Introducing the Unique Collection Tab

Where is the Fossils Tab? Come on.
Where is on Xbox ????????????????????????
Tnargav wrote:
"In addition to storing one of every unique item ..."
So we still need to store the rest in other tabs?

This tab holds almost 900 items. You can be salty if you want, but it's totally baseless.
This is a fantastic addition to the different tab options available.

I'm not sure I like the limit of one unique per slot though. Although this limit may be suitable to new leagues, in Standard League where a player may have multiple different Queen of the Forests and would like to use one to try out a new build, they would still have to find one in the plethora of tabs they have built up.
Kien wrote:
Unique tab is awesome!

Please add option to set default new league tab order so that I don't have to drag my unique/map/currency tabs every league through 80 premium tabs, to the left, at the beginning of the list.

Hey I think there's an option to right click a tab in the list to send it straight to the front :)
My hoarding self would buy this asap, but I made a decision not to further support GGG since the Tencent acquisition - and other things they later did just strenghtened that... so, as much as I'd love to get one, I'll pass.
"Metas rotate all the time, eventually the developers will buff melee"
PoE 2013-2018
Nice?!? I guess....

Definitely top contender for useless purchase noone needed.
BasicallyAnything wrote:
Tnargav wrote:
"In addition to storing one of every unique item ..."
So we still need to store the rest in other tabs?

This tab holds almost 900 items. You can be salty if you want, but it's totally baseless.
Not salty at all. Your post is "totally baseless".
Where is the possibility for people that are poor and can't work, not able to buy extra tabs, ability to post items for sale?
I cant post anything for sale darn it!

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