Update about Synthesis League Changes

What good are all the updates if the game is unplayable. Check the forums and see how many hundred posts there are concerning frame drops and lag. How about fixing these first?
It seems that GGG is unable to create the league which would keep people interested. Statistics are merciless - you can check: https://steamcharts.com/app/238960
The new league exists only 2 weeks and now there is around 50% people lost in comparison to first days. I guess that if there would be removed players which do not play seasonal leagues and just continuously enjoy permanent Standard league, then pure Synthesis league statistics would be far worst.
Maybe it is time for GGG to consider a different approach to the market and to idea how to keep a high number of people more interested for long time? Maybe a new league with handicapped mechanics and full of bugs, released every 3 months is not the correct way to make people happy? Unhappy players are lost players. Lost players = lost money.
In my opinion it would be worth to consider something that would add some kind of highly challenging eng-game play. Maybe temporary events in the standard league, lasting few weeks or just weekends? Maybe it would be interesting to create some kind of powerful Raid Bosses, where there would be required to arrange a higher number of people (few full parties)? Just some ideas... Obliviously challenging things must be rewarding, otherwise they are ignored as an annoying waste of time. This happened to things like Overmind fight - I have seen some statistics from Betrayal showing that only few percent of players even tried to deal with that boss. This case was the perfect example of worthless waste of time - heavy fight with bad reward. Synthesis is some kind of similar waste - not comfortable planning of memory path with always missing memory fragments, to obtain pathetic rewards.
Excellent analysis
Mark___75 wrote:
It seems that GGG is unable to create the league which would keep people interested. Statistics are merciless - you can check: https://steamcharts.com/app/238960
The new league exists only 2 weeks and now there is around 50% people lost in comparison to first days. I guess that if there would be removed players which do not play seasonal leagues and just continuously enjoy permanent Standard league, then pure Synthesis league statistics would be far worst.
Maybe it is time for GGG to consider a different approach to the market and to idea how to keep a high number of people more interested for long time?

If you look at the chart you linked over a period of past years, it shows PoE has had an increasing number of players over time, beyond the hype and lows of any league starts, so it seems they're doing just fine overall.

Frenchornsdad wrote:
Excellent analysis

See above
Ashriel wrote:
No mention of getting more pieces to place at a time.

No mention of rotating pieces, so even though the bias will go up, we'll still be skipping memory activation. A lot.

No mention of getting rid of decay, or decaying memories.

No mention of why there are 2- and 3-count decay memory pieces. Why are they not all 3 if you are insistent on keeping decay?

No mention of how ridiculously overcomplicated and convoluted the crafting system this league is (boils down to good bases, regals, annuls, and bench crafting, but wrapped in a fustercluck that only GGG can produce).

You sure you guys have heard the feedback?

xConstantinex wrote:
Mark___75 wrote:
It seems that GGG is unable to create the league which would keep people interested. Statistics are merciless - you can check: https://steamcharts.com/app/238960
The new league exists only 2 weeks and now there is around 50% people lost in comparison to first days. (...)

If you look at the chart you linked over a period of past years, it shows PoE has had an increasing number of players over time, beyond the hype and lows of any league starts, so it seems they're doing just fine overall.

It is correct - till release of Betrayal. Betrayal first days were record ones: 123,462 players. This is nice result, but far, far away from games created by more experienced companies. Blizzard has millions of players after new a game release on the market - it is possible. For example Hearthstone (just an example game, why it should be better than PoE?). The game launched in 2014 - in February 2015 there was 25 000 000 player and in November 2018 players count exceeded 100 000 000 (I know - not everybody is still playing). Diablo 3 usually had around 2,000,000 players a long time after its release (and this game is far worst than PoE!).

And... this 123,462 players result is a reason to shame... because after 2 months of Betrayal league there were only around 30,000 players left... a quarter, later result was even worst - number of players was around 12,000 - it is poor 10% of maximum peak and... this is even not a half of a number comparing to previous periods of last few weeks before the league is ended. It looks like a massive disappointment. Current Synthesis league will not be better. I would expect players count below 10,000 in May.
I would say: big expectations and a failed delivery...
Last edited by Mark___75#6278 on Mar 25, 2019, 6:55:40 PM
Hey, I've been wondering: what will happen to exisiting memories when the after the update?
Will they, or the modifiers get deleted? Or will we be able to place the new mods on top of the old ones?
Mark___75 wrote:
xConstantinex wrote:
Mark___75 wrote:
It seems that GGG is unable to create the league which would keep people interested. Statistics are merciless - you can check: https://steamcharts.com/app/238960
The new league exists only 2 weeks and now there is around 50% people lost in comparison to first days. (...)

If you look at the chart you linked over a period of past years, it shows PoE has had an increasing number of players over time, beyond the hype and lows of any league starts, so it seems they're doing just fine overall.

It is correct - till release of Betrayal. Betrayal first days were record ones: 123,462 players. This is nice result, but far, far away from games created by more experienced companies. Blizzard has millions of players after new a game release on the market - it is possible. For example Hearthstone (just an example game, why it should be better than PoE?). The game launched in 2014 - in February 2015 there was 25 000 000 player and in November 2018 players count exceeded 100 000 000 (I know - not everybody is still playing). Diablo 3 usually had around 2,000,000 players a long time after its release (and this game is far worst than PoE!).

And... this 123,462 players result is a reason to shame... because after 2 months of Betrayal league there were only around 30,000 players left... a quarter, later result was even worst - number of players was around 12,000 - it is poor 10% of maximum peak and... this is even not a half of a number comparing to previous periods of last few weeks before the league is ended. It looks like a massive disappointment. Current Synthesis league will not be better. I would expect players count below 10,000 in May.
I would say: big expectations and a failed delivery...

I think not all players log in with steam? Does it count standalone client players?
Last edited by Revenga#1841 on Mar 25, 2019, 8:26:32 PM
Sorry Bex nothing is going to save Synthesis. It will go down in the lore as the worst league.

The sad part is that many of the same problems that have been stated over and over again by the community are still popping up.

You people at GGG know GOOD AND WELL that Path of Exile players love our fast gameplay. Yet, in an incredibly selfish move, another league is released that slows down the game and introduces a clunky mechanic that many have already abandoned. Who wants to stare at a board and move puzzle pieces around for shit loot? Sounds like Chris came up with this based on the development videos and just forced it on us. Well, it failed - what did you expect? Seems obvious that you don't care - slow the game down...restrict things that people actually like -DELVE- and then sit back and sell whatever that pack is called 'Glitter whatever'. Hmmmmmmmmm...

Please abandon this and release a flashback league! You can't fix synthesis! The core mechanic is SLOW and boring!

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