[3.5] Dual wield Mjölner Untethered revived! Shaper+Uber Elder down! (Pathfinder)

Can u Guys check my Char Melgong and maybe u have a idea what should i upgrade next.

Doesn't the cyclone hit 2 times per attack? Because if all of You say no, it's unneccessary all of this cooldown stuff - because with base cooldown of mjolner we can make 6,67 spells/s, and in all of stuff we must concentrate is APS... I think it's definitely not working like this, it's clearly seeable i make far more than 4 spells of each hand per second, closer to 8 :) (my attack speed is about 4APS with full frenzy charges and onslaught), And I think now i have HPS equal to my cooldown recovery speed.

I continued my variation with much LL, added Point blank which is very useful with ball lightning. I'm using GMP instead of SP just for normal maps (better clearspeed), for guardians/shaper ofc i'm using SP. I've made deathless shaper so it's not bad:

Last edited by PreczZpisem#1959 on Jan 17, 2019, 2:35:43 PM
Dreamounette wrote:
There is a problem on your POB, increased damage when we leach is bad idea, we are all time Full life, and that wont work even with activ flask, or i am missing someting ? :)

yes, inc dmg during flask effect is better. i just did not have that crafting mod yet when i played the char.
PreczZpisem wrote:
Doesn't the cyclone hit 2 times per attack? Because if all of You say no, it's unneccessary all of this cooldown stuff - because with base cooldown of mjolner we can make 6,67 spells/s, and in all of stuff we must concentrate is APS... I think it's definitely not working like this, it's clearly seeable i make far more than 4 spells of each hand per second, closer to 8 :) (my attack speed is about 4APS with full frenzy charges and onslaught), And I think now i have HPS equal to my cooldown recovery speed.

I continued my variation with much LL, added Point blank which is very useful with ball lightning. I'm using GMP instead of SP just for normal maps (better clearspeed), for guardians/shaper ofc i'm using SP. I've made deathless shaper so it's not bad:

it does not work like this. ball lightning does not work with point blank (only works for attacks, not spells)
you dont need ball lightning with gmp for clear, arc clears everything anyway. ball lightning with sp is for single target dmg.
gmp + ball lightning also cant shotgun. there is a limit of hits an enemy can take per sec
When you guys say APS, are you checking the character offence tab? When I check there it says 2.5 with Cinderswallow on. However, on my POB it says my attack rate is 4.76.
Is that ok? or should i be aiming for more? Currently, farming elder t16 grotto and having no real issues so far. lvl 93 char.
had a level 3 gem room in the temple today. only non-corrupt 20/20 gem i had was a my cyclone

Last edited by DotsandDashes#5054 on Jan 17, 2019, 6:45:43 PM
Sacr0 wrote:
PreczZpisem wrote:
Doesn't the cyclone hit 2 times per attack? Because if all of You say no, it's unneccessary all of this cooldown stuff - because with base cooldown of mjolner we can make 6,67 spells/s, and in all of stuff we must concentrate is APS... I think it's definitely not working like this, it's clearly seeable i make far more than 4 spells of each hand per second, closer to 8 :) (my attack speed is about 4APS with full frenzy charges and onslaught), And I think now i have HPS equal to my cooldown recovery speed.

I continued my variation with much LL, added Point blank which is very useful with ball lightning. I'm using GMP instead of SP just for normal maps (better clearspeed), for guardians/shaper ofc i'm using SP. I've made deathless shaper so it's not bad:

it does not work like this. ball lightning does not work with point blank (only works for attacks, not spells)
you dont need ball lightning with gmp for clear, arc clears everything anyway. ball lightning with sp is for single target dmg.

Yes, You're right with gmp and point blank, i didn't read point blank correctly, and about gmp i just like more fireworks when killing big groups, i know it doesn't work well on bosses. But what would You say about attack speed? It was many speech about this last pages and it's no clear answer about that. Good experiment would be recording vaal cyclone attack to make sure about 100% hits , on some monster which every lightning ball would not touch, just fly away (atziri in chain cage or alva's boss in invunerable phase) and simply count lightning balls during 1s to prove who's right :) I'm quite sure about APS x2 hits/s with cyclone.

Last edited by Dzwiedz87#5819 on Jan 17, 2019, 6:48:48 PM
Great build. Clears maps very quickly and can do bosses too. I was able to get uber down quite a few times although I took me 3 sets of fragments to do it the first time (first time ever downing uber elder).
Last edited by willbur06#2394 on Jan 21, 2019, 4:41:01 PM
I can't seem to take down uber elder. by the time i get thru all the portals, they're at about 1/2 health.

I'm sure its learning the fight that's giving me problems

But in case that isn't the case can someone check out my character?


pastebin if you can get more involved! thank you!

(Wrath is lvl22 on ammy)


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