Hi all,I am not sure did I build my totem.arc wrong or not,but I got 260 000 damage whit hits,not sure is this good or bad,and use difrent skill points
Not all,I just use some other for boost critical and global chance,gems..amulet,gloves,helm,for 60 % chaos resistance...void Bat. is x2,kikazaru x2...Is my damage good or bad.Later I will post changes what I make..I dont use curses for lighting..only Wrath(lvl 20) and Haste(haste only for boost casting against bosses)..only boost What I did is amulet who change and raise critical chance depending on my lighting resistance who is 150 %,and lighting damage 60 %.. Last edited by Blight2#1595 on May 15, 2020, 3:08:20 AM
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"Kind of hard to help you without having your PoB. And it sounds like you've deviated considerably from the build, so there's very little way of knowing exactly how to help you. You want 8 power charges for the +320 crit chance and damage boost. And this build has very little damage mitigation, so it's critical to use Mind Over Matter, Divine Guidance, and Arcane Cloak to create more effective life. And with Wrath + Haste (100% reserved mana), you're clearly removing that aspect completely. I posted a PoB on the previous page. Look at it and try to mimic it the best you can and you'll be good. |
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Hi guys been loving this build and been working through early maps. Can't seem to hit the 100% crit but no whispers of doom yet.
Any tips on gear upgrades or what to do next would be greatly appreciated. Cheers https://pastebin.com/DwexByT3 Last edited by _MayloR_#1569 on May 17, 2020, 6:31:16 AM
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"Looks like you're on the right track. Do your gloves really only have 3 sockets? If so, why? You could put Vaal Righteous Fire there. Looks like your gloves could use an added prefix crafted, too? I mean if you have open crafting slots on anything, not sure why. You could run labs and get some useful enchants, too. Additional Arc chain is the best for helmet (Uber lab only). Word/Edict/Decree/Commandment of Light is best for gloves, and doesn't matter which one you get since you're really only going for the consecrated ground feature. And then +lightning damage for boots. Or maybe in your case, +mana regen enchant on boots. I'd try to upgrade your Flagellation jewel at some point, too. If you're keeping around 10 curses up for most fights, you're missing about 30% increased damage. Also, as you said, you're missing Whispers of Doom anointment, and aren't wearing Windshriek boots, so having 2 curses firing means you're wasting one of them. The 2nd curse is the only one that's sticking. It's overwriting the 1st one every time until you get the ability to apply an additional curse. If you're not applying 2 curses, then curse on hit is a waste. You could simply be self-casting the single curse just by itself. You also don't really need the 2nd lower level arcane surge if you're consistently casting Arcane Cloak as you should be. I recommend puting Purifying Flame in that spot and using that to help increase your crit chance (drop consecrated ground under targets and you get +100% increased crit chance on them). Not to mention dropping PF consecrated ground under you is +6% life regen whenever you need it, too. I would also look for Kik rings with more mana regen. Just a bit more mana regen might allow you to dump the mana flask for something better. |
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I followed the build of SkylerOG but I added a cluster jewel in build. I would like to know what the 4 least important nodes are so I can skip those. Thank you in advance. https://pastebin.com/RvvbfjeK |
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"Not really sure since you're adding something totally unique to the build. I mean you get to free up sockets since you won't need Arcane Surge support gem anymore (and you currently have 2, along with the cluster jewel that gives you AS). But what level AS is that cluster jewel granting? I mean level 21 AS works so well with this build because it synergizes perfectly with Arcane Cloak and the Arcane Capacitor node. With the way I have this designed, AS becomes a 30% more damage multiplier (20% from gem + 10% from the +50% skill effect from Arcane Capacitor). So you have to not only take that into consideration, but also 4 more passive nodes to drop, and what could you replace AS with in the sockets if you chose to do so. And all that needs to somehow equate to a better result. The 4 nodes for Throatseeker are about the only things I can think aren't 100% necessary for the build. But again, does your cluster setup result in a better end result if you swap them? Also, I'm not quite sure what you're doing with your curse setup. You have Bane in there and no curse on hit for AM and Conductivity? That's strange. You're hurting on max life quite a bit too, for a level 89. You certainly can't skimp on life nodes anywhere. Your jewels have some good +damage, but skipping life too much could make an already squishy build even squishier. Last edited by SkylerOG#3817 on May 18, 2020, 6:14:56 PM
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The cluster jewel is granting a lvl 10 AS. I use the node in the cluster more for the flat totem damage and the AS is just a nice little bonus.
-Edit I replaced the AS node with a hinder node. I use your AS with arcane cloak still for the increased damage Bane applies linked curses this makes the curse on hit redundant. I use increased duration support for longer curse effect. I'm not really happy with the links I use except Arc, bane and arcane cloak. The jewels I use are some jewels that were laying around in my stash. I need to buy new jewels and gems but I had not the motivation to buy them. Last edited by TomatenSapje#5612 on May 19, 2020, 6:15:39 PM
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" Aren't they both guard skills and can't be used together? |
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Hey! So I have been playing a bit since the last time you gave me some advice! And thanks for that, again.
But I am wondering what the smartest next upgrade would be? I know that I should get whispers of doom on my amulet, but it feels like the extra power charge does a lot for DPS as well. But I am not sure about what is more important (knowing full well that I am not using the double curses right now). Are there any things I should be keeping an eye out for? I have been trying to find an amulet like in your PoB, with the increased damage. But any other pointers? https://pastebin.com/qUjD4MtR |
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Great build!
Last edited by Sergesama#2364 on May 25, 2020, 11:38:35 AM
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