ShakCentral’s Vortex Occultist: Beginner-Oriented | All Content | Budget | HC, SSF, & Console

Another question for you. Why do we have Arcane Surge Support linked to Flame Dash? I have them both at level 17 currently, and I pretty much never trigger Arcane Surge. AS triggers at 252 mana spent and FD only costs 32 mana. Are we triggering it some other way? Or is there some other benefit I'm not seeing?
Zereshkk wrote:
Another question for you. Why do we have Arcane Surge Support linked to Flame Dash? I have them both at level 17 currently, and I pretty much never trigger Arcane Surge. AS triggers at 252 mana spent and FD only costs 32 mana. Are we triggering it some other way? Or is there some other benefit I'm not seeing?

The benefit is in having Arcane Surge at the correct level. The gem information will tell you how much mana it takes to trigger Surge, and you want Flame Dash to trigger it every single time. This means your Arcane Surge will be somewhere around level 4-7.
Cold DoT For Everyone:
Similar to my last question, your PoB for lvl85 and 100 use Immortal Call (3) and Increased Duration - both of which have a STR requirement higher than covered with the items/passives. What's a good way to clear those requirements? I already have some STR mods on my gear, and I used the +30 passive point - can't quite seem to break 100 STR though. Even the weapons listed in the PoB have a higher STR requirement than covered.

(I decided to just keep Phase Run underleveled to avoid needing 155 Dex)
Last edited by Zereshkk#3542 on May 24, 2019, 2:16:59 PM
Zereshkk wrote:
Similar to my last question, your PoB for lvl85 and 100 use Immortal Call (3) and Increased Duration - both of which have a STR requirement higher than covered with the items/passives. What's a good way to clear those requirements? I already have some STR mods on my gear, and I used the +30 passive point - can't quite seem to break 100 STR though. Even the weapons listed in the PoB have a higher STR requirement than covered.

(I decided to just keep Phase Run underleveled to avoid needing 155 Dex)

You'll likely just need higher Tier STR rolls on gear. There's no real secret to it; one of the hardest things to do in this build is keep your gear solid and meet the attribute requirements. Depending on which league I'm playing and my budget, I've taken slightly worse gear in the past to get the STR I needed.

I wish I had a magic cure, but I don't :(
Cold DoT For Everyone:
Brand new to PoE and really appreciate your work here in making the game more accessible to a newcomer. It seems like the Pastebin, image, and leveling guide all have different skill allotments, am I looking at it wrong or is there a different purpose for each one?

Thank you again!
NoSignToLife wrote:
Hey,first of all great guide and the build seems super fun. There is Just one thing i think i did wrong. Im trying to make this as a normal CI but when i do i have so much unreserved Mana+reduced Mana from skilltree so i think im Missing an Aura. Rn i run blasphemy+enfeeble and discipline, should i run malevolence as well? Or hatred?Cant seem to figure this one Out,sorry!

try running male+disc first. with additional mana, run aspect of the spider. this setup would probably be best. I personally would not run blasphemy + (anything) as I have better uses for that mana. I apply frostbite curse via my wep, so I do not use a blasphemy curse. you only add hatred if you have a aul's with malevolence. but given its cost, I rather go LL with a shav (having used the aul's myself, I find it easier to get the dps boost via shav's LL).
tmddkdlel wrote:
i don't understand that why recommend shaper- tiger hook

particularly, your recommend mod not include shaper :(

no hard and fast rules. see what you can get. you could try aiming for something like this
Korhal is the real MVP! I've had some limited time lately to answer questions as we've expanded our family irl a bit. Thank you for stepping in and answering some of the questions! Greatly appreciated.
Cold DoT For Everyone:
Shakker12 wrote:
Korhal is the real MVP! I've had some limited time lately to answer questions as we've expanded our family irl a bit. Thank you for stepping in and answering some of the questions! Greatly appreciated.

no problem. glad to help another vortex player. I like answering build specific questions that are more specific to end game content ;)

I have been playing Enki Arc build as I liked the format for new players. That is why I have decided to give this build a go and I am having fun so far. It is wierd feeling as I am jumping into packs and crazy mayhem rare monsters + chest monsters and somehow I don't die. It is strange feeling after playing other builds and being afraid of everything (I play HC).

But anyway I wanted provide some feedback and/or maybe get answers to things that are still strange to me.

1. In Act 2 you take dual wielding node and you drop it very late, after Act 10. I am wondering why and if it wouldn't be better to spend those points somewhere else. I played with 2 wands but not sure if for HC having shield made more sense.

2. Leveling section is very good but sometimes I was missing what links I should go to, I had to figure out stuff from your section for links, but as I was playing as new character in Event league I didn't have much options for links and was not sure what is crucial and what is not. Act 6 for so many 4L was way to fast to me, I was not able to find that many items with links I need and didn't have enough currency to get them going.

3. Phase run, not sure why is that with CWDT link, is the idea for this to activate when we are being hit? why there is no level cap on it then? I don't really see use for it when using Flame Dash but again I never used Phase run before.

4. I am leveling storm brand, frost bomb and orb of storms but getting the needed crafting things seems impossible and so far at this time, especially multiple mods one that I am not sure if I will ever be able to use them as intended in this guide. I am not even sure how to get needed prophecies for that pale court thingy.

5. Why we use Vaal Cold snap? I managed to get it now but the vaal version doesn't seem needed, everything dies with use of vortex and cold snap (at least not yet I'm in act 7)

6. I constantly have issues with Mana, and I only use discipline aura, I was wondering if it is because I constantly mash Vortex, cold snap, frost bomb, flame dash and that is not a way this build is intended to be played...

Thanks for the build so far I have a lot of fun and didn't die yet ;)

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