Community Race Event This Weekend!

Make another important rule everyone who uses any kind of macros like logout etc. gets disqualified. Hardcore should be hardcore and not macrocroe.
"macrocroe" you dont even play hc
>party-race in game against mobs
This "early" in the league? the league has a month left to live!
Very cool that this is happening, I will be spectating.

I can't agree with it being 'community' though - you must have sub 4 hour A10 Kitava with Labs done in the past, so that's probably 0.1-0.5% of the community.

Why not introduce weekend or 1-day or 1-week races that everyone can be a part of? I understand Chris' reasoning for not doing 1-month races, but the short ones would be super fun.
TreeOfDead wrote:
Goods idea, but why not make Race until 100 level if its party support?

Too long?

I'm not interested to see who can play longer without sleep.

And this kind of race we have like every 3 month.

Iangyratu wrote:
Sodee2 wrote:
Iangyratu wrote:
It really triggers me someone decided to use a word "community" in it.

Aww, poor snowflake.

Yeah. I'm truly special. Not like you. ^_^

That makes a curious combination with your forum's signature xD
FedeS wrote:

That makes a curious combination with your forum's signature xD

No, it doesn't. I'm against using one certain word, not against the race. I'm glad it exists and that GGG spread the word about it, but I dislike how it's named.
Iangyratu wrote:
FedeS wrote:

That makes a curious combination with your forum's signature xD

No, it doesn't. I'm against using one certain word, not against the race. I'm glad it exists and that GGG spread the word about it, but I dislike how it's named.

I mean this
Yeah. I'm truly special. Not like you. ^_^

and this
♫ Not everything is about you ♫
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