[3.7] Storm Brand Elementalist. League Starter, Deathless Uber Elder.
" Both of the unique rings used in the build are quite a bit stronger than Berek's Respite, and quite a bit cheaper too, so you're going to be better off selling it to fund other slots. Adding fire damage to spells isn't very attractive to us, because we're doing fire EE, so we're buffing enemy fire resist. The best unique ring swap we can do is mark of the shaper (if we get an elder version of malachai's artifice). A perfect mark of the shaper only loses us about 4% damage compared to essence worm (wrath), but gains us 10% increased life. That's potentially worth considering. A more middling roll loses us a bit over 5% damage. This is all with my gear, your gear may vary a bit (but probably won't significantly change the numbers). A completely ridiculously rolled rare shaper ring could potentially give the same damage as essence worm, while also giving some life and mana. The absurdity of the roll required to do this is kind of nuts though: ![]() According to poecraft all of those mods can coexist on the same item, though I've certainly never seen anything like it in the wild. If it were real, it would be a wash on damage, and you'd be gaining a nice chunk of life and mana. It would also cost you at the very least a mirror. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Dec 28, 2018, 6:57:10 PM
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Which one would be better for this build 5 link inpulsa or 6 link carcass jack,atm inpulsa is so expensive that i cant afford to 6 link it but i can buy 6 link carcass jack
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" When I went from 6L carcass jack to 5L inpulsa I definitely noticed the damage loss on syndicate encounters. Sometimes you can funnel syndicate into lightning spires (in fortification this works well), but when you can't, 5L damage means the fights are longer, and therefor more dangerous. The rest of the maps besides syndicate generally inpulsa did what it is supposed to do, even on a 5L. Pop pop pop. Also it was fine for uber elder. A lot of the damage there comes from lightning spire trap anyway. I'd call the 6L a better rounded option if you're running higher end maps with potentially tanky mods. Chewing on syndicate fights for too long can be unhealthy. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Dec 29, 2018, 5:21:13 AM
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I did change the Paua Amulet with Impresence, i think its a good trade. I loose around 300-400 mana but get ton of dmg i think
Maybe i looking vor a Vaal one (Wrath + aura effect or something) + I got this shiny Jewel Last edited by Pyrolinchen#2668 on Dec 29, 2018, 9:17:38 AM
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I'm loving the build, I'm now closing in on 80, but I have some questions on how to utilize all of the abilities you outline in the build guide.
For example, Rallying Cry, Vaal Grace and Wrath... Do I summon my golems and then change the hotkeys for them to Rallying Cry and Vaal Grace? What about Wrath? Am I only to use certain abilities on certain maps? Apologies for what is likely "duh" questions, but I'm still learning. Last edited by Kaddis#0465 on Dec 29, 2018, 12:54:49 PM
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[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Blank_GGG#0000 on Dec 29, 2018, 3:43:15 PM
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" Yes hotkey changing is unfortunately necessary, because GGG has seen fit to give us a pretty small limit to our number of hotkeys. I think how you layout your hotkeys is pretty personal to the player, but definitely wrath doesn't belong on the bar, since it stays on forever (until you die, or swap the piece of gear it is in, anyway). IMHO flame golem probably does belong on the bar, because while it doesn't die often, if it does die on a boss fight you'd like to re-cast it, since it is a big part of our damage. If you're using lightning golem it doesn't need to be on the bar, having it die isn't all that big of a deal. |
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What helm enchant should I be looking to get? I know a lot of people use Storm Brand has a chance to chain an additional time but since i'll be using this build mainly for bossing I'm wondering if either damage to storm brand or damage to lightning spire trap would be good.
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" "Lightning spire trap strikes an additional area" raises boss damage from lightning spire trap the most. "Storm brand damage penetrates 12% of branded enemy's lightning resistance" raises boss damage from storm brand the most. Which is better depends on the boss. Against shaper, almost all damage comes from lightning spire trap. When he goes to cast his beam, you throw your traps, and they generally kill him (well, transition him) in one go. Against uber elder it is more of a mix. I'm not sure which ends up giving more damage, but storm brand's damage is more reliable if you're struggling with the mechanics, and so the harder the fight is for you, the more you lean on storm brand damage. I'd probably prefer the storm brand enchant, just for being a more well rounded choice, but I would not be sad to have either. I'd also be happy with storm brand damage, or lightning spire cooldown recovery. |
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This question came to my messages, but I thought some of you might find the answer useful so I'm reproducing it here:
" 70 ex will definitely make a much better geared version than I'm using. Mine is probably only worth 20 ex (most of that in the 6L inpulsa). Anyway, I made a post on page 3 of the thread about finding / crafting decent weapons: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2276823/page/3#p16072612 One like my +1 will be fairly difficult to find though, I got pretty lucky buying it early league (and getting it at a pretty nice bargain of 30 chaos). The +1 is pretty important for bumping up the empower and the brand recall, to drop brand recall's cooldown. If you can't find a good +1 wand, you could always use a weapon swap. For map clearing you'd use weapon + shield (one of the unique +2 shields, like vix lunaris or magna eclipsis), and then for bossing on swap you could have 2 pure damage wands. I would probably be doing this if I didn't have the +1 wand. On your budget, for pure damage wands, you could build something with meta crafting that would be quite good. Along these lines: ![]() You could also make basically the same thing, but as a scepter, if you want to do scepter + shield for mapping, and be able to use shield charge and get fortify. T1 ele as chaos + T1 ele pen is the best combo to multimod from, for damage, but there's several other combos I'd consider good enough to warrant multimoding. Basically on of those two, plus one of: Prefix: T1 added lightning damage to spells +1 to socketed gems (if you don't plan to use a shield for mapping) T2 ele as chaos Suffix: T1 cast speed T1 shaper cast speed / supported by faster casting T2 ele pen Once you've multimodded, the priority for crafted stats is: Prefix: 1) Added lightning damage to spells (9-112) 2) Increased spell damage + non-chaos as extra chaos hybrid (50 + 6%) 3) Non-chaos as extra chaos pure (11%) Suffix: 1) Cast speed (18%) 2) Chance to deal double damage (7%) Multimod is a suffix, so there's never going to be a third crafted damage suffix. ---------------------------------------------- If you've never done this kind of crafting before the process is basically: 0) Buy an ilvl 85+ profane wand or void/opal scepter. 1) Alt until you see one of the two most desired mods (T1 ele pen, or T1 ele as chaos) 2) aug (if possible) and regal. (you can skip the aug, regal on one mod, annul, and multimod all but your 1 mod, also) 3) If it didn't get a second good mod, scour and start again. If it did, continue to 4 4a) If it has 2 good prefixes, or 2 good suffixes, lock and scour to clear the trash mod. Lock meaning "prefixes cannot be changed" if it has 2 good prefixes, or "suffixes cannot be changed" if it has 2 good suffixes. 4b) If it has 1 good prefix and one good suffix, annul. 1/3 chance of success. If fail, scour and start over. 4c) If it magically has 3 good mods, congrats. 5) Hard part is over, time to multimod and craft. Make sure you're getting the top tier crafts, you may need to hire a crafter. Don't settle for lower tier crafts! ---------------------------------- If you happen to hit a second mod that isn't good for you, but you think might be good for another build (for example added fire damage to spells). Stop crafting, sell your base for a couple ex, and start over on a new base. If you're not sure whether you should craft scepters or wands, it is worth noting that scepters have better resale value, and there's actually nothing stopping us from using 2x scepters as opposed to 2x wands. The 14% cast speed implicit on a wand is a bit more desirable for us than the 40% elemental damage on a scepter, but not by a big margin (~8k damage with my gear, or ~2% of total damage). Just remember that you can't mix and match. You either need 2 wands or 2 scepters (or scepter + shield). Cast speed is also nicer in terms of gameplay since not only does it make your brands tic faster, doing more DPS, but also lets you lay them faster, making gameplay smoother. But the main reason you see me using wands is because decent wants are dramatically cheaper to buy on the market. The price difference applies to buying crafting bases as well, with an ilvl 85 shaper profane wand going for 30c, while an ilvl 85 shaper void scepter goes for 2 ex. But resale value becomes more of a concern when you're crafting. You're going to sink a lot of currency into the item, and the product of that crafting will have significantly higher resale value as a scepter. And of course, you have access to shield charge (fortify) if you do a scepter. TL;DR: If you want the best possible damage and smoothest gameplay, profane wands are it. If you want to protect your investment and be able to resell at a profit, scepter is more likely to do that for you. |
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