increased Elemental Damage with Weapons
What does the [increased Elemental Damage with Weapons] passive skill affect? Does it work with converted elemental damage (for example from the [Avatar of Fire] passive skill or the [Lightning Strike] active skill, or does it only use the base elemental damage on a weapon? Does it stack with [increased Elemental Damage]?
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Any elemental damage done by weapons, is increased. Even if it's added by something like a gem, or ring.
Such as that puny 2-5 fire damage may become 7-16. Feel free to add me on Steam GGG_FanBoy_101 Last edited by Xorjt#5754 on Apr 1, 2012, 3:31:11 AM
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" Does damage from skills like [Elemental Hit] or [Infernal Blow] count as "damage done by weapons" as well, or is it spell damage? |
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NO... why the hell would they? I mean it's Not like your attacking them with your weapon when you use [Elemental Hit] Or [Infernal Blow] Or [glacial Hammer]....
[TrollFace.jpg] Seriously Read what you wrote yourself & try to figure it out.... hell you wrote the god damn answer yourself. I'm gonna give you a Hint
" If you still can't figure it out click the spoiler below:
Any and all Elemental Damage that your weapon Deals is increased by any & all [Increase Elemental damage with weapons](Note: Chaos isn't Considered a elemental unless specified). If it reads [Increase Lightning Damage] It will only Effect the Lightning Elemental damage, That includes Weapon & Spell Elemental Damage. if it reads [increase Spell Damage] It will increase all Damage done by your spells.
They are not Spells. Skills that you use with your weapons are Weapon skills. If you use your Weapon to attack then it's a Weapon skill. If you don't Use your weapon to attack then it's not a weapon skill. Even if you blink towards the target as you stab them it will be considered a weapon skill. Note: If your raise your weapon in the air & a Random Fireball spawns hurling towards your enemy... then it's a spell Last edited by Bretout#6617 on Apr 1, 2012, 5:17:46 AM
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" No need to be a jackass about it when I'm just asking for clarification. Stuff like this works differently from game to game, and I haven't seen any concrete information on it ingame so I don't think it's such an odd thing to ask. I thank you for the answer, but next time try to leave out the petty hostility. It's only making you look childish. |
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true there is no need for me to be a jackass. I am sorry.
But you asked the same Question Twice. you just added 2 different skills. If you just look & Read then you would notice that Almost Everything is already spelled out to you in the game. for Example: [+% Weapon Elemental Damage]
increases the Elemental damage your weapon would do as long as you use your weapon to deal the damage.
Weapon: Your weapon is in context, tous you could safely assume it have something to do with your weapon. Elemental Damage: The 3 Elementals in the game are Lightning, Fire & Ice. it's Safe to assume that as long as your weapon deals Any elemental Damage it will be increased. If it does not, then something is either amiss with the Description Or the skill your using & you might wanna post about it on the bug forum. [any weapons Elemental Damage is increased by % Of the Elemental Damage you would normaly deal with your weapon, This also includes Skills & Abilities you use your Weapon to attack with] Would be abit long. Example 2: [+% Projectile Damage]
Projectile: Anything with a Projectile will have Their damage: increased. Wands, Bows shoot projectiles & some spells, Like Fireball, uses projectiles. (Spells often have a description saying '1 Projectile'). If it uses projectiles it would be safe to assume that those skills/spells/attacks will be increased.
Firestorm Isn't considered a projectile. Instead of spelling it out for everyone they made it Extreamly simple & easy to understand without to much Words. The main reason i acted like i did was because if you just understood the words used in the game you'll be able to figure it out & the answer was already give to you by Xorjt. It's Extremely easy. |
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I understand what it means, but my point was that different games treat this in different ways, so it's not always as clear-cut as you say it is. For example, [Infernal Blow] could be treated as a magical weapon attack or as a spell that just happens to be channeled through your weapon. Especially since there is no obvious in-game distinction between something like [Infernal Blow] and [Fireball] (like a "weapon attack" or "spell" tag in the description), while they are completely different things. There is a difference, but there's no explicit ingame mention of what the difference is exactly. Also, Xorjt specifically mentioned damage added by items, which is why I asked for additional clarification about damage added by skills (both active and passive).
I simply prefer to ask some obvious questions and get a clear unambiguous answer rather than to just assume things and possibly find out I assumed wrong later down the line. |
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" Actually, there is. When a skill is equipped hover over the hotkey. Skills with cast times are spells. Skills with attack times are attacks. The game differentiates all skills this way. It's generally obvious by the animation, as well. |
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" Ah, I didn't know that. That's good to know. |
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