how does suffixes cannot be changed work?
I am wondering what will hapen when I use a chaos orb or an resonator on an item with "suffixes cannot be changed". Will the item keep the suffixes and get random preffixes or will all affixes be rerolled? Last bumped on Aug 22, 2019, 8:36:02 PM
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" Chaos Orb reroll* ALL mods. Suffix cannot be changed is a PREFIX. Meaning it doesnt protect itself. Suffix cannot be changed does not mean "Suffix cannot be ADDED" If you Chaos Orb once a "Suffix cannot be changed". Suffix will not change, but you could end up with more suffix than item originally. Prefix will change as they are not protected and some might add or could be gone as per normal chaos use. Suffix cannot be change is a prefix and will be rerolled. Seeing as this is a craft alone and cannot be rolled on an item. It will be gone.
While known by most, this will clarify for the new ppl that might read this.
Chaos orb reroll the mods. Using it on an item is the equivalent of saying: "I wish to loot a new rare of the EXACT copy of this base including item level(hold alt on item)" This mean that it is possible to see the same mod twice but it didnt reroll the value. It simply rerolled the same mod and got NEW value. To contrast the Divine orb reroll explicit NUMERIC values(prefix/suffix). This mean that it will add no mod, not change their intensity, but change the number within the limit of that mod Tier. To further add, the Blessed orb does the same as Divine orb but for the Implicit. Which is unique to the item BASE if it has one. " No. Some people would say that Chaotic resonator is like a Scour + a alch but it is 100% wrong. A quick way to explain to a noob, but wrong as soon as we get to your situation. Chaotic resonator + Fossils act as a "ignore item" and reroll. This mean that any meta crafts will have no effect. To further show that this is more than the effect of scouring an item, if you scoured an item "suffix cannot be changed", the item would keep its suffix and the prefix would be gone along with the prefix "suffix cannot be changed". On the fossil side, everything is IGNORED on item. If it is rare, you reroll a new rare based on the ratio chance of mod decided by the fossils you use. |
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Damn, I wish I asked this question before I decided to brick my triple t1 ele res stygian and lose a 20 ex base + 3 ex in crafting materials :(
Both chaos orbs and chaotic resonators have the description "Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers" and I knew that chaos orbs won't reroll the existing suffixes, so I assumed that resonators work the same way. Anyway, thank you for clarifying this to me, and may this be a warning to anyone trying to do the same thing. |
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" Chaos: Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers Essences: Upgrades a normal item to rare or reforges a rare item Resonator: Reforges a rare item with new random modifiers And yet, only the Chaos really has the behavior wanted for pre use metacraft. |
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I guess it's fair that doesn't work, but it's fuckin bullshit that there's no indication ingame.
Almost all the time the words prevails in PoE, why the fuck a currency on an item with "Prefix cannot be changed" would change the prefix ??? Maybe add a warning or just don't authorise essence/resonator on item with meta-crafting mod ? The only info about this, is lost in a patch note a long time ago.. that's just dumb. With that and beta/random Synth league, there's a bit of scruffiness on your part GGG. Last edited by Kirbynou#2988 on Apr 16, 2019, 10:25:44 AM
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This fucked me over too. Given the wording, I had no idea that my fossil would fuck over my belt. It did. :(
I wasn't even trying to do anything broken like force a specific mod, I just wanted to have something useful in a belt with two life-prefixes and a bunch of shitty suffixes. Gone. Lost a 2ex belt plus the 2 ex for the meta mod plus the expensive fossils and resonator. Very unhappy. I really hate "newbie traps" in design, and this is the worst one I've run into so far in this game, since the wording on them uses the same "reforges". Every time I try to delve into crafting, I get burned. |
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This is actually pretty egregious. The tooltip is literally identical to a regular Chaos Orb.
Either the tooltip needs to be changed, or the resonator/mod override behavior needs to be changed. |
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Just got burned by this. This is about the 6th big F-U for trying to craft in this game I have gotten. Really a bummer all this is so convoluted. I wouldn't recommend anyone try crafting unless they have 20ex and don't care to see it all disappear
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