🍌<BÂNÂNÂ>🍌 [SSF/HC] The Forbidden Sanctum League | EU | Discord | 50+ active Members

Hey, Panda here. I've been looking for a EU-based HC and/ or SSF guild with an active discord server and experienced and mature players.

Sorry - my post got way too long! tl;dr : let me in, I'm chill and got XP.
Looking forward to meet you ;)

1. Started Playing PoE

Jul 10, 2012 - very soon after the disastrous launch of D3 which I played for 10 days straight and then stopped for good (after being absolutely hyped at first and then utterly disappointed)

2. Best Moments

There are so many..
Choosing to make a Wander as a first character ever in 2012, failing terribly. Trying again, again, again and again. Farming the Fellshrine Ruins forever.

Finding Kaoms, Shavs, Taste of Hate for the first time. 6-linking shavs, searing touch, Windripper... after years - for the first time.

Invasion and Beyond (favourites):
Being scared to turn a corner and run into a bad invasion Boss and instantly die. I love the thrill, I want to go back to leagues where danger is imminent and where you have to be on edge all the time. Also things like old reflect auras.. I miss that kind of stuff/playstyle a lot.

Playing any of the all-mods / flashback-leagues. SO! MUCH! FUN!
Racing back in the day, getting better at the game, getting Bino's alt art.
Racing 48h solo for a 2.0 beta-key reward and just barely managing to get one.
My only really active group race with theuberelite and a couple of other guys in the 1month flashback in 2015, after Bloodlines, was a great experience, too.

3. Playstyle & Activity

I play every league. There is only a couple I skipped due to high workload (Prophecy, Talisman, Delve ;_;)
Often I only play the first month or so and then concentrate on RL stuff until the next league comes out.

Even though I have more than 10.000 hours logged and my knowledge of the game and it's past iterations/ versions is quite deep I'd categorize myself as a casual player. I usually don't go for lvl 100 or challenges or endgame bosses. Just testing out builds and having fun.
Mostly prefer early- to mid-game. I reroll a lot. I've always loved playing/racing through the story. Highest level on SSFHC is only 91. Endgame gets stale pretty quickly for me. But I'm very pleased with the new atlas and mapping system, I'm finally interested in pushing further.

Ever since I started playing, theory-crafting has been a big draw for me. For me it's on par with actually playing the game. I almost never look up guides or anything and just throw myself at PoB, etc. I don't always play very (endgame-) optimized builds. Half of my playtime probably has been agonizing over builds, etc.

I started in SC, but in late 2013 I made the switch to HC. Sometimes I might jump into SSFSC, when I do not have enough time to play a lot.

I miss the old official (short) race formats. I also miss the 1/2week- and 1month-races. RIP

I sometimes miss the old, slower progression & gameplay. I don't like the amount of more multipliers that we have in the game today. Ever since ascendancy it got out of control bc of skill gem changes, equipment and ascendancies.

That's why I play more and more SSF and last league I also tried some custom leagues with harder difficulty and/or only white items.

Still love the game a lot and will probably still play 10 years from now <3

4. discord


5. Server: EU - Amsterdam / Frankfurt
IGN PPPPanddddaPPPPanicccc

still waiting for that 'Chris Wilson-director's cut' version

oh wait, I finally got it. Thanks team!
We are still looking for new members! :)
~ Updated ~
New members are welcomed!
1. When did you start playing Path of Exile? I played a league when the game came out in 2013, up to level 60~70. I played talisman league till level 83 and this league i reached 94 with around 7-8 characters (HC only)

2. What's the best moment you had in PoE? this league i had 2 cortex map drop within 2 days, those 30 ex really made my builds more interesting. invested 18 of them into my level 88 gladiator, only to get into a phys reflect map and lost it :D

3. Are you playing every league, or how is your activity usually looking like? I have been less active till this league, now im really into the game and thats why looking for a clan. I usually play 2-4 hours a day.

4. Do you have Discord? yes im very active in discord.

discord name : Venrail #7273, ingame name: Venraila.
Last edited by thundervlad#6043 on May 14, 2020, 9:52:47 AM
We're recruiting for the new Harvest League!
1. Onslaught league
2. Best moment, getting place in top #10 in one of race events years ago, Demigod's Dominance for 1st place gladiator on flashback hc league on Xbox(well, there was not really any competition so 90-91lvl was enough).
3. I play every league, usually one-two months of each league, both SC and HC tries but next league going to start staight hc.
4. DSC: Casey Ryback#1723, ingame: @GolemsABC

My best HC result was 94lvl during Metamorph league, looking forward to beat it.
Hey im a avid Poe player/gamer, and i have been thinking about joining a guild/community for quite some time.

1. When did you start playing Path of Exile?

I tried the game in closed beta but as i remember i dint really like it at that point. The earliest time i remember really playing the game is the vaal patch with atziri.

2. What's the best moment you had in PoE?

I have a few Highlights.

I once died in Vaults of Atziri due to an unexpeceted exile showing up:)(back then they could atually kill you)

When i killed uber elder on hc.

I once found a kaoms heart pre pre droprate buffs that shit was really rare

3. Are you playing every league, or how is your activity usually looking like?

Played every league since the atziri patch some more than others but the last few leagues have been pretty consistent. I play alot for the first month or so
usually hit level 97+

4. Do you have Discord?

Ingame: Fnoks
Discord: Fnoks#4828

Lemmiwinks says I need to say the following the join the guild :

1. When did you start playing Path of Exile?
In Beta, quit after races and came back during talisman league

2. What's the best moment you had in PoE?
When I died on HC as support in a t1 wharf map cuz of a sh**ty support build made by Toaster.

Farming docks back then

3. Are you playing every league, or how is your activity usually looking like? Every league, SC/HC

4. Do you have Discord? Yes

IGN : Diomer41
Hi there, because my old guild went full SC I am looking for a new one.

1. When did you start playing Path of Exile?
Somewhere around Perandus (maybe 1 or 2 leagues earlier, I can't really remember).

2. What's the best moment you had in PoE?
When I dropped a Mirror in a random white map...

3. Are you playing every league, or how is your activity usually looking like?
Every League, trying to get off work for Leaguestarts (usually the first week).
If I don't play PoE I play LoL (mostly at league end)

4. Do you have Discord?

- If you reply on forum: What's your Ingame and Discord Name?

PropagandaPanda1337 in PoE
Ærox | Demian#8665 in Discord
Last edited by PropagandaPanda1337#6924 on Jun 22, 2020, 9:00:02 AM
1. When did you start playing Path of Exile?: Long long time ago... (4k+ hours) though I'm essentially still a noob.
2. What's the best moment you had in PoE?: Many. Usually teaming with other players. For instance actiang as support in crazy deleriums.
3. Are you playing every league, or how is your activity usually looking like?: every league, mostly daily.
4. Do you have Discord?: sbinortz #2817
- If you reply on forum: What's your Ingame and Discord Name?: Aurasupporter_DK / clausdan
- You can contact us ingame as well.

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