[3.9] Physical Conversion Bowyer | Wander [TS/LA/IS + Barrage] [KB + Power Siphon] [All Content]

oMySunshine wrote:
illmtk wrote:

You should really read his 'League Starter Guide'. It's really detailed and has an list of upgrades to follow.

Yes that's what I did, I had mostly the same gear as him too, until I hit a brick wall. Not sure what's the proper step to do now.

Ah I see. I was looking at your trickster and was confused by your gear and flask choices. FOr flasks, not sure what you were using before but Atziri's, Wise Oak, Taste of Hate, Dying sun are all good options.

Your skill tree is pretty unoptimized like going for Silent Step nodes and going Coldhearted Calculation instead of going north after Trickery. Not sure how your resists and intelligence stat is but once you get those sorted out, you can spec out of Survivalist and Wisdom of the Glade. All those freed up points can go into life (Written in Blood wheel) or damage.

Besides that you really need levels and gem levels and also at least the merc lab for the third set of points so you can spec out of 'Primal Spirit' for more free points
JohnnyDesolation wrote:
can anyone check my build and tell me what i'm doing wrong? i feel like my single target is extremely bad. (my characters are open on profile)

Im supprise that you feels like you single target is bad, i think you should be close to 2 mil shaper dps with that kind of gear, the only thing missing is a lot of attack speed on you jewels, and also the crit multi... Really try to get some jewels with : attack speed with wand or shield, crit multi and life... With a bit of patience i was able to get some for as cheap as 15c over a couple of days. This should push you to 3 mil dps and increase you life recovery by a lot. Your also missing 15% elemental penetraiton on the wand, thsi should helps..
Last edited by Country_Falls#5017 on Jun 24, 2019, 9:51:31 PM
oMySunshine wrote:
Hi there, I tried to follow your build to lvl 64 and I have some problems with damage and survivability. Sure the char is a bit undergeared and underleveled but I didn't think it would be that big of a problem for white maps. Clearing trash mobs feels decent but single target is a bit iffy, I can't hit fast enough to sustain life and I get oneshot pretty often. I tried HoI + Flesh n Stone + Dread Banner for survivability but then my damage is fucked.

Tried to use Poet's Pen but I don't think lvl 64 is good enough for it so I'm using a 200 pDPS wand instead, will try to upload PoB when possible, thanks. Also because I'm in a private league where gears are limited, which flasks should I use when starting out?

As you pointed out, you are still low level.. you should farm blood aquaduct until level 72 or even 77 if your in a league where the gear is limited.. Its going to give you time to gather some well needed gear to cap your resists and boost your dps. Then you should do merciles lab, its another easy way of getting a big damage upgrade... Then you can probably switch to the poet's pen. You also need to find some jewel with attack speed as mention on the leveling section.. You took Survivalist and Silent step in the tree that can be switched to jewel slot once you get more resist on you gear.. Also, having you kinetic blast in your tabula along with barrage should help for a while. Having them both as 5 links until you have better dps.. instead of cold penetration probably. You also need to use hybrid's truth amulet and activate precision aura.. thats a lot of crit chance an accuracy. Hope this helps you..
Last edited by Country_Falls#5017 on Jun 24, 2019, 9:50:48 PM
Well I thought I could look it up but I can't get the Pride jewel entered into pob.

5% chance to deal Double Damage
5% chance to deal Double Damage
+34 to Strength
20% increased Physical Damage

I get that out of it^

only thing I could get it to save to the jewel when editing was the strength mod and it dumped the 2 doubles and the % phys

seed # is 11418 if that helps any

Last edited by ssgtparker#4262 on Jun 24, 2019, 7:31:57 PM
Tried farming BA for level, got to 70, did my Merc lab and everything is pretty gucci, for now. I tried comparing my wand's DPS to Poet's Pen at lvl 90 and it shows that they have zero difference, should I keep my current wand then? What should I do about defenses? I'm thinking of dropping Hatred for Flesh n Stone (Blind) and Blasphemy Temp Chain with Phase Acro. Damage feels fine at T1-5 maps, hit chance is a bit iffy but I manage. Getting Wise Oak, Taste of Hate is quite difficult lol so I will stick to my utility flask for now.

Will try to push Shaper and Uelder if possible, please guide me.

Migrated to SC because classes start, no time to play private league. Got all 3 flasks, what do now boss? Having trouble with killing legion general, is +1 Barrage that big? If so I will prioritize it now

Last edit: will try to level up, follow league start guide and do uElder
Last edited by oMySunshine#7356 on Jun 25, 2019, 4:43:39 AM
demilios wrote:

Some of the passives are lit but icon not glowing as it should be, so I'm confused whether to go for those and also did you put a point in the Projectile Damage at the start? And also some skills are not activated per se even though the skill lines go past them.
Not very clear on how to proceed because I just came back to PoE after 2 years*, sorry if I'm inconveniencing you. (Not sure how many years it has been since the start of PoE, played for quite a bit then and stopped)

And which perk should I go for, for the Bandits quest for Act 2?

You want to go for Alira as the bandit reward. Also based on your picture the tree is perfectly normal. Yeah it can be hard to tell sometimes; the tree on the POB link might be easier to visualize. You should look closely at the nodes rather than the lines. I don't get why GGG decided to make the lines light up despite not having a node at the end of it. I wish they could make it more clear.

Also, it depends for the proj damage node. Most likely you won't take it unless you had an extra point to spare but no clusters you can finish. That %proj damage node is just a spot where you can temporarily spec in a spare point, but will eventually respec out of it once you have enough points to complete a node cluster. [/quote]

I don't really know how to access the Pastebin stuff, all random code to me
Last edited by demilios#1721 on Jun 25, 2019, 4:39:19 AM
oMySunshine wrote:
Tried farming BA for level, got to 70, did my Merc lab and everything is pretty gucci, for now. I tried comparing my wand's DPS to Poet's Pen at lvl 90 and it shows that they have zero difference, should I keep my current wand then? What should I do about defenses? I'm thinking of dropping Hatred for Flesh n Stone (Blind) and Blasphemy Temp Chain with Phase Acro. Damage feels fine at T1-5 maps, hit chance is a bit iffy but I manage. Getting Wise Oak, Taste of Hate is quite difficult lol so I will stick to my utility flask for now.

Will try to push Shaper and Uelder if possible, please guide me.

Migrated to SC because classes start, no time to play private league. Got all 3 flasks, what do now boss? Having trouble with killing legion general, is +1 Barrage that big? If so I will prioritize it now

Last edit: will try to level up, follow league start guide and do uElder

I mentioned in the league starter section that you should make the transition to wander at lvl 64 once youve unlocked hyrris truth. The reason I suggest lvl 64 is because you can use that amulet. Hyrri’s Truth gives a ton of flat and multi and lvl 21 precision which is what the build desperately needs at that point. I noticed you dont have that amulet in your setup. You should only use hatred and precision from the amulet and skip the herald for now if mana sustain is an issue. Your hit chance is important since its both dps and survivability. Wasnt expecting people to play this build in a pseudo ssf setting, so migrating to SC was your best bet if you want the least amount of struggle.

I dont have access to POB for the next week, so I cant offer any specific suggestions atm.

Wanders in general are not innately strong in dps and survivability. If they were, more people would play them. This means good damage and survivability comes primarily from optimization, which means every extra damage point and player level matters. This is why I painstakingly go in depth for every gear slot, to make sure every person following the guide can optimize as much as possible without feeling too overwhelmed. When I say to get a specific mod combination on a rare item or a specific unique item, or a specific gem setup or passive tree, it’s because that’s the best possible option available, and not doing so comes at a substantial cost.

If you want to push bossing, all I can say is this; reread my guide and reread it again and again so you have all the concepts/gear options virtually memorized/well understood. Everything you need to farm uber elder is on my guide. Follow my instructions on gearing accurately and don’t make your own adjustments bc 99% of the time it will end up being worse. I try my best to make nothing vague in my guide, everything is there. If you pay attention to my precise gearing instructions uber elder boils down to just practice.

Ive long given up trying to make wanders super tanky because every time I try, it ends up screwing the build over in a different way. We’re talking about a build based on the right side of the tree with low base damage relying on a single target skill that requires melee range facetanking. Trying to make the build super tanky comes at the cost of losing too much dps. For bosses like Uber Elder its more important to have enough defenses to survive and rely on your knowledge of mechanics and high enough dps to keep phases short. Thats a much more successful approach than trying to get more tankiness at the cost of handicapping your dps. If you want to die less, focus more on learning each boss mechanic, understanding which situations require kiting and which situations require facetanking. Learn which flask setup is best for which specific boss etc. The layers of defenses outlined in my guide is enough to consistently do any boss including uber elder and most map mod combinations assuming you have the end game setup. Before you get your end game gear, it wont feel too comfortable. You’ll just have to rely on changing up your playstyle and playing lower lvl content until you get all/most of the required gear and more levels. The only adjustments you should make in the meantime are all in the League start POB.

Flesh and stone is a bad idea. Blind is very easy to get; I emphasized several times in the jewel section to get blind on hit there. Doing this will cost you only one mod on an abyss jewel. What do you give up trying to get blind via flesh and stone? Hatred is pretty much the biggest damage boost outside of gems and flasks, and it enables you to reach 100% conversion without relying on shitty unique gloves when using Watcher’s eye. If you want to trade hatred for flesh and stone, thats giving up a ton of damage for barely anything. Also, if you looked at my league starter POB carefully, I picked nodes on the tree that give blind, bc Im aware not everyone will have a good abyss jewel at first.

As for poet’s pen, I know of someone who did uber elder the other day using end game gear + poets pen. Not saying that every person can pull that off but it goes to show that poets pen is a strong option and the wand slot might be the last one to fully upgrade. The main advantage of poet’s comes from frost bomb and proj weakness and a golem socketed in your wand. They will constantly be proccing which means you’re getting a ton of multipliers without any extra work. If u use a rare wand it requires a lot more tactics and learning when to deploy frost bomb. For poets you can mindlessly attack and frost bomb + curse will apply to everything. This is something that isnt well reflected in POB. Another thing is attack speed which plays a big role in life recovery. Your opal wand is a slow attack base so despite the dps being similar the attack speed and consequently the life recovery is lower.
Last edited by Enahkra#7073 on Jun 25, 2019, 6:27:30 AM
demilios wrote:
demilios wrote:

Some of the passives are lit but icon not glowing as it should be, so I'm confused whether to go for those and also did you put a point in the Projectile Damage at the start? And also some skills are not activated per se even though the skill lines go past them.
Not very clear on how to proceed because I just came back to PoE after 2 years*, sorry if I'm inconveniencing you. (Not sure how many years it has been since the start of PoE, played for quite a bit then and stopped)

And which perk should I go for, for the Bandits quest for Act 2?

You want to go for Alira as the bandit reward. Also based on your picture the tree is perfectly normal. Yeah it can be hard to tell sometimes; the tree on the POB link might be easier to visualize. You should look closely at the nodes rather than the lines. I don't get why GGG decided to make the lines light up despite not having a node at the end of it. I wish they could make it more clear.

Also, it depends for the proj damage node. Most likely you won't take it unless you had an extra point to spare but no clusters you can finish. That %proj damage node is just a spot where you can temporarily spec in a spare point, but will eventually respec out of it once you have enough points to complete a node cluster. [/quote]

I don't really know how to access the Pastebin stuff, all random code to me[/quote]

Everyone should learn how to use POB. I suggest u watch some youtube vids and learn how or else you will be severely handicapping your ability to play the gamr well. Its annoying to learn but its well worth it, especially for a build like this.
JohnnyDesolation wrote:
can anyone check my build and tell me what i'm doing wrong? i feel like my single target is extremely bad. (my characters are open on profile)

I don’t have access to POB atm so I cant really analyze your setup but based on a quick glance over your gear, I noticed you’re missing a mod on your wand, the %weapon damage penetrates 16% ele. This is a huge more multiplier that is absent from your wand for some unknown reason. The other thing are your jewels. You have a hypnotic and murderous with virtually no damage mods on them. A lot of ur jewels lack multi/attack speed. I noticed you’re using a staunching flask; in that case the corrupted blood immunity jewel is pointless. I also mention that lethal pride jewel is a powerful damage multiplier where u should try to aim for intimidate on hit/double damage etc. make sure your total cold conversion is 100%. I think that requires a watchers eye roll of 35%+.

A tip on jewel buying. Usually the mana gain on hit jewel you buy will be shitty, so try to get a mana on hit jewel with corrupted blood immunity implicit on it also just to get it over with. If you try to get corrupted blood immunity on one jewel and mana gain on hit on another jewel, most likely ull have 2 bad jewels instead of just 1 which is essentially what happened in your case. Dont underestimate the damage contribution from a good set of jewels since it usually makes up 30-50% of a wanders total damage. Im not sure how hard it is atm to get that type of jewel but it was possible a few weeks back.

Your gloves have an opportunity to give a ton of damage. I mentioned 28% damage during flask effect as the best prefix but u seemed to have preferred 28 flat life instead. Thats not an efficient tradeoff since 28% damage is way harder to acquire than 28 flat life. 28 flat life is worth less than 1 node on the tree. 28% damage is worth almost 2 nodes.

Also, how bad is your damage? Can you give an example such as “it takes 1 minute to kill minotaur” etc? That gives us more insight into how bad ur single target actually is rather than its just bad.

Next make sure it isnt an issue with your playstyle. Are you firing barrage prematurely and causing you to run out of mana? A lot of times if the damage is rlly bad its due to mishandling of barrage. Do you shield charge way too much before barraging? Remember that shield charge drains quite a bit of mana, if u use it several times in a row and then miss your first barrage volley your damage is fucked. U should use shield charge sparingly, mainly to proc fortify. Are you dropping frost bomb on top of the boss and making sure it hits the boss during the fight? If not, thats a huge loss of damage. Are you making sure blood rage is active during boss fights so u can take advantage of energy leech gem?

Also every level up to 95 makes a considerable difference in terms of damage.

Lastly, I advise against immortal call. Steelskin is way better. Dont use both. Just steelskin.
ssgtparker wrote:
Well I thought I could look it up but I can't get the Pride jewel entered into pob.

5% chance to deal Double Damage
5% chance to deal Double Damage
+34 to Strength
20% increased Physical Damage

I get that out of it^

only thing I could get it to save to the jewel when editing was the strength mod and it dumped the 2 doubles and the % phys

seed # is 11418 if that helps any


Wow thats an insane jewel; gz.

Also the corruption 30 qual doesnt stack unfortunately

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