Try my hideout calculator tool (A quick overview of what you need to import a hideout)


EDIT: Check out my new post about a hideout sharing tool!!!

TLDR: Here is the link

First of all. Thank you for clicking on this forum post and taking the time to check it out! The first version of the calculator is online right now and I'm looking for some feedback on it.

I've created a page (Based on the design of Siveran's vorici calculator) that gives you the ability to upload .hideout files and see what this hideout costs you to import and what the requirements are. It's not 100% done but it's a good working first version. I'll specify underneath what it can and can't do.

* You can upload hideout files that you found online or try your own
* It will calculate all the costs and requirements in master levels
* It will show you a ordered list (Ordered on Master, Masterlevel, Name) of all the decorations in the hideout file
* You can upload a hideout file containing all your decorations to calculate how much it will cost for you

* Currently it cannot handle files other than English ones (Planning to fix that in the future)
* Currently it can not calculate the costs of decorations from the microtransaction shop. But I'm also looking into adding those costs

This is the part where I need your feedback regarding importing the decorations that you own. I've checked the PoE API and it seems to have no endpoint to give me the decorations that you have. So this is my solution. Please let me know if this will work for you or if you have a better idea!

To import your own decorations you must create a reference file for your account. I want it to work like this: You go to a hideout that you don't use. You place ALL the decorations that you have in that hideout and click on export. You upload that on the calculator page and then the calculator will check the ones you have from the file to reduce the total costs and make a better view in the table about what you need to buy.

Now for the part that counts. This is the link to the calculator:
Let me know what you think of it. What I can improve. and maybe even suggest some idea's that you have. I'm always open to those. (Also maybe grammar errors. My English isn't the best)

Again, Thank you for taking the time to read my post. And I hope this calculator will give you a better time when importing a hideout!

Kind regards,

EDIT: I've just updated the project. You can now upload a hideout file that has all your decorations in it. If you do that, it will calculate what it will cost for you.

Last edited by namanix#6793 on Dec 23, 2018, 5:18:15 PM
Last bumped on Feb 8, 2019, 11:13:22 AM
Man, this seems pretty amazing already as it is already. :D I will be making use of this for sure!
Ayvo_ wrote:
Man, this seems pretty amazing already as it is already. :D I will be making use of this for sure!

I'm glad you like it! It will be updated soon with more features and QoL changes :)
I didn't even know I wanted this but apparently I did.
Just some feedback: it currently doesn't seem to categorize NPCs or objects such as the map device or the crafting bench. Also it doesn't seem to understand the retired crafting stations like the artisan's bench or blessing font. In the grand scheme of things those are minor issues that don't impact the overall use of the tool, at least for me.
Thanks for making such a useful tool!
Azureburn wrote:
I didn't even know I wanted this but apparently I did.
Just some feedback: it currently doesn't seem to categorize NPCs or objects such as the map device or the crafting bench. Also it doesn't seem to understand the retired crafting stations like the artisan's bench or blessing font. In the grand scheme of things those are minor issues that don't impact the overall use of the tool, at least for me.
Thanks for making such a useful tool!

Oh yeah I have to take a look at that. Currently all the "No info" decorations are NPC's, Stations or microtransaction decorations. This will get better in the future :)
Thanks for the tool, looks exactly like what was needed. Did you find the decoration list per master level and their costs somewhere in the web or extracted from the game files?
Iangyratu wrote:
Thanks for the tool, looks exactly like what was needed. Did you find the decoration list per master level and their costs somewhere in the web or extracted from the game files?

I'm glad you like it!
Yeah I found it on the web :)
~~Katie ^-^
bloorocksDotD wrote:

<3 Glad you love it :) <3
This sounds like an amazing tool. Thank you so much for investing the time into this!

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