[FAQ] Speaker for the Dead | 74-minion Mass Summoner 💀

How are we certain that Chance to Bleed from gloves works with Lightning Orb? Is the spell converted into an attack via Charged Dash + Channel while Casting?
Onslaught League
IGN: Hanzn
@ Hanbanana:
Hanbanana wrote:
How are we certain that Chance to Bleed from gloves works with Lightning Orb? Is the spell converted into an attack via Charged Dash + Channel while Casting?

Spells cannot be converted into attacks. Charged Dash is what we use to inflict bleeding with the Chance to Bleed Support affix on our gloves. We only worry about applying bleed for Bloodlust against bosses.
What is the purpose of Generosity in the build? Can't run it at the same time as Hatred....so just curious why I would ever use it vs Hatred?
@ Staxed:
Staxed wrote:
What is the purpose of Generosity in the build? Can't run it at the same time as Hatred....so just curious why I would ever use it vs Hatred?

Generosity supports Hatred when linked to it. Generosity boosts all effects of Hatred on allies by 1.4x in exchange for making the aura no longer affect us personally (and up to 40% increased aura AOE with gem quality, too). Which is perfect, because we don't want Hatred to affect us. Since if it did, our attacks would deal cold damage, but we don't want that because we use the Elemental Equilibrium keystone.
Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on Apr 1, 2019, 3:35:50 PM
Hercanic wrote:

Hi, not sure what I'm doing wrong but as soon as I add empower into the mix the mana reservations for purity/agony aren't feasible. Agony is at 58% while purity is at 47% so I literally cannot run them both at the same time.

The sad part is my empower gem is only lvl 3 and I couldn't get my hands on a weapon that had +1 to socketed gems so if I we're to push this like the build suggests to a 4 empower and had the +5 total i'm not sure how i'd run both in that scenario either.

Perhaps lvl 68 is too low and I need more skill points? Any ideas?
@ mylesmack:
mylesmack wrote:
Hi, not sure what I'm doing wrong but as soon as I add empower into the mix the mana reservations for purity/agony aren't feasible. Agony is at 58% while purity is at 47% so I literally cannot run them both at the same time.

Rest of Post
The sad part is my empower gem is only lvl 3 and I couldn't get my hands on a weapon that had +1 to socketed gems so if I we're to push this like the build suggests to a 4 empower and had the +5 total i'm not sure how i'd run both in that scenario either.

Perhaps lvl 68 is too low and I need more skill points? Any ideas?

Too many mana multipliers. Each support gem affix on your weapon acts just like the gem itself, including its mana multiplier.

Empower = 125%

Added Fire Damage = 120%
Maim = 115%
Elemental Damage with Attacks = 140%

25% Agony reservation * 1.25 * 1.20 * 1.15 * 1.40 = 60.4% reservation

It'd be 48.3% without Empower; or 43% without Elemental Damage with Attacks.

You'll have to go without Empower until you can replace your weapon.

Last edited by Hercanic#3982 on May 19, 2019, 4:11:00 PM
quick question what is the final passive tree should look like
@ grubberry:
grubberry wrote:
quick question what is the final passive tree should look like

Main Guide -> "I Accept" -> EVERYTHING YOU NEED -> 3rd bullet point: Passive Tree #1. If you want more jewel sockets, look at Passive Tree #2. A level 100 character would just fill out with Life nodes.
Thanks for the nice guide - I'm a late bloomer this league and I'm using it as a league starter and I'm having a lot of fun! I've got some questions on the mechanics or the skills working together, though. I hope you don't mind these questions

1. Skeletons:
1.1 Vile Toxins: Synergies with Herald of Agony are obvious. Non-obvious to me is the "supported skills deal more damage with poison" - do our skeletons have a source of poison?
1.2 Melee Physical Damage Support: Again, there's some extra damage with poison - what's the Skeleton's source of poison? The bleeding part is moot if we have Bloodlust, correct?
1.3 Bloodlust: What are our sources of bleed on this build?

2. Zombies and Crawler:
2.1 Empower: Actually, I don't have empower yet. Is a Maim Support gem a vialble leveling alternative to fill this slot until I have a +1 level item and an Empower gem?
2.2 Maim: Regardless if by skill or affix - why do we use this? My understanding is that it serves both as a defensive (slowing down) and offensive (maimed take extra damage) and boosts our damage output of both zombies and crawler. Am I missing something here?
2.3 Herald of Agony: Are there any infos on what the crawler actually does somewhere?

3 Charged Dash/Ball Lightning
3.1 Ball Lightning: You wrote that you do not level Ball Lightning, so that the balls only serve as a vector for our poison and we dont have to worry baout reflect.
3.2 Cast While Channelling: We want to cast Ball Lightning often, so Level 20 makes sense here. On the other hand, Quality only adds damage which should be moot if we keep the ball lightning on lvl 1, correct? Or is the extra damage for charged dash a relevant thing?
3.3. Greater Multiple Projectiles. More levels add extra damage (to be precise, less reduction). Qauality adds extra attack speed and cast speed - does this have any effect on Ball Lightning (I assume not) or Charged Dash I assume this speeds some things up, but is cast speed for the Das really an issue?
3.4 Charged Dash: Do we actually used Charged Dash to deal damage or is it just a neat source of constant ball lightnings?

4 Shield Charge
4.1 Fortify: Extra Levels in Fortify grant more fortify duration - this is nothing I'd take extra STR nodes for, but this seems like some extra convenience. Also, it enhances the poison damage we deliver with shield bash (thanks to Herald of Agony). It seems to me that taking Fortify levels is benificial to the build.
4.2 Shield Charge: Is the physical damage anything to write home about? Or is this just movement/Holy Relic enabler/poison vector/fortify enabler
4.3 Faster Attacks. This speeds up movement, other support gems are less interesting?

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