[3.5] CheeQu's CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Up to 7m Shaper DPS + Amazing Clearspeed [In-Depth Guide]
Pretty bored of arc traps so looking to swap to this build. Have 60+ exa I can throw at it. I like to run t15 or 16 maps then spawn and kill uber elder and repeat.. Have a few questions for anyone that knows this build well..
1.Guessing I go the acuity and 2nd coral ring. Does anything else need to be changed with this set up? Or better gear options like a different shield/helm or warlords mark?
2. Wheres the best place to get the 14% cooldown.
3. How much attack speed do I get on Cospris 14%?
4. best end game jewels?
5. best enchants?
6. same skill tree with this setup?
7. how do I deal with the uber elder slow. with my arc trap build I would use kaoms roots and swap a ring to make up the resist.
Last edited by Shock3r19711#1427 on Jan 5, 2019, 5:02:57 AM
I'm looking into that Atziri's Acuity variation and I feel like Enfeeble isn't the best case in this situation.
My belief is that the damage mitigation you get from it is almost nothing compared to how fast you leech life with a Warlord's Mark curse aura on.
+ It completely fixes your Mana Regeneration and allows one to switch the life leech gem in Cospri's for Cold Penetration or something similar.
I have also changed the Dread Banner to go in the boots, instead of increased duration (having the ground burn an extra 2 seconds when using a Flame Dash is nothing) and added an Enlighten support gem for the curse + Herald of Ice.
This in return, allows me to use an Aspect of Spider coral ring.
This setup is definitely more expensive (12+ Exalts for Acuity, 6+ Exalts for a good Spider Coral Ring, 3.4 Exalts for the Enlighten Level 4).
But I am seeing better results for survival AND damage compared to the base setup.
Having aspect of spider on is amazing, for those that doesn't know, it slows down all enemies in the screen by 30 % and causes them to take 15% increased damage.
My helm currently has Enfeeble as I did more checks with it, but I will be switching back to Warlord.
With the above setup, I have about 135 unreserved Mana with:
Herald of Ice
Warlord's Mark
Dread Banner
Aspect of Spider
And I have never felt the need for more mana even when using Onslaught flask + perfect Alchemist's Quicksilver Flask of Adrenaline.
Hey there, good points. Ill share my take on these to help you understand my decisions and then you can make yours, easier.
1. Enfeeble's mitigation is super good, even vs -80% curse effectiveness bosses. It effevtively adds about 600 EHP aginst -80% effectivebess bosses, about 1300 EHP to -60% EHP bosses and about 4500 EHP(!) in maps. Those numbers are true and they are huge. It's there for good reason!
2. With my leech method we reach the leech cap in almost thr same time as warlords mark. (if you saw a post of mine yesterday with sone math it's not entirely correct as I fotgot he fact I also leech from cyclone). So no, you dont leech faster because there is a cap.
3. Mana problem might be an issue for some but it will get better, I have some improvements comming in the tree for it. Should be up in about 5 days.
4. Increased duration affects arcne surge. Probably shouldnt happen since arcane surge is a support gem but it actually does!
5. Aspect of the spider is actually pretty good indeed, not much to add there!
Basically what you are seeing is more damage, sure, but more vulnerability to one shots, which is the build's #1 weakness and what Im trying to protect everyone against.
If you could figure out a way to fix your mana and run both ice herald and aspect without mana leech from warlords I believe you will be even more happy!
My tool tip in my hideout says 2.1 aps but i have the samethings on my gear shown. I dont have the movement speed on my boots but my aps goes to 2.5 with onslaught flask idk if thats right.
You are checking default attack's attack speed, not cyclone!
Why is eb not taken if youre running a discipline watchers eye with es gained on hit? I thought the purpose of that watchers eye was to use it in tandem with EB, so you never have to worry about mana, and can then use all of your mana on auras.
Am i missing something that invalidates my logic?
The reason is, if you use EB you dont need discipline, you have enough ES for using skills anyway (at least i heared from someone in here, havent actually tried it myself). So regen from vitality is better.
If you dont use EB, get discipline for extra layer of defense (1k es which you can actually "leech" with es gain on hit)
Last edited by CheeQu#4316 on Jan 5, 2019, 5:17:23 AM
Hey guys, having a lot of fun with this build. I'm wondering tho, do we only use 1 "Frozen Trail Cobalt Jewel" in our build? Since i'm currently only using one, but when i checked Poe.ninja many people are using 2.
What benefit does having 2 Frozen Trail Cobalt Jewel have, vs only running one?
We just need at least 2 frostbolt projectiles per cast for the interaction with ice nova. With 1 jewel we get to 3 projectiles which is more than enough already.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7f2gXy1N1U Can someone explain how he is doing so much damage, and how he's proccing so often even though he has frenzy etc so his as must be way above the 3.75 limit.
Cant see the video now but likely he has double the attackspeed, which means he procs the same amount but with not needed investment in attack speed.
Pretty bored of arc traps so looking to swap to this build. Have 60+ exa I can throw at it. I like to run t15 or 16 maps then spawn and kill uber elder and repeat.. Have a few questions for anyone that knows this build well..
1.Guessing I go the acuity and 2nd coral ring. Does anything else need to be changed with this set up? Or better gear options like a different shield/helm or warlords mark?
2. Wheres the best place to get the 14% cooldown.
3. How much attack speed do I get on Cospris 14%?
4. best end game jewels?
5. best enchants?
6. same skill tree with this setup?
7. how do I deal with the uber elder slow. with my arc trap build I would use kaoms roots and swap a ring to make up the resist.
Hey there!
1. Not really for now! There are some changes coming in the tree in 5 days. Not home yet from vacation so cant update it right now.
2. A rare belt is the most common place to get it.
3. Not really sure what you mean there, if you are asking if you need 14% cospri - it's a yes if you get 14%+ cooldown.
4. it's in the guide (gear and uniques section)
5. it's in the guide in it's own setion
6. Yes for now as answeared in 1st question. Stay tuned for changes in 5-6 days
7. Thats the hard part, you either watch for the animation and prepare to use movement skills or you get those kaoms roots again! It's a hard part to manage with cyclone I have to admit. Will take some practice.
My tool tip in my hideout says 2.1 aps but i have the samethings on my gear shown. I dont have the movement speed on my boots but my aps goes to 2.5 with onslaught flask idk if thats right.
You are checking default attack's attack speed, not cyclone!
Pretty bored of arc traps so looking to swap to this build. Have 60+ exa I can throw at it. I like to run t15 or 16 maps then spawn and kill uber elder and repeat.. Have a few questions for anyone that knows this build well..
1.Guessing I go the acuity and 2nd coral ring. Does anything else need to be changed with this set up? Or better gear options like a different shield/helm or warlords mark?
2. Wheres the best place to get the 14% cooldown.
3. How much attack speed do I get on Cospris 14%?
4. best end game jewels?
5. best enchants?
6. same skill tree with this setup?
7. how do I deal with the uber elder slow. with my arc trap build I would use kaoms roots and swap a ring to make up the resist.
Hey there!
1. Not really for now! There are some changes coming in the tree in 5 days. Not home yet from vacation so cant update it right now.
2. A rare belt is the most common place to get it.
3. Not really sure what you mean there, if you are asking if you need 14% cospri - it's a yes if you get 14%+ cooldown.
4. it's in the guide (gear and uniques section)
5. it's in the guide in it's own setion
6. Yes for now as answeared in 1st question. Stay tuned for changes in 5-6 days
7. Thats the hard part, you either watch for the animation and prepare to use movement skills or you get those kaoms roots again! It's a hard part to manage with cyclone I have to admit. Will take some practice.
Thanks for the fast response. So no major changes to gear coming in 5 to 6 days with the acuity build?
So how is this build vs uber elder? Probly wont be too hard to swap to kaoms and change a ring but never used cyclone so that has me a lil worried.
How is this build compared to arc traps for mapping and bossing?
If you want to keep using Basalt Flask instead of Onslaught, take the "Coordination" node in the passive skill tree and 8% Attack Speed from rare gloves or a jewel (Big thanks to Aim_Deep for this idea!).
When we go this route with acuity build and 14% cooldown reduce. Do we still get the 14% cospri?