Streamer Interview - Quin69

Are you COOKED mate?!

I love to watch this guy!

Nice place.

In the first day I spent in Wanganui (in approximately 1996) two different cars full of kids drove past and threw eggs at me.
Can I get a 3Head in chat boys?
just a dream but I'd like to have solo only never trade never migrate league with more unique drop loot to keep Solo players close to traders... simple like that... IMHO currency trade is not good in aRPGs... buy a build from currency using PoE trade etc is just killing the fun os found your own loot and how loot goes we in SSF have to deal with same builds with less variety I hate to deal negociate etc... I have to do it in real life all the time... just want to relax and play this great game... The reason I spent more time with Diablo 3 was simple that... trade to play system... also XP penalty on death that some builds have to deal with also when building your character own build this brings me frustration to the hell of me...
the famous "Don't worry guys, I have vaal pact, I can do this ele reflect map without dying"...
Should've left him banned.
fuck em
This guy is a great streamer, with a unique style of making non meta builds. His streaming is chill, at least, most of the time :D
You running out of streamers?

I tuned in once and all he kept saying was “this is stupid” over and over when he played Tectonic. I wanted him to stfu and he did once I closed the browser tab. I never tuned in again.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Like a few others, I watched him once, he started screaming like my 3 year old does when he throws a tantrum and never watched again.
This is not my real account. Only used for forum posts. :P
Fookin cooked mate

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