[3.5] Occultist Vortex/Cold Snap ES/CI - Deathless and Safe Uber Elder and T16's
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" yes I run both Hatred and Malevolence, so I got a watcher's eye that supports both. I was explaining to the original poster that he can get a Malevolence watcher's eye for a DPS boost. Last edited by SonsOfKorhal#5375 on May 4, 2019, 9:43:08 PM
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After running 4 other builds I have to admit this one was the best taking on end game content
Just pull it out of storgae to handle Delve AUL and she ate him for lunch (and the build is even far from optimize) |
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As aura I run: frostbite, herald of ice, discipline, malevolence and aspect of spider.
I got lucky early league and could buy this heretic veil with 30% vortex cooldown for like 40c. Interestingly, enlighten works alongside the helm -12% reserved mana modifier, for a total of -24%. Malevolence is in my gloves and Aul's amulet deals with the mana, I have 144 unreserved mana. As I killed Uberelder and Aul 3 times each (thank you rng <3), I wanted to run maps faster. And I didn't want to level a new character or switch to boring orb. So after some experimentation, and then some more experimentation, I did phase out frigid wake for profane bloom (and took malediction on the way). Let me tell you: Vortex + Herald of ice + profane bloom = big badaboom bye bye big packs. It work miracles in closed maps like waste pool. The front damage of vortex is enough to trigger the first explosion so the instant you click on vortex, the full room literally explodes. Vortex takes the role of herald of thunder from the classic autobomber build here. I like this build in delve too as it feels faster and safer, overall against these f*cking pillar of bullshit. Open maps are quite faster too as you don't have to cover the field in vortexes. Plus as the damage is upfront you don't have to wait to be in the middle of a pack to vortex it, meaning there is less backtracking to do. Map bosses take 30% longer, which means they last 5 seconds instead of 3... However, your graphic card will cry. A lot. (I have a 1080gtx and still face 1 sec freezes in huge packed rooms). You can get an idea of the build by changing... nothing! Get an obliteration for 1c, and plug herald of ice in your build (instead of discipline by example). Void beacon takes the role of frostbite. I feel that the chaos on death explosion has a wider radius than the fire or physical ones you can get from other "enemies you kill explode" weapons. All in all, I love it. I even came with a little name for it (i know i know... not pretentious at all :D): The Vortex Autobloomer. Well, I just wanted to rapidly explain why the heck there is herald of ice in my build. I might have been slightly sidetracked there. :D Last edited by roselan#6478 on May 2, 2019, 3:23:52 PM
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That looks fun! I still don't know enough about this game to pick out interactions like that to adjust builds. I might try but I already have a Vaal Spark ranger for overheating my PC (Toxic Sewers is so fun).
I'm guessing you specced out of EE with HoI since it adds cold to all spells? EE does feel a bit useless outside of bosses and that's hardly our weakness :D I got my LL variant together and it's fun but a bit too squishy right now (Uber Elder was not as smooth as before). I'm not sure that I prefer it but will stick with it and upgrade some slots. |
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" thanks for this. this is incredibly interesting and I will definitely be experimenting with this. I wonder if I can use HoT/HoI + curse on hit instead and see how it goes. going to try a gem setup that would require the minimal amount of changes. will probably remove my vaal cold snap setup for this. going to be a pain trying to balance the auras I have. most likely will remove aspect. I dont foresee myself trying to remove hatred/malevolence/disc/clarity and blasphemy seems too expensive. I optimized my char such that running maps was fast, but definitely not autobomber speeds. (vaal cold snap + phase run + flame dash + onslaught + 70% QS flask + 3 frenzy charges + chance to phase on kill). I don't back track much, but I do realise sometimes I wish I had vortex on a 0.5s cooldown haha so this will be interesting to tackle. In your profile I see you still use vaal cold snap, with this autobomber, is there still a need for it? as I run LL, I would be gem starved. also, not sure if this is a dumb qn, but with HoI, EE would be ruined right, have you tried using HoT instead? how is the trade off between the explosion of HoI vs EE. if we take HoI, would the stormbrand/oos in wep be nullified? going to test with oblit and see how this goes first. in fact, if oblit goes well, I dont even see the need to respec HAHA! I might just have a weapon swap /manual weapon swap for mapping vs bossing :D |
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yes I run both Hatred and Malevolence, so I got a watcher's eye that supports both. I was explaining to the original poster that he can get a Malevolence watcher's eye for a DPS boost.
Thats looks great. Only question for me is the manapool. If use malevolence and hatred (both with 50% mana reserve) and my other auras (discipline, aspect of the spider) that cant work. I dont believe, if i drop one 25% aura (discipline or aspect of the spider) that i can use 2 x 50% auras and 1 x 25% auras. |
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" before I was LL, I used the below neck to run hatred/disc/aspect (with 10% mana unreserved). I cant remember the values, but I think hatred (with lvl 3 enlighten) reserved 40%, disc reserved 30% and aspect reserved 20% and malevolence reserved no mana. I also took some mana reservation nodes - Sovereignty (under Zealot's Oath). that's how I ran 4 auras. you will not be able to do the same if you dont do this. (or if you are not LL) Last edited by SonsOfKorhal#5375 on May 4, 2019, 9:46:05 PM
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I dont understand one thing, why u use ele focus + hypothermia? I mean, u cant chill with vortex if u use ele focus, so why use hypothermia?
We have to chill with cold snap? I have tested to use conc effect for bosses and inc area of effect for mapping, and also works very good. I swapped ele focus. |
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" I only use vaal cold snap when intervention come say hello or in delve when one of these harbringer shows up. They tickle. In maps, EE is not ruined because it simply doesn't have time to trigger as everything explode. And it still works well against bosses as it's activated by storm brand and orb of storms. (that wouldn't work with obliteration, as you can't craft "trigger a socketed spell when you use a skill". This is the main reason why I switched to profane bloom instead of using obliteration. Plus profane bloom _does_ work better) - HoI: "If you shatter an enemy, they explode and deal AoE cold damage to enemies near them." that's the bomb part. - HoT: "If you kill a shocked enemy, lightning bolts will strike enemies around you for a short duration." As I see it, that's the auto part, which we replace with vortex. More importantly, to shock enemies we need some serious gear and skills changes. As well, Elemental focus "Supported Skills cannot inflict Elemental Ailments" is not that much of issue. Freezing is applied by HoI and Frostbite, not vortex. Moreover, the effect propagate well out of vortex radius. That said, I'm a noob and I simply didn't think about this. I will immediately test the build without elemental focus :) For obliteration... why use one when you can use two? more seriously, I think it's not needed. It's rare that the explosion chain does not go off. When that happens it's on small packs (5-6 mobs) where it doesn't matter much anyway. PS: I can't thank the OP enough for this Vortex guide. I love it. it allowed me to extract a sweet revenge against uberelder after he seriously spanked my Jugg last league. Poor guy still got PTSD about it! But this build? a walk in the (cold) park! Last edited by roselan#6478 on May 3, 2019, 8:34:33 AM
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