Betrayal Statistics
Im bored at the lack of viable end game ascendencies that dont need expensive items for build enabling.
Please give me an option to play something totally different next expansion that has great damage with some defensive options included in the ascendancy. Seems like every new build I see is the same few classes. Delve is being wasted on too little sulphite. |
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OK, time to get this off my chest I think, since the discussion is ripe for what I have to say...
Firstly, RNGeesus and I had a falling out a fair few years ago, he does not like me, and makes sure I know this regularly. As a result I tend to wait 3-4 times as long for any particular expected drop than most (I REALLY wish I was exaggerating here). This makes games like PoE somewhat of a challenge in many areas which people would not normally notice, I'm used to this and live with it fine, but it's worth noting before I get going that my experience might be erring toward an extreme end rather than being comfortably mid-curve. I could get around this by spending upwards of 50% of my gaming time in a day trying to get a trade or two, but as has been mentioned repeatedly already, this is both tiresome and ultimately futile in the vast majority of cases. How many messages ON AVERAGE do you have to send before one actual trade occurs? (show me THOSE stats eh?) Of course trading even semi-frequently would require either some currency (usually being used to craft in the absence of decent drops/trades) or something worth trading (already covered the absurdity of this). As a result I do not bother with trading, it is the opposite of a good gaming experience to even TRY, and as such I have had to grind mercilessly for drops (disproportionately so) just to get characters past the level 90 mark and start on the proper end game content. Secondly, and much related to the first issue(s) listed is the fact that this game appears to be geared towards NEEDING to trade to get through later content. I have recently spent some time looking at the various collections of builds and have noticed with rising disgust that essentially EVERYTHING is listed in chaos orb costs, we are literally categorising builds by 3rd party trading cost. What do you think this does to the frequent but casual player (i.e. the majority of players at any given time in most games)? It puts them right off, because the time you do have in the day to enjoy a game might well be better spent choking on your own booze-induced vomit than sitting in your hideout spamming messages to strangers in the dim hope you might FINALLY get hold of that overpriced weapon you need to make your melee build actually work above tier 5 maps. Thirdly, and probably finally, the atlas itself and it's new approach to master's missions have further marginalised the average player. Used to be simple to do the dailies, in fact it was something I logged in for frequently at one point, there was no barrier to daily mission access once the master was in your hideout. Now though, you are strictly limited by which maps you do and do not have, and for someone with a less-than-pleasant drop rate for many things (maps included) this necessitates EVEN MORE TRADING, it's not enough that you have to go trade for all your kit if you want to get to end game content, now you have to do the same merely to access daily missions reliably (and as we have all pointed out already, there is NOTHING reliable about the trading, except the time we all waste doing it). This has the knock-on effect of ensuring reduced access to much of the other content like delving and the menagerie stuff (don't even get me started on the serious troubles with incursion design for anything other than a high clear-speed build ffs). Of course none of this matters, because we all now know Arc/Elementalist is the new nerf-hammer target, Berserkers are leading the charge into melee build obscurity and nobody delves enough because GGG have made it almost impossible to do so more than VERY occasionally. These are the troubles of the moment and all else is old hat or yet to be complained about enough to warrant any real notice. Believe it or not, I love this game. I just wish a little more consideration and thought went into the upkeep and development regarding the MAJORITY of the playerbase, not just the top 5%. If only trading was not essential to success, or at the very least integrated into the actual game in a functional manner rather than relying on 3rd party software and random plugins just to make it work. |
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" " I guess you have now gathered enough statistics over the past leagues to take a closer look at that Ascendancy. Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body." Only usable with Ethanol Flasks |
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" Just use poe ninja |
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" How does other people worrying about clear speed affect YOUR fun? |
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" The best thing is when u find just 1 Sulphite Stack in your Daily Mission. feelsbadman |
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Trial of Burning Rage is dangerous?
It has to be the easiest trial out of all of them but you do have to wait 5 secs here and there and can't rush through it. Stats without clear explanations make no sense. Deadly if you are impatient or foolish yes but to anyone with common sense super easy. |
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Im a lvl 91 zerker ! Help xD
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" 3 Steps to success: Step 1, enter laby Step 2, complete run Step 3, switch to Jugg :P |
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Now that you have the info, buff the other classes and the skills assumed for them, instead of nerf batting the elementalist.
SSF, because Path of Trade RMTers and bots suck.
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