different. Should I do first maps with the leveling build or switch to CI right after a10 kitava? Just trying to not mess up! love the guide !
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Your profile is private, so I can't see your characters, but yes, there is a point at which you will want to swap from a life-based build to an Energy Shield build. If you've saved the respec points that you receive during the campaign, the cost of re-speccing is reduced, but if not you can famr until you can trade or find enough regret orbs. Check out the trees in the PoB code; there's a tree for swapping to Chaos Innoculation as early as level 70, and one for staying life-based until level 80 or higher. Eventually you want to transition from life to ES, and you want to do that at one time.
As far as knowing when you should switch over, check out the Ultra Budget section in the gearing guide. As long as you can cap resists and you can hit 6k or higher Energy Shield (7k preferred), you can easily start clearing maps with the ES build. Plug the gear you currently have or are saving for the transition into PoB to check what your ES will be. Thanks! Cold DoT For Everyone:
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