Guild Recruitment: Looking for a chill, mature group?? (New players welcome and Guild Discord.)

Hello i'd like to join your guild.
my IGN is _Eximus_
Thank you
Hey, I'd love to join your guild. I'm a relatively new player but I catch on quickly!
Are you still recruiting?
I'd like to join, 27 yo Computer Science student just came back to the game.
My last league was Breach.
Last edited by Masteh13#5068 on Sep 6, 2022, 5:59:46 PM
can u invite me plz XD
Hi my name is Ishaan, looking for a guild. Been playing since 2018.
Ign of the Heist League character: Vortex_Specialists
Location: USA EST
Name on Discord: DKnights#9234
Would love to join. This is my first league back in about a year, i'm sure this will help.

Last edited by jeb8d#2470 on Nov 27, 2020, 6:19:24 PM
I would love to join as well. Just getting into the game and I think it would be awesome to be part of a group.
IGN: Trevbomb
Discord: Trevman#6673
Thank you!
Hewo, I have been looking around to find a guild for about half a year and I would be interested in joining yours.
I am looking for a guild since I would like to have players that can help me learn and enjoy the game and would be glad to help other players if possible

About me :
-I am fairly new to the game (~600h of playtime atm)
-I currently play in standard league but i'm planning to play in the upcoming leagues.
IGN : Frnzaay
Discord : シろ 🉐#0001

Hope to hear from your answer soon !
Hi would love to join the guild if you're still recruiting. 33yo old player that has been playing since the end of delve. No Sirus kill yet but an active player that likes to help out and be social :)

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