" The first stage wouldn't count, that should be obvious from the definition. The wording is more so it's multiplicative with stuff that does increased, but additive with other sources of "more" damage. Since it's a projectile I guess there's no other sources other than Righteous Fire I assume. It seems to be 6casts per stage, I slowed down a video and it seemed about that. Faster casting will increase going into next stage, this is visible with the naked eye by adding the gem as you will reach last stage noticeably faster. There's no grace period. It fires as long as you keep the button pressed and you can't move, however you can turn, think Rapid Fire in D3/TL2. Once you stop firing, you lose all stages bonuses. Oh and since no one did it: Last edited by PyrosEien#5602 on Mar 7, 2013, 8:27:59 PM
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" if you are running a level 20 gem with 5 links attached to it you better be built completely around it. If mana cost is an issue then you build that way. |
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I ran a caster shadow race test build (completely untwinked) to coves, hit 10 and gave it a go.
First impressions: - The mana cost is ridiculous. A medium mana flask cant keep up at gem level 1, and even starting with a full mana orb and hitting the flask right after casting, i get to hold the max damage stage for maybe 2-3 seconds before im out. Id say the cost should be halved at the very least, more likely quartered. - If i started firing with a monster under my pointer, the spell was then locked on that monster; i couldnt strafe the flames until that monster died. Given how large the packs can get, and how bad the targeting can be with desyncing monsters and whatnot, this made the spell pretty unwieldy and annoying to use. - The base range is pretty low, perhaps a bit lower than it needs to be for a spell that requires standing still to be most effective. - Stun appears to interrupt the stage buildup. Will test this more later. - The dps tooltip doesnt change as the stages increase; base stage damage is always displayed. I then swapped it onto my main crit caster shadow and put it in his freezing pulse slot. This linked it to level 18 added cold, lmp, life leech. I headed to cruel ledge and gave it another shot. Second impressions: - The forced minimum spread on its triple streams under lmp meant i needed to be at point blank range to shotgun with it. I suppose that fits with the theme so no problem there. - Its total lack of crit theoretically makes sense at first glance- a 50% crit chance with such a spell would result in endlessly full flasks- but considering the player has to stand still make this spell seriously viable, the mad flask charges almost look like theyd be fine. Near-permanent defensive flasks might be fairly well balanced against not being able to move. - Theres next to no chance of stunning, shocking or chilling/freezing with this spell, which seems fine considering theyd be permanent if they could proc at all. The ignite is permanent under critical weakness and essentially adds (at least) 40% more total dps once its activated and the spells at its maximum stage, which also seems fine- its not set and forget like standard ignite, but theres nothing wrong with free extra damage and its delivery also fits the spells theme. Question: The spell displays each stage as "80% more damage". I assume this means the total spell damage including all supports and whatnot, and not just the base damage listed on the gem? IGN: KoTao
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" GMP(200%) + FC(120%) + FP(110%) + Fire Penetration(140%) of, lets assume 25, seems realistic. Thats 92.4 mana per cast. The default cast time is .16 seconds, make that .1 with talents and gem. You now cast the spell 10times a second, that consumes 924 mana a second. Good luck building around that, hell I doubt that mana leech will change much about that. Again, this just are assumptions, but it look ridiculous on paper. Last edited by nynyny#3398 on Mar 7, 2013, 8:31:54 PM
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A bit early to give a full review, but I've got to agree with the mana sustainability problem. It burns up mana to a pretty extreme degree, and while I have no major complaints about its damage output at this stage, its range is a big drawback.
I imagine I could probably make it a pretty capable skill with the right supports, but I can tell that my mana bar will be my own worst enemy with it. Also, I find the cast animation extremely goofy. My Templar looks like he's doing a boy-band dance move with the horse stance and the finger wave. I half-expect him to start singing, "Bye Bye Bye." The visuals also aren't much to mention, and the sound effects are very lackluster. I'd hoped this skill would look and feel like a butane torch or a plasma cutter, but the actual effect is rather uninspired. It's newly released, so I'll reserve serious judgment for now, but I do hope that this skill isn't considered in any way "final." |
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Also on my actual feedback, dislike the fact this gem is basically Flame Totem but castable. Feels a bit underwhelming, even though I guess it's nice to have the spell, the totem becomes fairly redundant when you could just spell totem incinerate for the same effect. While it costs one socket more, it's also going to cost like 75% less mana or whatever since the mana cost of flame totem is outrageous while the cost of a spell totem on such a low base cost spell would be very cheap(since it's so low due to very fast cast speed).
Not sure how good the spell is going to be though. I guess the direct application I can see is the same as I used flametotem for, Blind. Blind support on it and it'll blind everything almost instantly, which used with Grace and a high health pool would make you fairly tanky against most attacks. Still not as much as freezing stuff with FP though, so probably still not worth it in that regard, damage might be very good when stacked however I'd need to see. EB or Blood Magic support seem required to make this spell work with a decent amount of supports. Faster projectiles of some sort(item, quality or support) will also be required to get a decent range out of it but like FP quality+wand would fix that mostly, in fact just quality might be enough(believe it's 2% per quality from what someone linked). It also LMP pretty badly unlike Flame Totem, it's not merged flames but instead similar to lightning strike, the 2 additional proj go way to the side, so shotgunning requires the mob to be pretty close. At full stage the width get bigger so you can shotgun from further away, but still less than FP effective range and further than that the proj are too spread out as they fan out. |
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the mana seems to be closer to 6 mp per cast by lv 10 gem than 8... not that anybody goes nuts here want to listen.
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tested lvl 9 skill with 4 support gems (GMP, Faster Cast, Added Chaos Damage and Added Light. Damage) and i was already over 330mana/sec!!! And the Attack range is so stupid low and the dps...
its like EK with 20% of the DPS, 300% of the mana cost and you cant move and status effects doesn´t work with this spell because of the low damage per cast. And 0% crit chance.... GGG do you even testes the skill? IGN: kReiZy Last edited by sYkoDe4d#0481 on Mar 7, 2013, 8:45:22 PM
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" I mean even if we half the mana cost and say 460mana a second that still is next to impossible to sustain. |
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anyone knows the quality effect?
IGN: kReiZy
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