DX11 crash on startup (ISSUE SOLVED)

RubySydell wrote:
I finally got it to run just fine in dx11. It wasn't all the updating of drivers or fiddling with settings that fixed it.

All I had to do was learn that Launch Options existed, and then add command lines to the client shortcut.



This worked, and it also removed dynamic resolution from the Options menu for some reason, which is weird as when I ran it in dx11 before it forced me to use it or the game would crash.

Now it is running a bit smoother than dx9 and hasn't crashed. I thought maybe it was still in dx9 but it says dx11 in options so I believe it worked. Whether or not it will continue to work in 3.6 we'll have to find out.

I tried that first, doing the --disable-client-switching, but even if i could get DX11 to work with that command my game was beyond laggy, the fps was terrible, still felt like i was on DX9.

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