[3.7] Storm Brand Elementalist. League Starter, Deathless Uber Elder.
Well, I got myself an amulet, and I guess next I have to figure out how to improve it. I am working on a research safehouse with rank 3 leo as captain, so i have two exalt slams for free coming up. Do I craft "cannot roll attack mods" and then slam twice, and then slam twice, or do i invest in multimod (and what do I mod?)
(I know the amulet doesn't have life/mana by default. I made some other changes and got my EHP up a lot.) Last edited by yalehomo#7520 on Mar 30, 2019, 6:04:06 PM
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Finished my brand recall stick finally and got exactly 1.2 seconds cd with lvl4 empower (not sure if it were reasonable, since it is only 0.05 less cd compared to lvl3 empower, so it was 1 ex for 1 ms, but anyway)
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" If you multimod you'd need to annul first, to clear the lightning resist, otherwise you block other suffixes out, and suffixes are the best craftable damage mods (+1 min frenzies or 30% effect of non-damaging ailments). You've got the two best natural rollable damage mods (T1 cast speed and non-chaos as extra chaos), so certainly worth trying to go big on that ammy. Here's what it would look like after successful annul/multimod/divine: ![]() The hybrid life/mana craft counts as a life craft for mod blocking, so you can still craft a pure mana mod on top of it. Best case double exalt outcome: ![]() A few other decent double exalt outcomes, such as spell damage, or gain as fire (to sell). And of course a whole lot of not so good exalt outcomes. Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Mar 30, 2019, 9:21:13 PM
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" Your gear looks like a solid start on the end game. No major deficiencies anywhere, time to start saving up for some of the bigger ticket upgrades. The rare is fine for now, I'd just keep using it until you 6L your inpulsa. " Yes it increases the effect of shock, that's why we like it. As an added bonus it increases the effect of chill (we get 10% minimum chill from beacon of ruin and it is actually pretty noticable on slowing down boss mechanics). It is an unveil, probably just need to get somebody to do it for you who has the top tier of it. Otherwise you could buy veiled ammys/rings to try to unveil it, but that's pretty RNG and not worth. Speaking of which, it unveils on ammys and rings, but is craftable on ammys and boots. Don't know what that's about, but it means we can get a good damage stat on our boots if we get boots with good enough base stats not to need something else crafted on them. My boots from last league: The craft is a suffix, so you can't get it on tri-res boots. On the up side, this league two-tone boots can be lab enchanted and keep their implicit resists, so potential for more resists on the boot slot now in that way. IMHO getting temple dodge is still more important though. Sorry I got sidetracked a bit about boots, your boots are fine for now, just musing. |
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I am now at a state at which I am clearing all maps pretty fast. But I really suck at uber elder. have always sucked at almost every char. Somehow I get too nervous and that kills me. What do you suggest I change first? - I also have a watcher's eye with mana leech. So I bought this amulet with an additional curse, but I am not sure if shock effect might not be better. Also, The amulet slot might be the best slot to get a better cold resist - which i might need if kaom's boots should be the way to got to help at elder. oh, and the onslaught gem is for permanent onslaught while mapping. really helps. for uber elder, hypothermia. Last edited by Donnerdrummel#4686 on Mar 31, 2019, 4:21:49 PM
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Koam's roots are a pretty big deal for uber elder, but of course it can be done without. In terms of gear that's going to make the biggest difference of any changes you could make.
You can practice the fight using: https://poesimulator.github.io/ It is written for an RF jugg, but it will let you practice the mechanics in a lower stress environment. Juggs get the kaom's roots effect for free so the snare is not something you'll notice much in that simulator. General purpose tips: Keep the shaper in view so you can see what he's doing at all times, he's the bigger danger. Don't loiter for too long in the safe area of the big circle thing. Loiter in the danger zone, then run to the safe area right before the circle goes off. If you hang out in the safe area then if somebody decides to teleport slam you or tentacle slap you, you have nowhere to run. Trigger shaper's balls along the outside edge of the arena Killing the poopers is more important than DPSing the bosses. Just drop a brand on them when they spawn. Portal phase is for refilling flasks. There's no requirement that you kill the portals, just continue to keep shaper in sight and make sure you don't eat his shit, kill some adds for flask charges. If the portals don't die, elder will despawn them anyway. If you don't have kaom's roots: when the snare happens, DO NOT flame dash. Quicksilver and walk at a 90 degree angle from shaper, so that you're not in the path of his balls/beam attack. The flame dash animation is much too slow with the snare on you, and locks you in place to get destroyed by shaper's shit. |
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I figured I'd record an uber elder kill without kaom's roots:
LL Bane Occultist Deathless Uber Elder I'm not playing storm brand this league, so it isn't exactly this build, but the playstyle is the same (DoT and run around, vs brand and run around), and no kaom's roots so I have to manage the snare in the video. |
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so i just crafted this
gonna try and craft later with suffix cant be changed and annul the evasion. and get maximum life them craft something better too bad its 3 suffix and i gotta loose brand attachment range and vaal grace.. but atleast myself i could never remember to use it |
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so first of all thanks for sharing that build
i skipped the last 3 leagues because i kinda got burned out of poe, i always loved EO builds, and i think that people still underestimate the power of those builds and focus to much on crit builds. i had a shit ton of fun with it, i played it initialy with exact your build and was able to get through all maps shaper/elder and even uber elder was a breaze. since im aiming for 36/40 challenges, i modified the build alot for my personal preferences, i was doing full MF with goldrim, sadimas, double ventors, biscos leash, and a random 10 quant amu and i was still able to farm t16 sextanted, vaaled elder UGS with it to make some munz, now i just need to blast through ~300-400 maps to get my 75.000 quant challange since i dont really like the league mechanic at all, and im happy that i did all that stuff before. now my build is basically inspired on your but i fit in 2x even tho i had to waste a few points, it still much fun, adding a hh would make the build even more zoomzoom current gear: i also got +1 curse on the tree so i can use soltic vigil to its fullest with free temp chains/blasphemy + warlords mark on my ring edit: dont judge me for my failcrafted lightning dmg on my wands :P Last edited by Wuhki#5328 on Apr 1, 2019, 3:50:49 AM
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That's a fun looking clearspeed variant. Obviously a lot less boss damage, but if you're trying to hammer out tons of maps fast, great changes.
Have you considered trying to work some three dragons + herald of ice action into it for even more insane clearspeed? Don't really need the 7-link lightning spire hat if you're just hammering through easy maps. The basic three dragons combo is inpulsa pops can now freeze stuff, and so trigger herald of ice explosions. For laughs, you can even get some fire damage on your herald of ice (just off the veiled mod on a ring is enough) so that your HoI can shock. I'd definitely try to work the dark arts cluster into a clearspeed focused setup, for the extra 30% cooldown recovery on flame dash. If you can move flame dash to a 4-link you can also support it with enhance. Level 4 enhance is another 24% cooldown recovery. Cooldown recovery belt or boots would boost it more, and also boost brand recall. And of course there's the +gem levels wands for brand recall that have been discussed already at length in this thread, which is certainly a help for a clear speed focused variant. Did you try it without the second curse, but still having them both on the setup? I suspect you'd get enough leech going anyway, even with blasphemy over-writing on nearby monsters. *tries not to judge failcrafted wands* Last edited by magicrectangle#3352 on Apr 1, 2019, 4:21:31 AM
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