[3.19] Lake Of The Ultimate Berserker - league starter build guide budget league starter
" Yes pob is incorrect at calculating the dps. It uses your attack speed. You have to add -70% attack speed to a flask but the resulting dps is still wrong because of the waves attack and also rage fluctuates up and down. No general's cry with rage with berserk build will ever show the exact dps because pob can not do it. The damage crushes the game, really the shield crush nerf was needed and is pretty small. The other power of the build is this is a cyclone build that spawns units to attack for you while you use cyclone purely for defensive bonuses. You can be in melee or midrange depending on the threat and with pretty decent damage reduction from fortify, infused channeling, and malediction. So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting. Last edited by Tenzarin#9001 on Oct 24, 2021, 8:15:31 PM
" Link is dead, can you reupp? Edit: Gotta say, I scream as loud as I can and things just start dying! I accidentally almost killed my neighbor because I was screaming too loud to enhance my total dps. Last edited by Banga65#4178 on Oct 25, 2021, 4:43:18 AM
" I updated the shopping list again. This is for better poe trading app, btw not pob. " Prices are generally high atm. I'm still plugging in numbers that I would feel good trading for. So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting. Last edited by Tenzarin#9001 on Oct 25, 2021, 5:00:51 AM
Thanks for the quick reply but there seems to be something wrong again. It might be pastebin. Opening the link in my browser, I get "This page is no longer available. It has either expired, been removed by its creator, or removed by one of the Pastebin staff."
So yeah, idk. I did try putting it into better poe trading btw. Edit: You were faster than me. Thanks for the text! Last edited by Banga65#4178 on Oct 25, 2021, 5:02:07 AM
I will just post it here.
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 It's pretty hard to post it but it shows up if you quote the post lol. So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting. Last edited by Tenzarin#9001 on Oct 25, 2021, 5:06:59 AM
Updated better trading shopping list
" So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
If you want to get correct DPS on PoB (I use your PoB numbers for reference):
1. Look up your General's Cry Cooldown: 1.85 2. Calculate how many General's Cry you can use per second: 1/1.85 = 0.54 3. Divide result by your attack speed (2.9s in your PoB): 0.54/2.9 = 0.186 4. Get the "less" multiplier you need to add to any gear of equipment: (1 - 0.186) * 100% = 81% 5. Add the following modifier to any item in PoB: 81% less Attack Speed (Or whatever you got out in your own PoB) Your Shield Crush should now have an Attack Rate of 0.54. Which is about how many General's Cry you can use per Second. In your standard PoB, this ends up at 14.3m DPS. |
Yo this is amazing lmao
There might be a slight problem with fortify, no idea how to get it.
So all you really end up having is playing the economy, and plowing maps. And if you want to get anywhere on your character, you are better off mowing monsters down like weeds and just collecting pennies of the ground as fast as possible than any meaningful item hunting.
I see one problem with fortification. If you choose the mastery "Melee hits fortify & -3 maximum fortify" you never reach the 20 fortification level, and don't get the 40% increased damage from rampart.
And if we use the fortification gem with cyclone we don't need this mastery. Last edited by McGreg0r#1974 on Nov 3, 2021, 2:56:44 PM