3.6.3b Patch Notes

finally essence and fossil on synthesis , now make it possible to connect memories without having to walk to them plzzz
Ahh, it's over... My sun... it's setting... It's dark, so dark...
Essences are overdue but better late than never. It will unlock some very interesting possibilities.

Sad to see abysses go from stable memories but I agree they were badly bugged. Maybe consider adding packs of Abyss monsters instead of actual abysses, with some chance for them to drop Abyss jewels and a much lower chance to drop Stygian Belts.
Le Toucan Will Return
Add abyss, then remove? I'm assuming there's a good reason for this.

As far as the bestiary fix goes, when are we going to get an intuitive list of Beast/Recipe tooltips we can use in the managerie? Seems to me that league went core as an afterthought, and hasn't been touched since.

Also, a stash in the menargerie would be extremely useful. Please.

If this game is going to be even remotely friendly to new players, beast recipes need to be addressed. Right now it is a mysterious mechanic with a daily mission *no-one* understands. New players using important beasts in flask recipes should not be possible. Hell, I played the league and I still dont know what the hell im doing with them half the time.

As far as the rest of the new master system goes, Incursion, Zana, Niko, and Betrayal are working fine for me since the new fixes.

It was a big core mechanic revamp, and I understand GGG can't make everything happen all at once, but Bestiary being the oldest of these league mechanics - and still not done - I would like to call some attention to its shortcomings before the game moves onto newer and greater things, and it is left as a broken, used up, sad version of Nicholas Cage showing up to the Oscars with some riddiculous nomination like "Hey good for you, you made it to the Oscars - but Leaving Las Vegas was years ago, and the rest of your movies suck. So sit down, and wait for us to deal with everything else. Then go home."

I dont understand how Nicholas Cage is even an actor, and I really am sorry about comparing Bestiary league to it, because I think it's really cool - from a crafting standpoint its so useful and awesome- even from a monetary point of view, people who don't engage in the mechanic end up overpaying for certain recipes. And that is why I feel bad about my comparison.

Also i realise that i am using run-on sentences and beginning some of my sentences with "And" which is a big no-no as far as grammar is concerned. i really hope this is the furthest extent of my offences. (except for that lower-case i back there, caught that)

Peace Bex. Please dont be mad at me, I love your game, GGG. I dont want to sound like some drunk PoE player on the forums ranting about stuff no-one else cares about. Please validate my existence with a patch note.
Still suffering from the movement stuttering that only appeared for me this league. Would love for you guys to fix this so playing any build that doesn't make heavy use of a movement skill doesn't feel absolutely terrible. RIP Movement speed.
LUL 4 weeks in still no Intervention freezing fix.
the crafters will be happy at least.
Can you guys add in something to address that without Synthesis(aka Standard Leagues), it is literally impossible to maintain high tier map supply? In Synthesis, map drops can be maintained by memories. But Standard doesn't have this and map drops have absolutely PLUMMETED since 3.6 .
Why are you removing abyuss? It was fine in memories.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Pallumx wrote:
Essences and Fossils can now be used on Fractured Items.

Should've been fixed first week...

lmao thought it was intentional
Buff life on the right side of the tree! Just a little! Pretty Please!
Why are you removing abyuss? It was fine in memories.

On reddit 2/3 people encountered a bug with abyss

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