Patch 3.5.2 Notes

Bex_GGG wrote:
You can now recover items that were placed in old crafting benches by typing /recoveroldcraftingbenchitem while in a town or hideout. If there are recoverable items, it will place one of them on your cursor.

I guess we finally DID get this... Even if it's half a league late. And I guess they're making us work for it, too; that command's a mouthful. XD

Bex_GGG wrote:
Fixed a bug where global chat could be toggled on automatically after you had toggled it off.

This opens up some questions as for what situations it covers; for me, I'd noticed it typically forced back on whenever I used any command preceeding with a "/", including any keyboard shortcuts that replicated this behavior (e.g, pressing F8 instead of typing "/screenshot") Will this cover all of these? Us players can't tell from the vagueness of this line.
Rufalius, hybrid Aura/Arc/Mana Guardian | Hemorae, TS Raider | Wuru, Ele Hit Wand Trickster
Fixed a bug where global chat could be toggled on automatically after you had toggled it off.
thx GGG
More attention to hideouts, nice!
Free Master Crafting Service (Breach): thread/1797112
Free Master Crafting Service (Essence): thread/1744527
Free Master Crafting Service (Legacy): thread/1857272
Free Master Crafting Service (Harbinger): thread/1952418
Uranist wrote:
Cmoidudu wrote:
zandanai wrote:
Please reduce Atlas Objective requirements, it's killing my mood to play this game

At least, make it work properly.

Yesterday (sunday) I ran about 50 maps with no Atlas objective change. I completed 3 objectives from the daily reset, the 4th was Einar on a Core map which I didn't have, and nothing else spawned. Fortunately my goal for each league is 36/40, so I don't care, and... I know, I could have bought a Core map, but still...
You are runningg maps too fast. I am running each slowly - 2-3 minutes. And I get new atlas obj every 5 maps(average).
Yes, 5 is average. Maximum was 10 or 12, smth like this.

I tryed to run them faster, but it didn't help. I am sure that speedrun is not good for this challenge.

Not sure about running them fast or slow, but make sure you kill the map boss. I didn't clear maps, just ran straight for the boss and the encounter. Done and done. What helped me with mapping was doing prophecies. I am a huge prophecy league fan. Plus that also makes you a bit of currency.
good stuff
reduce intensity of ice storm pls
Thank you for fixing the favor gain!
I thought storm brand visual was fine, it is just Armageddon that was too much.
shoju wrote:
Just fix alva's rep grind.

I dont need more Favour. I just need alva to not suck so bad to grind out the level for.

You guys are kind of listening, but not getting it.

This new setup for masters SUCKS.

It's still better than the old system, by far. I don't think you get it, they know what the issues are, and are working on fixes for the stuff that needs fixed. But not everything can be fixed all at once, or else we'd be waiting much longer for patches, and also just because a small portion of the community complains about a certain thing doesn't mean that it actually necessarily needs fixed or changed.

But yeah... some problems take more time and/or effort to fix, and maybe it'll come in a later patch. You can't just expect them to fix every single bug or issue with the game in a single patch... unless you only want one patch per year, and even then new bugs pop up during bug fixing, so they'd have to fix those too. It's a constant battle. Keep up the good work GGG!
Nomorenamestopick wrote:
I thought storm brand visual was fine, it is just Armageddon that was too much.

I loved the Armageddon brand visual, it's literally raining down huge meteors, it's *supposed* to be over the top! I just hope they didn't tone it down too much.

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