The Glimmerwood Mystery Box

I have 3 huntsman auras and 2 madcap aura's in 10 chests, wtf do I do with those duplicates?
Lovely art has been put in to this , I appreciate it , as a fellow human being who loves psychedelics and a big fan of Psilocybin I truly am blessed to have it at a ridiculously synchronous time in my favourite game as well.

But I digress , I would like to mention a very important point that I think Many players here would agree on and discuss in the forums and that is having an option or a mechanic to do something with our duplicates , one example could be regaining 17-20 % of the price spent , which will be in this case 5-6 coins per duplicate which is quite reasonable and thus undoubtedly leading to attraction of more investors.

Another example could be a more strict option and that is a disenchanting system that could create residues or remnants which could be used for for that particular item 'type' (#numbers of wing residues could create x specific wing).

Anything would be an incredible step up to the current apparatus.

Much Love
Don't try to hold it, flow with it.
$600 on these loot boxes, and still no madcap wings. #feelsbadman, #scam
IGN: TitanVaolox
Bought 14 boxes.

2 x hunstman body armour
1 x hunstman boots
1 x hunstman hood
1 x hunstman hypnotic toad pet
1 x hunstman gloves

1 x madcap wings
1 x madcap character effect
2 x madcap gloves
1 x madcap aura
3 x madcap phase run
Last edited by IrishRoyal#4223 on May 9, 2019, 8:03:13 AM
Until what day will this box stay?
Too bad they can contain duplicates :C
that huntsman dagger skin works really bad with duelist, dont know about others.

looks like our cutting your throat all the time when you run forward...
Bolzei wrote:
So I bought boxes over boxes in hoping to get the mudcap wings - 83 in total. I got 7 Mudcap Body Armor but no Wings.
It realy feels like a ripoff!!!

I feel you and this RNG... I havenot got single Wings, and then I got like 5 madcap wings straight even I wanted something else I never got. :(
So as a test, i purchased about 60 boxes in total (1800 points = 180 USD). I got 3 combined effects, and only 1 of the two portals.

The portals is all i wanted :(

I was so bummed out i went to the drop chances of stuff in the box:

to get the combined portal you need approximately 300 boxes.

(20% chance for rare, so approximately you need 73 boxes to guarantee a portal).
To get the combined you need AT LEAST 2 times as that, depending on whether you get duplicates.

That is 4380 points in the BEST SCENARIO!, for a portal that will most likely be way way cheaper (400 max at start?)

So yeah, shitty odds really. Will not be buying mystery boxes again.
Rampage IGN: InsanityIsReversed
Last edited by martinooos#4832 on Jun 7, 2019, 8:42:52 AM

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