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Path of Exile Hideout Competition

Boney Manor WIP

Last edited by Kanze#4340 on Jan 9, 2019, 9:59:22 AM
Overgrown Courthouse


Last edited by Zofo#1346 on Jan 3, 2019, 1:17:26 PM
Overgrown Hideout:


Happy New Year everybody!
Here's my "Vault of Extraordinary Goods" built on a Luxurious hideout.


Royal Prison(Brutal Hideout)

Theme: Home away from home.

After taking control of an abandoned mansion in the heart of Oriath, the Exile and Masters made it their fortress... and also made themselves comfortable in the process.
Each Master (plus Helena and Navali) have made themselves a little (or in case of Alva not so little) area where they can do their own thing while not randomly hopping into one of our maps.

Alva immediately grabbed a hold of the biggest area in the mansion, because she needs to display all her shinies. She also grudgingly agreed to have the shared table for all the inhabitants, since it's the only place where it could fit. Though she is glaring at Einhar for throwing bones on the floor every time we all have a meal, since he is the one that cooks she can't really complain.

Zana took up a residence in the courtyard and mostly keeps to herself. I think the sudden betrayal of all the old Masters has taken a toll on her.

Einhar is also in the courtyard, to keep an eye on his precious daughter Zana, and to keep the other eye on the main entrance. We've barricaded it, but a few idiots tried to break in anyway. Einhar keeps his crossbow ready in case another batch will be stupid enough to try and make a move.

Jun has taken residence in the right wing, and that is where she conducts most of her interrogations. She is nice enough to close the doors while that is happening.

Her prisoners refused to comment at this time.

Niko is working on some new contraptions for the Azurite mines in his little corner of the house, but when asked what is it he answers only that it will be ready when it's ready. There is also some maniacal laughter involved, but we don't judge.

Helena spends her days reading books and researching... something. A lot of books on thaumaturgy have made their way from Templar library to this table. Sometimes we worry we might have another Piety on our hands, but Helena is at least capable of love for someone other then herself. We'll be fine, I think.

Navali is also keeping to herself most days. I'm not sure if she even needs to eat, she almost never comes to our table. It may be for the best.

The final thing of note is the house had a small chapel dedicated to the mother of Sin and Innocence. We don't know why... but she seems to bring us luck. Maybe she is happy we finally got her sons to work together and forgive each other.
Last edited by Velzanna#0768 on Jan 3, 2019, 2:02:04 PM
At first I wanted to make a hideout that did not retain the feel of the original forsaken masters hideouts. I started out with Elreon's Enlightened Hideout and have now, over the course of many hours turned it into my own personal throne room. I know it's not using one of the new layouts but I hope it can still be put up for consideration.

Youtube tour of the hideout.

A quick little video to show how painstaking the placement was....


Direct imgur album link

Here is my Battle-scarred Hideout


Hideout forum theme:

In HO you can see texture bug, it appeared here from 3.5 game version and I'm hope it will be fixed: https://i.imgur.com/RNbCDt4.jpg




Last edited by Nikoltait#7334 on Jan 3, 2019, 3:23:07 PM
Dark Shrine Village - Cartographer's Hideout

Here is my entry for the competition. I used the Cartographer's Hideout as a base layout since this is also my main hideout this league and therefore I wanted a small hideout with just enough room for everything but still make it somewhat special.

Here is the result:
A small village...

...with mysterious vendors...

...a shrine for the deaths...

...or maybe a portal into another dimension...

...a workplace for masters...

...and a torture chamber for those unworthy to be here...

...but in the end it's in the middle of a jungle.

(Here is the full Imgur Link: https://imgur.com/a/thdd8mU)
Necromancer's Camp

A hideout based on the Unearthed template themed to be fit for a Necromancer's Camp.


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