Righteous Fire/BV! (No Uniques Needed|Relaxing Play|Easy to Gear|Anyone Can Play|All Content)[3.5]

Hey Raidmaxxx. You bet.

Raidmaxxx wrote:
Any chance you could add a section of uniques or some best in slot pieces for this build for the people that want to push this to the maximum? I would appreciate that quite a bit as i have reached level 81 and im looking to push a bit more.
Some easy suggestions would be Balefire for your weapon, Rise of the Phoenix for your Shield, and two Kaom's Signs. You would be ridiculously strong if you fated both of Kaom's Signs into Kaom's Way. But the fated version is extremely expensive. Everything else is typically quite cheap.

You can get some rares that are way better though...Getting some Shaper/Elder sceptres with the right rolls can really make Scorching Ray insanely strong. Same with a helmet for RF. Having some of your socketed gems as added mods on either piece of gear will let you socket something to make it way stronger than a unique could. Especially if you got a rare that rolled two "support gems as mods". The Phoenix shield is only good because of the increase to maximum fire res. I don't know if the new crafting system allows you to craft anything like that or close to it, but if it does, it'd void the value of the Phoenix shield.

Does that help at all? Let me know if it doesn't. (I don't think 2 Kaom's Ways can be beat though.)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Last edited by Wrecker_of_Days#7691 on Dec 15, 2018, 6:41:41 PM
SevDestroyer wrote:
Okay so I am close to level 50 now. I made the switches as follows
Lvl 1-20(Sunder)
20-30(Mix of Sunder and BV as im transitioning gear)
30 and on, BV

You need to use herald of ash
Once you link it with Iron Will, Fire Pen, Combustion

I am starting to cut through things like butter.

Once you get enough health regen, and max hp from gear, I dont think I ever drop below 80% hp on regular mobs

On bosses like kitava, well kitava was a challenge Ill tell you this much. He dropped me down to 40% sometimes 30% with the right combos. Lack of mobility will sometimes put you in some really stick situations. I'm probably going to add my own take to a few of these just to get some more mobility.
I'm glad you found something that works for your playstyle! Sometimes simply crafting movement speed on some boots is all that's needed to keep up the mobility standards. (Herald of Ash does lots for this build.)
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
triniparty wrote:
Hey Raidmaxxx. You bet.

Raidmaxxx wrote:
Any chance you could add a section of uniques or some best in slot pieces for this build for the people that want to push this to the maximum? I would appreciate that quite a bit as i have reached level 81 and im looking to push a bit more.
Some easy suggestions would be Balefire for your weapon, Rise of the Phoenix for your Shield, and two Kaom's Signs. You would be ridiculously strong if you fated both of Kaom's Signs into Kaom's Way. But the fated version is extremely expensive. Everything else is typically quite cheap.

You can get some rares that are way better though...Getting some Shaper/Elder sceptres with the right rolls can really make Scorching Ray insanely strong. Same with a helmet for RF. Having some of your socketed gems as added mods on either piece of gear will let you socket something to make it way stronger than a unique could. Especially if you got a rare that rolled two "support gems as mods". The Phoenix shield is only good because of the increase to maximum fire res. I don't know if the new crafting system allows you to craft anything like that or close to it, but if it does, it'd void the value of the Phoenix shield.

Does that help at all? Let me know if it doesn't. (I don't think 2 Kaom's Ways can be beat though.)

Thanks bud, this is helpful. I appreciate you doing this.
Raidmaxxx wrote:
Any chance you could add a section of uniques or some best in slot pieces for this build for the people that want to push this to the maximum? I would appreciate that quite a bit as i have reached level 81 and im looking to push a bit more.

What i like about this build is triniparty create an open spot for our imagine to put any item that you will found on the floor

I did have some question like yours and triniparty did answer me with " look at guide section "
At first i feel disappoint but once i drop my emotion and just read guide section about 3 times.
I did realize about core mechanic about this build.
-we really can use anything-

So we must ask ourself about how we gonna use this build.
Passive play just tap RF and run though map? >> go find and buy RF gear.
Love to have tiny things spin around yours? >> get some spell damage (fire damage is more benefit than spell damage since spell damage did nothing about RF).
For myself, i will start min max Resistant ( gonna put chaos resistant to 0 atleast and 109% for rest).
Equip Rise of phonix / shaper's seed (corrupted for lv23 purity of fire)
my opinion might be wrong if anyone has better idea or suggestion
we can discuss and sharing our knowledge

PS.my gear after done kitava

Last edited by tumplovejee#7448 on Dec 15, 2018, 6:50:16 PM
Hey tumplovejee,

tumplovejee wrote:
What i like about this build is triniparty create an open spot for our imagine to put any item that you will found on the floor.
Thank you.

I did have some question like yours and triniparty did answer me with " look at guide section "
At first i feel disappoint but once i drop my emotion and just read guide section about 3 times.
I did realize about core mechanic about this build.
I actually Copy and Pasted the first part of my message to Raidmaxxx from the response I gave you. I'm sorry that I offended you. I did not mean to be dismissive.

So we must ask ourself about how we gonna use this build.
Passive play just tap RF and run though map? >> go find and buy RF gear.
Love to have tiny things spin around yours? >> get some spell damage (fire damage is more benefit than spell damage since spell damage did nothing about RF).
For myself, i will start min max Resistant ( gonna put chaos resistant to 0 atleast and 109% for rest).
Equip Rise of phonix / shaper's seed (corrupted for lv23 purity of fire)
my opinion might be wrong if anyone has better idea or suggestion
we can discuss and sharing our knowledge...[List of Items]
I like what you've done! Great job affording a 6 link with decent health! Just as an FYI, Spell damage does impact RF. One of the things I really liked about the Chieftain was that once you had BV at 100% fire damage, all spell and fire damage related nods/mods impact all three skills (Scorching Ray, RF, and BV). Damage Over Time only affect SR and RF while Physical Damage only affects BV...but everything else is cohesive.

You have good explanations and suggestions.

Let me know if you have any questions still, I'm happy to help.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
triniparty wrote:
Hey HarukaTeno!

HarukaTeno wrote:
Are you aware that you can turn RF off with the flask which has "of dousing" suffix?
Ha ha. I've re-learned that so much! Thank you for reminding me. I have no idea why I ALWAYS forget about that. I'll update the guide to reflect that. Thanks for pointing it out!
I just updated the guide to reflect this. Sorry it took so long. Thanks again.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hey trini.
I missed, what lvl of CWDT u recommend?
Or like 1\4 of my HP pool ?
hmm.. but i`m sure we want a golem 20 lvl, so cwdt must be up high?
PS what about unique flasks? They can help us deal MOAR damage? Maybe some shit like Wise oak, or Witchfire ?
PPS is the Kaom`s way really BIS ring to us (coz of endurance charges) ? I think "life on hit" parameter 2-4 is nearly useless, and dat rings are trash (except +2 end. chargs.)
Last edited by daiverok#3109 on Dec 16, 2018, 10:13:17 PM
Really enjoying this build. I made a few changes: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Nellessek/characters?characterName=TorchBawx

used a xirgil's crank 5 link for the BV, +1 to all gems and the block seems great for levelling, picked up 2 big dex nodes, and got a Kaoms Heart.

The Vivinsect unset ring is great if you can get it, was Running RF at 46 when I put it on. (this was my second character of betrayal, had some currency to play with.)

I plan on running a Balefire/Magna Eclipsis in the weapons swap with shield charge for single target. Its a bit socket starved for what I like, considering doing a crazy Hungry Loop, maybe Flameblast?

5 link BV with Inc duration is around 90K dps, and the RF is 24K at lvl 74. Havent really min maxed anything. mapping is going really well.

My first RF, thanks for the build!
Hey daiverok,

daiverok wrote:
Hey trini.
I missed, what lvl of CWDT u recommend?
Or like 1\4 of my HP pool ?
hmm.. but i`m sure we want a golem 20 lvl, so cwdt must be up high?
CwDT can go to 20. The skills we have attached aren't for specific circumstances. So it's just for the sake of not having to self cast the skills.

PS what about unique flasks? They can help us deal MOAR damage? Maybe some shit like Wise oak, or Witchfire ?
Ya! Definitely! Whatever you find you love. Just make sure you're staying alive :). I only stick to health and Quartz flasks because of my limitations. But there are tons that help. The Sulphur flasks are great too.

PPS is the Kaom`s way really BIS ring to us (coz of endurance charges) ? I think "life on hit" parameter 2-4 is nearly useless, and dat rings are trash (except +2 end. chargs.)
Ya, the Kaom rings are specifically for the extra endurance charges, but it really adds up...even with the non-fated version. The fated version is insanely strong with the extra life regen.

Good questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can do.
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast
Hey Nellessek,

Nellessek wrote:
Really enjoying this build. I made a few changes: https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Nellessek/characters?characterName=TorchBawx

used a xirgil's crank 5 link for the BV, +1 to all gems and the block seems great for levelling, picked up 2 big dex nodes, and got a Kaoms Heart.

The Vivinsect unset ring is great if you can get it, was Running RF at 46 when I put it on. (this was my second character of betrayal, had some currency to play with.)

I plan on running a Balefire/Magna Eclipsis in the weapons swap with shield charge for single target. Its a bit socket starved for what I like, considering doing a crazy Hungry Loop, maybe Flameblast?

5 link BV with Inc duration is around 90K dps, and the RF is 24K at lvl 74. Havent really min maxed anything. mapping is going really well.

My first RF, thanks for the build!
Those are some sexy changes! I like what you've done! I'm glad you're liking it. I love this build. I've played it the last two nights and love my options. I did only RF the one session, and only BV the next...just cause it's what I felt like. I loved that I didn't have to change a thing. I hope you're changes work as good as you hope!

Let us know if you have any questions and we're happy to help! Sounds like you know what you're doing :).
https://www.ForeverExiled.com/: Forever Exiled, A Path of Exile Podcast

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