" its a much bigger prob sustaining it now, that's all I know, before I run with just 70 mana free and as long as was hitting at least 1 mob it was fine, now I run 300 mana (gave up on an aura) and I find myself short very fast. items shop: 364086
ign: [ICU]missuse if you like to HLD, add me inactive in game atm, PM me if you need something. |
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Why don't reduced mana passives work with this? Nevermind, it does work. It seems like it always rounds the mana cost up though. If the actual calculation is something like 5.3, the tooltip wiil say 6. That's my understanding of it anyway.
Last edited by vvolf#7234 on Dec 25, 2013, 6:45:35 AM
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Yep. The game calculates the amount of Reduction you get, rounds that down (as it always does), and substracts from the Cost (or Reserve). 9% Reduction on a 50 Cost skill: 50 * 0.09 = 4.5, round to 4, 50 - 4 = 46 final Cost.
Can also just round up using the more conventional form (50 * 0.91 = 45.5, round to 46). The tooltip will say 6, and it will cost 6. Last edited by Vipermagi#0984 on Dec 25, 2013, 9:10:41 AM
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" They also increased the damage effectiveness from supports by 50%. I think the intent was to nerf lightning thorns but the rounding problem resulted in a mana nerf. |
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O boy...
Using double Incinerate totems on my 61 toon in nemesis. Melting everything in my path. It melts normal mobs fine, but it really shines on bosses. My setup: Incinerate Spell totem faster casting Greater Multiple Projectiles (that right!) and the one that makes this all work: Added Chaos damage. If I ever manage to get a 6-link, it would probably be added cold damage or Iron will (no idea how that would scale on my life based, high STR toon). My original assumptions were correct. with a cast time of 0.10, added chaos (and added lightning and cold) becomes ridiculous damage, with 10x the damage, and all the multipliers from the skill (not even going to try to calculate it)... Used to run around with Flammability as curse, but the Burn damage is laughable, and really did not do anything, except annoy me from mobs running away from the MELT! So switched to Projectile weakness.. WOW. 1 word: KNOCKBACK! 24% chance to knockback on hit. Not only does this protect my totems from having to recast them, it can actually loop monsters in a constant knockback cycle. Oak for example cant even make a single dent in my totems and dies on the spot. And no, I do not have UBER gear (all normal rares), my spells are still without quality (just starting leveling up a 8% incinerate), so anyone doubting the skill, please slap it on a totem, get some increased projectile speed from wand, amu or skilltree, add CHAOS DAMAGE to the skill and meltdown will commence. one word of advice, level up a flame totem for areas that have Lighting Armour monsters. ouch.. no idea how viable this is end game (almost there!), like maps and end game boss runs. will update when I get there. I Love this skill! Don't Touch my Sweep please GGG! Last edited by xchokeholdx#5719 on Jan 8, 2014, 3:05:49 AM
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After that last patch, this became the single highest DPS spell out there. Good job making it go from "nice" to OP.
The buffs to the "Added X" gems, together with the improved Damage Effectiveness, make this spell so strong it's not even funny. I'm taking 18K per Projectile with a 6L, on LMP (so 36K DPS). On RF, because this spell is easy to run RF on, this goes to 25K per projectiles on LMP. All of this, while having AA level 20+, MoM (1000+ Mana), maxed Block, about 60% Spell Block, ~3500 Life, and more or less NO nodes spent on damage. Did I mention it also more or less ignores resist? Added Lightning, Added Chaos. What Resist? [3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin [3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️ |
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Need help to understand the dmg math / mechanics:
Let's suppose that we have an Incinerate with 1000 dps in this setup: - LMP (auto reduces dps) - fire penetration (30% pen) - uses 2 buffs (for example: elem. weakness and flammability), each reduces 40% resistances (80% total?) Let's go: a) The last stage does 300% we can count as 4000 dps? b) It penetrates 30% fire res, so we climb to 4000 * 1.3 = 5200 dps c) Now the 2 buffs: 40% + 40% reduced res, in this point I must consider do the maths with the 4000 dps (initial valor) or with the 5200 (with fire pen)? d) Reading the anterior post solved this: each projectile does the dmg showed in the dps, so 3 projectiles = 3x dmg Nedd help to calculate the dps of my build, the numbers above are just examples. |
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Hi all,
i have a question relating the incinerate gem. My mana consumption is 36 mana (casttime 0.12) in sum 300 mana per second. I have a mana regeneration with 200 mana per second. My gem setup is: Incinerate, Life Leech, Mana Leech, Faster Casting, Add Chaos Damage, LMP I play with CI i cant use EB ... No my problem in low (-50%) regeneration maps or no regeneration maps i go out of mana in seconds. My Screen DPS from incinerate is 3300 but still with mana leech (20/20) there is not enough mana regeneration. Can anybody explain my how the the leech would be calculated? Thx and sry for my english, it is not very good :) |
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guys, WTF is going on with this spell? diying twice in docks(cruel,nemesis) from rare dog! wos there solo with 75 fire ress and 1.5k hp! just 2 sec and bam, u r dead. how i suppose to play HC with this OP spell?
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The dogs in the docks use flame totem and not incinerate :)
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