[3.7] Ball Lightning Elementalist - Comfortable, safe, scales well. Simply enjoying your balls.
i'm lost. Between stuff/gems and decription of the gameplay, i dont see what is the thing to have. I have : shield :clarity lvl1 + wave of conviction lvl 7 + cwdt lvl1 shoes : immortal call lvl3 + cwdt lvl1 + culling strike lvl7 + light golem lvl3 => so the goal is to proc golem or i need to proc golem myself ? id dont understand thos mechanic on boots. wand : conductivity + curse on hit + healrd of thunder => is it good ? so cwdt has to stay lvl 1? clarity too ? in video, i see others skills, so i'm lost too thanks for your help, build and generosity Last edited by samycaz#1280 on Jun 27, 2019, 5:48:41 AM
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what are the most important links to prioritize before you've gotten a 5 or 6l?
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" I've got a nicely tanky version that's kicking ass in great safety. I picked up Phase Acrobatics and the Omeyocan unique boots; with this build's huge mana pool, that gives me 60% attack dodge and 50% spell dodge. You need to give up some damage from the passive tree to make that work, but it's worth the trade. You also need some source of life leech, since this build has very little regen. I got mine from the Lab boots enchant. I sacrificed even more damage for extra life nodes, which help compensate for the fact that my build uses mostly uniques without flat life. I'm making up the lost damage with the new Pledge of Hands. It feels terrible unless you stack a ton of cast speed (I have 125% in total), but with that cast speed, Greater Spell Echo's massive damage and AoE bonuses turn Ball Lightning into pure death. All of that said, I don't think this build is a good fit for Legion HC. The Legion mobs are simply too rippy for a build with low physical and chaos resist (like this one) to be death-proof. My version is very safe and powerful, but if I get a string of big hits all at once (from mobs like Maraketh archers or leap-slamming Legion sergeants), I can still get burst down. My PoB (level 88): https://pastebin.com/5Cu7axaP Edit: I finally got enough strength to add Lv20 CWDT + Lv20 Steelskin to my build. It adds another layer of damage soak that really helps against big hits which get past my dodge. I highly recommend this to anyone wanting a HC or tanky SC build. Edit 2: This build is fantastic for mapping and end-game bosses. Shaper simply melts. With >120% cast speed, Pledge of Hands + Spell Echo is fast enough to be safe; I disagree with other posters saying it's unduly dangerous. You just need to get that cast speed high enough. High move speed, solid clearspeed, good mitigation, good eHP and in-combat sustain, and massive damage. Level 92 PoB: https://pastebin.com/i0nUDebd Last edited by MasterAaron01#0493 on Jul 19, 2019, 8:43:40 PM
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Shield seems the way to go. Often feels like I am getting chunked or one shot quite easily, the issue of being forced to stand still with pledge really hurts during the legion encounters as well. I'd have to attribute over half of my deaths to being stun-locked by the spell echo from pledge of hands.
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" Hello there! Thanks for the post! May I ask you what kind of pantheons do you use? |
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" Conventionally defensive pantheons - Brine King for stun mitigation and chill resistance, Ryslatha for life flask sustain. However, you can tweak to your own preferences. Solaris is always a compelling major pantheon alternative. As for minors, Shakari mitigates chaos DoTs, which are one of the few dangerous non-one-shot mechanics for this build. If you don't feel the need for either Ryslatha or Shakari, Gruthkul (attack defense) or Garukhan (move speed) are solid choices. |
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Thank you for your detailed answer!
Best of Luck! |
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Is it able at 3.8 leauge? :)
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" Most likely, but author hasn't update PoB is what's bugging me. His PoB focuses on using Staff but his guide focus on wand + shield. Should I go staff or wand+shield??? |
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I indeed haven't played this league at all. Originally I went dagger + shield, because of safety. In 3.7 I turned to the new Pledge of Hands staff due to the buffs it received. All in all, looking back at THIS time, I'd go with the shield gameplay. I have no idea what additions were made to the game so I cannot comment on that. It's still up to you whichever you prefer.
The build should remain relevant simply due to how insane ball lightning is. 'You know why I enjoy Math? If something doesn't exist we simply create it.'
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