So after killing shaper and some more this league I thought I try the PS4 Version AND.......

Aim_Deep wrote:
Chris claims you'd quit game too fast if not tedium filled bullshit in trade manifesto. I think just opposite and trade has lead many to leave. Obv they *now* think so too with console Ah implementation. Bring it to PC please.

Uh no.

The implementation on consoles is much easier for closing the trade but much, much, much worse when it comes to finding the right item.

Had they kept the easy searching the PC version has, and made the closing of the trade easier you would have a point. But they didn't, so you don't.
Why choose which trade system is better if we can implement both?

Retain the old system & sites for those who wants to trade the "old ways" & wants to find specifics on their trade. At the same time implement the "console version of trade" aswell for those who wants to quick trade generic items like maps & currency.

I don't see any technical issue implementing both since the seller still has the last say to accept or deny the trade in both system.

Everybody wins.
"A game IS supposed to waste your time but it's not supposed to make you FEEL like you're wasting your time:
It's supposed to make you WANT to waste your time."
Did OP just say that more ppl play consoles than PC? Yeah i don't think so ... and when it comes to an ARPG, i prefer my mouse and keyboard to the dodgy controls of a controller. PC > consoles anyday... but if you like it, go for it! To each, their own.
codetaku wrote:
Gissur wrote:
Did you try it on console? WHoever dont believe this have not played it on console.

The game currently on console is as it should be on the PC.

The trading alone is worth the transition from PC to Console.

You have no characters higher than level 92, ever.

In fact, from looking at your gear, I'm not sure you've ever even worn a 6-link other than a Tabula.

So I'm pretty sure you have no idea what trade even looks like when you're optimizing a build after 100 hours on a single character in a league.

You can't search for reasonable incremental upgrades on console, at all. You can get uniques via noticeboards and otherwise just have to wade through entire mountains of shit to find anything.

I killed shaper at level 90 this season on my trickster, then moved to slayer to use the weapon.

First: What does this has to do with anything, you do realize I have primarily been playing leagues, and earlier hardcore.
I dont spend time in softcore and as such I wont have any level 100 character.

This season my trickster was level 92 with a few shaper kills within a week, then I moved over to slayer and had a blast.

But the issue is the latency, freezes etc.

Actually, not even sure why I respond to this as it has nothing to do with the original post.

The point here is Console have far smoother gameplay and above all, a fully functioning auction house you can reach from anywhere, anytime.

I like doing Maps, the occational Delve but personally I enjoy mapping and thats what I do.

snp_deimos wrote:
xMustard wrote:
no more need to leave maps, nexus, delve, etc in order to sell. and no more waiting for people to never respond when trying to buy

On XB, you are notified during gameplay of trade offers accepted/received, but you do need to leave the map, delve etc in order to complete a transaction.

The system is nice and simple, but searching for specific features on a specific item can take a minute to sift through on the boards.

It is a simple and clean system though.

This is what I did as well but then I realized you dont need to.

You can find the market place under options, check if you see it.

I didnt realize this until i started doing maps I been running back and forth to the trading boards, and tried finding a way to build it inside my hideout, until I found the option to reach it under options menu.

And I have picked up currency from trades inside maps, and placed it in trade so it should work on Xbox as well.
I've considered getting a ps4 for my kids and I was considering trying out the poe on there. I still don't know if I will get one or not but your post makes me want to at least try poe if I get them a ps4.

I really like Path of Exile.
After spending alot of time with Diablo 3 earlier and grim dawn.

I revisited Path of Exile last 2 seasons ago. Prior to this I played hardcore ladders when the invasion came out and yeah, average level 30 before rip haha.

For me on Console, it was more or less accident.

My son was away, POE had arrived and I thought, why not install just to check, I have invested too much on the PC version, there is no way I move to console.

I started a character, played for a bit and at first felt clunky but once that hurdle was past, and once I realized how trading worked, and above all, No freezing screen when syndicate shows up etc.

I mean...the entire package. Try it, its for free anyway.

Once you want to do maps however or other end game content you kind of need to invest a little for atleast a quad stash pack and a currency tab.
codetaku wrote:
Gissur wrote:
Did you try it on console? WHoever dont believe this have not played it on console.

The game currently on console is as it should be on the PC.

The trading alone is worth the transition from PC to Console.

You have no characters higher than level 92, ever.

In fact, from looking at your gear, I'm not sure you've ever even worn a 6-link other than a Tabula.

So I'm pretty sure you have no idea what trade even looks like when you're optimizing a build after 100 hours on a single character in a league.

You can't search for reasonable incremental upgrades on console, at all. You can get uniques via noticeboards and otherwise just have to wade through entire mountains of shit to find anything.

Have to reply again to this cause this kind of posts upsets me.

First: I deleted a handful of characters since as you can see its pretty filled. Alot of low, mid leveled characters dead in old hardcore ladder during invasion league. I came back end of Delve league on my chieftain.

But to react to your actual post, again.

Why are you being somewhat hateful on a forum and coming on with completely off topic insights.
So what if someone that is only new player would write this, does it matter?
The core of the context was the smoother graphics with no stutter and freeze. An ingame working auction house etc.

Grow up and stop being an A hole to others on forums and in real life.
xMustard wrote:
damn, you actually get notified about bids and such? thats amazing.

yes sorting through the shit is definitely a bit awkward, for console trading, but its just a much better system already.

i mean i just helped my buddy a bit. we both had no idea how trading on consoles worked, because trading on PC is so fucking dumb. but i told him if you want to sell something you can make a public party at this noticeboard - he went there and opened it and we saw the trade. i was immediately like - uhhh - what the fuck? why does this not exist on pc?? lol

You dont even need to go to the trade board in cities.

Its under options menu.

I mean press Options and one of the "options" is Market place or whatever name it now has.

And yes pop ups during gameplay with Item, how much you listed it for, and their offer. And you can take 5 seconds of your map time to accept or reject and even pick up the currency from the trade, in game.
Same goes for items you put in offers for.

Its smooth as silk and an absolute game changer.

Ontop of this the gameplay is in general better, a little more clunky at first with things and getting the hand of moving around menus, passives. Its sure easier with mouse and keyboard but they did a good job to make it very easy once you know the mechanics.

Dont get me wrong here Im no Pro Console player.

I just had so much issues on the PC with POE from this season it was getting boring.

I downed shaper a few times and I I had enough with that, rolled a slayer to use the starforge weapon I found after downing shaper and that was nice but again....1 minute loading into oriath with a potential crash, frozen screens when syndicate shows up.
None of that on console version.
personally I dont mind Im a league player anyway so starting over was easy and by the time I reached end game on console I already had half my gear.
Its always nice to start over.
rahven32 wrote:
Gissur wrote:

...You need PS4 Plus to play POE online. Since without PS4 Plus you cant play online on the PS4, very simple, and its obviously account bound...

I mention this cause you wont have people creating an account to do some shady stuff, since that will cost atleast a 1 month subscription and a possible ban, and a potential ban of your entire PS4 account...

I haven't tried it personally but from what I hear is that is a glitch and you don't need PS4+

You can play the game without PS4 Plus this is correct.
But you wont get the online community perks meaning, as far as Im aware, you cant trade.

It will be SSF without PS4 plus and none SSF with PS4 plus, to put it more into perspective.
snp_deimos wrote:
Asmosis wrote:
Do you have bots on console versions?

Not something i ever looked into. bot farms on consoles? can you emulate and stuff?

If its a bot free environment, then sure go nuts. You need compensations for the fact your playing it on a console.

Not sure about bots on XB. There are market players, but imo seems to stabilize trade a bit around rational purchase prices.

The flipside to consider is that with far fewer players, the quantity of top tier items is in higher demand, especially early in a league. Pricing seems to loosely mirror pc trade value but a lot of times you can spot a deal.

What is nice is searching for the item you want, listed at the price you can afford, commiting currency to the trade and either recieving the item or receiving a rejection notice. No meeting in hideouts or chat negotiations needed. %95 of the the time that match the asking bid you'll get the item.

I like the trade system. But the performance on PC is miles ahead.

Performance on PS4 Pro and Xbox X is ahead of even the heavy duty pcs on the market today.
There is no OS and other software factor to consider.

So yes your graphics will be slighly ahead if you sit on a 5000£ rig compared to a 300£ console.
But if you got a 2000£ rig the Consoles pull ahead.

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