[T13] Dig Map - Mobs spawn outside of reachable zone

2nd time I've had this problem with Dig. I've looked everywhere both times and it says there are over 50 more mobs left in the zone. Not to mention when I try to leave my hideout I'm told the syndicate members will escape and I assume that means there are members on that map (Didn't encounter any while clearing it)

Maybe I've completely missed something and I hope so. Otherwise please look into this so someone else doesn't have this happen to them.
Last edited by TheFalseKing on Dec 19, 2018, 9:30:44 PM
Last bumped on Jan 28, 2019, 8:09:22 AM
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Ran Dig again this time recorded it. It could be that i'm completely brain dead and missing something fundamentally with this map, but I keep getting this exact same layout and missing monsters.
Hi there. Maybe it has to do with the new hideouts? Since Dig is one of the new maps with an rare spawning hideout to unlock maybe the hideout and all the mobs in it spawns but not the doorway?

TheFalseKing wrote:

Ran Dig again this time recorded it. It could be that i'm completely brain dead and missing something fundamentally with this map, but I keep getting this exact same layout and missing monsters.

This is only speculations of course. But since you said that it happened on this exact layout before there might be something to it.
Same thing has happened to me twice now. First time I just kinda brushed it off like whatever. But the second time I also noticed that I didn't get a syndicate encounter after exploring the whole map.
I'll confirm this too, it just happened to me after the patch. Same thing as everyone else, completely cleared zone, no syndicate and map says more than 50 remain.

same here
Last edited by cirf on Dec 21, 2018, 4:12:04 PM
Same here, but I can clear it when the Intervention syndicate mobs show up.
I can confirm that this happened to me two. Multiple times.
No syndicate encounter, i cleared the whole map and the monster count is still 50+.
Also encountered this bug, Dig map has issues.
I have an Alien pet.
bugged with same layout
bug id: 432,268,895

edit: I'm pretty sure I had an intervention betrayal encounter that spawned without issue
Last edited by Poober on Dec 26, 2018, 9:22:40 PM

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