April's Luxurious Hideout
Thank you for sharing your Hideout, sadly Yun need to get a better place...
" |
Amazing hideout! Congrats on making the hideout showcase :)
" It's a bug. Re-import the hideout, then click on each NPC and move them with the arrow keys. Put them back & click Edit again to save the changes. You MUST do this for each & EVERY single character until Grinding Gear Games fixes it (if they ever fix Hideouts & THE EDIT BUTTON..........) I know that's tedious, but it has to be done. Last edited by bvanharjr#5617 on Dec 19, 2018, 5:22:00 PM
Is most the hideout MTX? I loaded it but it was mostly empty.
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
Best HO
I just set up this hideout, it's gorgeous. Still missing a few master decorations and I have none of the mtx ones, but it already looks great. Thanks for posting this.
" I suspect you don't have the necessary decorations. You need to purchase them from your masters. You can check the calculator featured in the news to see which ones you're missing and what master levels are required for them. |
how do you import with the pastebin?
" go to link and save it to a file. The type is .hideout. you can get a template by exporting your current hideout. IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
Of the presented ones this is the best in my opnion :3 Congratz!