Stress Free PoE| SLOW MO ZOMBIES |ANY Items Work|Easy/Relaxing Play|Easily Clears the Atlas [3.6] Updated version of previously linked version of the build. Had to grab the extra -4% Reserved mana for 1 41%(Hatred 50%) Aura and 2 29% Aura's ( 35% Vitality or Purity of Elements and Blasphemy).

Skills, items, etc are still personal preference and just what could be good in those slots if you have them.
Last edited by Guru1619#5671 on Mar 19, 2019, 11:28:43 AM
Sorry for a noobish question, but I'm running into some issues with survival in mid-upper tier maps as the corpse EXPLOSIONS from spirit offering are doing ~3-4k damage, with sometimes multiple explosions in a row which kill my character. I should mention I usually charge dash into a pack, and then charge dash out as soon as I'm able. Spirit offering is very beneficial, but the damage I take is not fun...any thoughts?

Ascentium wrote:
Sorry for a noobish question, but I'm running into some issues with survival in mid-upper tier maps as the corpse EXPLOSIONS from spirit offering are doing ~3-4k damage, with sometimes multiple explosions in a row which kill my character. I should mention I usually charge dash into a pack, and then charge dash out as soon as I'm able. Spirit offering is very beneficial, but the damage I take is not fun...any thoughts?

You have desecrate in both your Shield and your boots, drop one.

Use with cwdt. Can pair it with Increased Duration Support for longer invuln times if you aren't generating Endurance charges to extend it's duration.

Use your move your Golem from 2nd weapon set to 1st or an armor piece so you don't lose it upon weapon swapping(why desecrate is usually on 2nd weapon set, can swap cast it and summon zombies then swap back)

Can use
to find boots with Fortify as an Eldritch mod in order to free up another socket or get something like

Use stat flasks, such as the +3k Armor or Evasion ones. Or ele/chaos resists and phys reflection if that's what you need.
Hello thx for this build he look like amazing I'll try it now
I want to know if it's possible to you to give me the "best" gear ? or just the cheapiest (i'm a new player and dosn't know how to build etc)
Richardanr wrote:
Thanks for the build, really enjoy it.

I'm not great with movement skills so I'm playing around with putting the curses in Bane. Changes the playstyle a lot but seems to be working for me. Obviously no EE but Bane gives pretty good damage and there are a couple of gem slots opened up that I need to think about.
I'm glad you're liking it! Sweet change with Bane. It's such a sexy skill. I was going to have a 3rd guide out this league but then Bane was announced and I had to reconsider the entire build.

To get EE back you could always add Ball Lightning to the Desecrate links and make that a 4 link. Or a seperate CwDT 1 and a Ball Lightning 4. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Ascentium wrote:
Sorry for a noobish question, but I'm running into some issues with survival in mid-upper tier maps as the corpse EXPLOSIONS from spirit offering are doing ~3-4k damage, with sometimes multiple explosions in a row which kill my character. I should mention I usually charge dash into a pack, and then charge dash out as soon as I'm able. Spirit offering is very beneficial, but the damage I take is not fun...any thoughts?

Good post. It's not a bad question at all.

Your own casts can't hurt you. Cast when Damage Taken counts as your own casts. So the corpses that your offering skill consumes won't hurt you.

That being said, their are enemies in maps that explode corpses. And those do hit really hard. You have the strategy already in place, just keep moving. Corpses on the ground can be really hard to notice/avoid with Charged Dash and 20 minions running around.

Once I realize I'm in a map that explodes corpses, I tend to stay back. I find I stay alive better by casting Skeletons at distant enemies and almost ignoring my movement skill.

Does that help? Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
HeyImLeyen wrote:
Hello thx for this build he look like amazing I'll try it now
I want to know if it's possible to you to give me the "best" gear ? or just the cheapiest (i'm a new player and dosn't know how to build etc)
Welcome to the game! I hope you love it. Honestly the best gear this build can have is simply gear with really high life and resists. Keep replacing the gear you find with the highest Life rolls and keep your resists over the cap of 75%. This build is that simple.

Does that answer your question or help you? I may not have understood your question the way you wanted.

Please ask again if I wasn't helpful. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Alright everyone!

I'll see you in a week at the latest. This was my last available time to reply via phone before my computer is unpacked and ready to go. Thank you for being so helpful and kind to each other. You've had some great suggestions and modifications to the build. Sorry I couldn't respond to everyone. Thanks for understanding.

See you in a week or less. Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Wrecker_of_Days wrote:
I'll see you in a week at the latest. This was my last available time to reply via phone before my computer is unpacked and ready to go.

Good luck with the move!

I wanted to make a few quick suggestions for those who are looking for gear ideas. First, if you're playing on PC and don't know about, it's well worth checking out. Almost anything can be found on there, and unless you're talking about the very top perfect-roll gear, it's not that expensive.

Second, as you're leveling, I suggest that you prioritize available gem slots over even life/resists. Until you get up into the 40s, you can survive even with fairly low defenses but it makes a huge difference to have the right gems. Once you get up into Act 4 or so, you should start seeing more items with good links and then you can pick and choose the best life/resists.

Finally, as you get into the endgame and need to really ramp up defenses, don't be afraid to work with items that may have slightly suboptimal slots if necessary. This is especially common with corrupted items. For instance, I picked up the body armor below, with 100 life and six links, for just a few chaos orbs off It's not ideal...I'd rather have more resists and slightly different colors...but it was cheap and available! Even if you're playing self-found, chances are pretty good you'll see a corrupted item or two drop that's 90% good, maybe with 5 or 6 links...don't be afraid to use it and fill in the weaknesses with your other gear!
Last edited by ineffablebob#7814 on Mar 20, 2019, 4:24:57 AM
Got revenge on that darn Phoenix! Actually made it harder on myself than necessary, with a corrupted rare for the map bonus.

Basically did the whole map as a skeleton summoner, since the zombies couldn't survive the physical reflect anyway. Still died on the boss a few times since my reactions are just not fast enough to completely avoid damage, and of course giving him extra life didn't help. But the skeletons prevailed in the end!

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