New Hideout Preview

Please add a reset button on hide outs since the last update we are stuck with hide outs that already exist. And i like the initial setup of the coastal hide out. Add a favor price to the reset if you are concerned about wrong favor balance by getting more hide items for free on a reset.
Please GGG finally give us a "JUKEBOX" so we can chose our favourite Path of Exile theme in our Hideout!

I love the more peaceful calm soundtracks (for example Mudflats and lookalike tilesets).

Please let us chose our favourite music in our cosy "safespace" :D
Yeah, I second the jukebox idea. It would really work wonders for me to add a bgm to my hideout others can hear, but I can't because I have never unmuted music in the past year I played :P
cool stuff thanks again GGG. We are looking forward to the new supporter packs too!!!
Oooooh, SHINY!
AUTKalTorak wrote:
you know, i'd really like to be able to purchase pool or bassin parts or something like that, same as patches of grass. i try to make a roman themed ho, and a proper atrium needs a pool, the same as a proper peristyle needs a garden ^^

I'd love to see your hideout when you're done. Wanted to make something similar, but couldn't decide on the tileset, so scheduled this for next time.
The Bother progress: 11%

You don't even imagine how much harm you've caused. I'm not sure I'll live long enough to finish "The Bother". You're one of my murderers. You will never get my forgiveness unless you make up for what you've done.
With the addition of even more free maps, I'd safe it's safe to assume we're going to see quite a few paid ones added in the same wave. Cheers GGG.
are ggg planning rework act's with delve technology next expantion and make game's world more complex ? fortification can make more for game. now they training swapping location class(act location>hideout>map> maybe sth more? )

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