[3.6] Updated / Ice Nova CoC & Cospri ! / 2 - 3M SHAPER DPS /Clear Speed / Multiple Versions

3.6.0 Change log:
The basic mechanics did not change at all in the new patch 3.6, but the damage output has received a 20%-ish nerf :(
But do not worry, there's always a way if you still fancy this build :)

Upon the huge nerf of the life leech from Ascendant's Slayer, and the life leech itself, a man has no reason to stick to this "Atziri's Acuity + Slayer" combo anymore (a man is hyped for GoT S8) xD

A man can choose the Champion passive to get easy perma Fortify.
A man can get rid of both Slayer and Champion and choose the Inquisitor path. Why?
1, The Inquisitor passive does not only provides lots of damage (20%-ish more) which can neutralize the 3.6 nerf.
2, It gives you almost perma Consecrated Ground, which is remaked in patch 3.6. Enemies standing in your Consecrated Ground can receive 100% increased crit chance from you.You also have increased life regen and elemental ailment immunity on the Consecrated Ground.

But what's the alternative option of Atziri's Acuity?
A man can get the Command of the Pit for lazy Arcane Surge.
A man can simply get a pair of rare gloves.
A man can use the new unique Vixen's Entrapment for the +1 curse limit.

Why +1 curse? Because curses have received a buff in patch 3.6.
"Bosses which previously had 60% or 80% less effect of curses on them now have 33% or 66% less effect of curses on them respectively."
That means the curse Enfeeble is a decent choice to make up with the leech nerfs.

And just saying in case some might ask, Temporal chain is not that good because you can slow the enemies too which makes the effect less efficient.

A man can also get a +1 curse from other sources (for example your Amulet or passive tree), and use rare gloves.

Here's the gem changes upon using two curses(warlord's from the ring, and Enfeeble from CWDT):
1, You replace the Frost Bomb in your CWDT setup with Enfeeble.
2, You put Frost Bomb if your Cospri (Frost Bomb - Ice Nova - Frostbolt)
3, You replace one of your gems with Frozen Trail to get more Frostbolt projectiles.

I'd also like to mention the new flask Bottled Faith, you can replace Atziri's Promise with this one.
This can provide lots of damage as well.

At last, the big nerf of Loreweave. Well, you call this a nerf?
(just make sure you use a MTX on your Carcass, the original art of Carcass is unbearable for me.)

But seriously, although the elemental mitagation has reduced to 12% from 20%, it's still a decent defensive option, just not that OP. Otherwise, you might wanna use Carcass for better QoL.

The basic concept of this build is:
Using CoC+Nova, plus Frostbolt on cospri, and other cool things like Arctic breath and Vortex, to create multiple casts of Ice Nova per trigger! As well as a good use of the 3.5 cold skills new mechanics!
Some gameplay GIF
Shaper: 5 sec per phase

T16: Incursion/Beyond

Variants of this build (inspired by the community!):

Assassin/Slayer, MoM, life/mana double recovery version (quite expensive, but not unreachable,see for yourself!)
NOTE: this setup is specifically for BF version, and encounters like Uber Elder, where most of the deadly damage comes from spell. For futher discussion, check page 21.
It has 8.5K ehp, 2M shaper dps, and a bunch of other defensive layers.

Here's the PoB link: https://pastebin.com/kESYedqr

And here's the tree(kill all):

Now let me explain what I did to this build.
Basically I've added a lot of end-game uniques, these are:
Mind of the Council, Atziri's Acuity, Loreweave, Yoke of Suffering, Unnatural Instinct.
Now let's see the changes and mechanics step by step:
1,Mind of the Council.
MotC gives lots of mana, and most importantly, when you shock an enemy, you recover 3% mana instantly. Combined with your mana leech, your mana can recover VERY fast.
2,Yoke of Suffering.
Yoke of Suffering allows you to shock. don't worry, we can shock Shaper (although it can only apply 3-4% damage taken increased, it's still a shock).
With added fire damage and added chaos damage in the Abbysal jewels, you can also ignite and poison shaper.
So the calculation of Shaper's total damage taken increased from Yoke is:
Ignite 5%, Poison 5%, Chill 5%, Shock 5%+3% = 23% damage taken increased!
80% maximum res equals 20% more elemental damage mitigation (compared to 75% max res).
It also has elemental damage, life, and crit chance. One of the best items in PoE.
4,Atziri's Acuity.
The Vaal Pact it provides combining with the Slayer's "Leech does not stop" is a very good layer of defensive with huge sustainability. And it provides some life and crits. This item plus the previous "recover mana when you shock" mechanic, results in an insane amount of recovery for MoM!

5, At last, the items I've listed in PoB are not even close to any mirrored items.They are expensive, but not unreachable.

With this level of gear, you can get 2M Shaper dps (1.65M without frenzy charges), 8.46K effective HP,20% more elemental damage reduction, and a huge amount of recovery (both life and mana).

I hope this can solve the build's defensive problem. GL and Enjoy!

Life based (non-MoM) Ass/Slayer, with potentially 7K life pool and decent leech from Acuity.
Here's the PoB link: https://pastebin.com/LR5USbtX
Here's the tree:

Basically, you get lots of %life from tree (a total of 232%), using Acuity for Vaal pact and having a decent damage output as well!

Life Evasion/dodge based Assassin/Inq or Assassin/Raider, , high damage, clearspead.
Note: you can either use Farrul's fur + Aspect of the cat(enchant on any rare item), or use Queen of the forest for even more movement speed.
Assassin/Inq for potentially more damage, and Assassin/Raider for clearspeed and perma frenzy charges.

Here's the Farrul's Assassin/Inq version of PoB, you can change it to your preference: https://pastebin.com/Vp4cquLE
Here's the tree:

Inspired by @sergio_thor92.
Got Phase Acrobatics on the tree, added an Intuitive Leap, (you can also use Atziri's Step for more spell dodge).

Another option for Cospri's gem setup
Use Frozen Trail(for +2 frostbolt projectiles), and put Frostbolt, Ice Nova and Frost Bomb in Copsri. This way you can apply a much more reliable debuff (-25% cold res) to the enemies!
The only downside is that the damage output can be slightly lower, but since Frost Bomb has its own cd, it shouldn't be a problem!

How to enhance the survivability?

diabloyd wrote:
bleuce wrote:
I paly this Build in the current league and the only problem is the survivability against some league masters (I think this is a core league problem)

I switched the gloves to Atziri ones for Vaal Pact on Crit.
Thinking about switching from raider to slayer for overleech. Any other ideas to "buff" the survivability?

Sure, in fact, there are a couple of ideas I had in my mind.

Atziri's gloves + slayer is one good idea.

I'm playing another build in Betrayal so I don't know which kind of master you find difficult to survive.

Maybe the melee physical ones like Haku, Vorici, Vagan?

If this is the case, then you should go for the Jugg node, and use a High level CWDT setup.

CWDT(MAX) - Immortal Call(MAX) - Increased Duration(MAX) - Summon Chaos Golem (at least lvl 12)

And get an "increased Immortal Call duration" enchant.

This way you can have MOST of the time being physical immune.

The next one is the good'ol Loreweave, get 80% max res and you're good to go.

Another option is to enhance the MoM capability. Get Mind of the council for "recover 3% max mana per shock", then use Yoke of Suffering so your cold damage can shock too. You'll have almost infinite mana to spend which means a straight up 30% damage mitigation.
To make up with the damage loss, you'll need at least 1-2 flat fire damage (no matter its attack or spell, to inflict ignite), and if possible, get some "chance to poison/bleed".
With the Assassin node, you automatically can make the enemy take 20-25% more damage (chill/freeze, ignite, poison, shock)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

Feel free to use any of these ideas, and maybe combine them. I hope this will help :)
Edit: You should also get flat added chaos damage to be able to poison.

@edleHerrscher 's Red Tier Elder kill in Betrayal (Cyclone Ver.), "83 lvl with 18 lvl gem without quality and some trash gear vs red elder" quoted from himself. He's using thief's torment, a 5link Carcass, Ungil's Harmony, and a Lavianga's Spirit (good choice on the last one!)

Cyclone Version mapping showcase (T15 Carcass):

Video of Hydra, ft. extra cold damage, beyond, incursion,
Harbinger, etc.

It has multiple types of encounters, and I thought this might be a good showcase in general for you guys :)

Leveling tips from @sergio_thor92


PoB and how can it be "2.5M Shaper DPS"?
The PoB is updated! the actual Highest shaper DPS can reach 2.5M+ (and 2.1M+ without frenzy charges).

here's the PoB link: https://pastebin.com/WWaNTLZF

The dps calculation is written in the "Skills".

PS: starting from Shadow or Templar makes no difference, however, I would recommend you start from Shadow first (because Inquisitor is not always the option)

Ok, now the build, I'll make it simple and quick.
Items and Links and Mechanics

Kaom's Root is not mandatory for this build (if you're using Cyclone, you don't need it at all!). you can get Duskblight or rare boots, even Atziri's step and Garukhan can do just fine.

Let me explain a bit the mechanics:
First we got the 6-Linked Carcass Jack (which received a decent buff with the AoE), a typical BF-CoC-IceNova setup. We're using Increased Crit. Chance for more procs, and Hypothermia instead of Elemental Focus because we need the defensives from Chill and Freeze.

The next will be the 3L Cospri:GMP-Frostbolt-Ice Nova
And on another item, Vortex-Bonechill
Here's how it works:
Frostbolt will let Ice Nova cast again, up to 2 frostbolt duplicating per Ice Nova. which basically means the Ice Nova will double its damage if there's enough frostbolt in front of you!
Cospri's Ice Nova can also proc on frostbolts as well!

Vortex can provide multiple benefits including end-game encounters, you can easily cast it since its an Instant skill! (where you cannot apply chill that easy).

Vortex provides Chill Ground, which is counted as a fixed Chill effect against any enemy(including Shaper/Elder). And this helps with the Pandemonius (20% cold pen. against chilled enemy) and the Hypothermia support (more damage aganst chilled enemies).

Annnd, when you cast Vortex while there are up to 4 Frostbolts out there, it will cast Vortex on the Frostbolts again! thus, a huge area coverage.

Annnnnnnnnd, with the new support Bonechill, it gives you even more damage!

As for other gems like Blood Rage and Ancestral Protector, they can give you more attack speed (more procs), and frost bomb gives you more cold damage (and a not that reliable culling strike, since only the explosion of Frost Bomb counts as a hit). However, these are flexible.

Flasks and Jewels

Nothing special for the flasks.

As for the jewels, all you need is a Pure Talent and a Clear Mind.
You can also have up to two Might of the Meek if you can afford them. (And if you have even more currency, get Unnatural Instinct)
For the rare jewels just look for Life, Crit Mult, % cold damage (and other % damage), Maximum Mana, attack speed, etc.

Level 96 Passives (help Alira)

The ascendancy can be very flexible, however, i would recommend Assassin for crit chance, power charges and a decent start point from the passive tree.

-For instance, if you don't like Kaom's root and want to take advantage of Pandemonius' blind effect, you can choose Jugg.
-If you'd like more damage and some ailment immunity, take Inquisitor.(my personal choice)
-If you're using Cyclone instead of Blade Flurry, you might want to get the Champion node for fortify.
-Raider for infinite frenzy charges and onslaught, and even Slayer for the overleech.

Assuming you have all gods captured and unlocked:
Major gods:
Soul of Lunaris: for general mapping, Elder/Uber Elder, Hydra, Chimera, Phoenix, etc.
Soul of Solaris: for Shaper, Minotaur, Purifier, Enslaver, Catarina, Phoenix, etc.
Soul of Arakaali: for Eradicator, Constrictor,etc.

Special Note(from @Malzamist): the recovery from Arakaali's minor god Arachnoxia is insane (especially when it's combined with the Acuity).

Minor gods:
Soul of Gruthkul: for Minotaur (cyclone),general mapping,etc.
Soul of Tukohama: for Minotaur (Blade Flurry), general mapping,etc.
Soul of Yugul: for Elder/Uber Elder, Hydra,etc.
Soul of Ralakesh: for general mapping (to reduce the dot from Blood Rage)
Soul of Shakari: for any encounter that involves chaos dot and poison.
Soul of Abberath: for Enslaver, Phoenix,etc.
Soul of Garukhan: for general mapping.


How do I start the league with literally NO CURRENCY to buy these bad bois?
It's simple, before you can get those items, the only MUST HAVE is Lycosidae, you can have anything on other parts, self-cast Vortex+Bonechill (its instant cast !), put Ice Nova AND Frostbolt into your 5-linked CoC setup, buy a Mortem Morsu (a claw that'll probably cost you 1 chaos) and an Ungil's Harmony, and you're good to go!

Random trivia
---If you're Chinese, check my original post at NGA
(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ https://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=15837715

---Congratz @edleHerrscher lol

---Congratz @ldbob!

---Thank you @TheMadkitten for sharing your similar Assassin build!
TheMadkitten wrote:
It turns out I'm doing something very similar to this in Betrayal but as an Assassin Shadow instead. I haven't done all your very handy calculations for Dps and my gear isn't finalized yet, same goes for some skill choices (not using Arcane Surge atm, same with Frost Bomb, and using Cyclone to trigger as I like it more etc). But in case people ask if it's possible to do as a pure Assassin build, feel free to use my build as a base for an alternative skill tree, if you want that is.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/22Hqyg8u

From @Bradaw
Bradaw wrote:
For those players that are scoping this build out and considering playing it:

1. This build probably isn't the greatest league starter as it requires decently expensive gear to really work well together.

2. It is extremely fun. It is definitely not a lazy right click build though. You really have to be vigilant on positioning, flask management, and buff timers. For those of you that are familiar with Diablo 3, this build is reminisce of a Condemn Crusader build.
***(If you're looking for an easy right click build with similar explosive
mechanics, check out a Poet's Pen build instead.)

3. It is kind of rippy, however, this is the nature of the beast with CoC builds. I haven't seen a single CoC build that was reliable defensively. One thing I really like about this build is the customization component, you can really "make it your own" and keep the core idea alive, unlike most other CoC builds which tend to be extremely cookie cutter.

4. If you have a weak PC, move along.

From @Isaac1337
Isaac1337 wrote:
Hello everyone,

so I decided to give this build a try since my starter cleared pretty much everything in the game and I had like 30ex+.

So far this build is really fun to play and I can recommend everyone with some currency (or the dedication to farm some) to try out this build.

I have to say it can feel a bit rippy if you start out with lvl 65-70 in maps.
Just level up, improve your gear and level your gems.
Once you hit a higher level it will feel much better in terms of survivability.
Also take inc crit strikes dmg (crit multi) to improve your damage early on and take more life nodes on the tree till later levels.

I went with Assa/Inquisitor and made some changes to the Skilltree.
I did not take the Cold Damage Cluster (Breath of Rime). I focussed more on life and attack speed since I don't like the degen from Blood Rage and in fights like Uber Elder or general mapping you won't always have a totem in range. I plan to pick up Berserking.

For mapping I go with Cyclone. It just feels a bit better then BF.
But I would recommend BF if you go for Uber Elder, cause it is much easier to controll and dodge with BF.

So far i killed a pretty nasty Phoenix and died once to his explosion.(could have dodged it, but seen it to late)
And i killed red Elder and his Guardians t11-15. Elder was t12.
I did those without conc effect and went with inc AoE.(damage is enough and Elder Portals with smoother with inc AoE, deathless Elder).

Here is my gear and my PoB. I'm triple balanced and would switch Atziri's Step for Kaoms Roots at Uber Elder. Also I'm planning to grab the Alchemist Node.

PoB: https://pastebin.com/C1Ggz4PQ

Last edited by diabloyd#2167 on Mar 7, 2019, 1:45:33 AM
Last bumped on Jul 5, 2019, 3:46:22 AM
Looks interesting! i might start this out, how is defensive?

Also can you do leveling tree? or post PoB with leveling tree path there if u got time
Last edited by Tecken1407#4063 on Dec 8, 2018, 11:06:59 AM
Tecken1407 wrote:
Looks interesting! i might start this out, how is defensive?

Also can you do leveling tree? or post PoB with leveling tree path there if u got time

It can reach up to 8k effective hp (with mom, 6000hp+2000mana), I'd say its pretty tanky. Tho the sustain might be a bit tricky, since you only have warlord's life/mana leech plus the consecrated ground from the Inquisitor node. (I tried Vaal Pact, but it's too far away and not worth it.)

I can't do the leveling tree now but I can give you a direction, first start with the Life nodes on the left of scion's starting area, then go up to the witch's area, take the aoe nodes and crit nodes.The path is rather flexible, just get enough life and damage (don't bother allocating MoM while leveling)

And you can get the addition curse(or just get a doedre's ring), assassin's mark + warlord's mark both are very helpful early on.

Also, you can use basically any spell to start with (don't use CoC too early, it'll be clunky as hell)
I can't stand Blade Flurry. any other good Gem you can use here?
DnLx3 wrote:
I can't stand Blade Flurry. any other good Gem you can use here?


BF and Cyclone are the only melee aoe gems with more attack speed.

Another high hit-rate melee gem is double strike, but it's single target.
diabloyd wrote:
Tecken1407 wrote:
Looks interesting! i might start this out, how is defensive?

Also can you do leveling tree? or post PoB with leveling tree path there if u got time

It can reach up to 8k effective hp (with mom, 6000hp+2000mana), I'd say its pretty tanky. Tho the sustain might be a bit tricky, since you only have warlord's life/mana leech plus the consecrated ground from the Inquisitor node. (I tried Vaal Pact, but it's too far away and not worth it.)

I can't do the leveling tree now but I can give you a direction, first start with the Life nodes on the left of scion's starting area, then go up to the witch's area, take the aoe nodes and crit nodes.The path is rather flexible, just get enough life and damage (don't bother allocating MoM while leveling)

And you can get the addition curse(or just get a doedre's ring), assassin's mark + warlord's mark both are very helpful early on.

Also, you can use basically any spell to start with (don't use CoC too early, it'll be clunky as hell)

I see thanks, when should i start using CoC setup? and i will farm currency on other starter build so i can have item ready for this build.
I see on your build you don't have any extra projectile for frostbolts. Wouldn't this not proc both ice nova for frostbolt? Is there any reason why you only have 1 frostbolt projectiles?
I've done a PoB Link for you guys.
Haven't added the Flasks and some Gems. So you guys have to add those yourself.
And you probably should check the jewels.

But here you go:
patienceyeah wrote:
I see on your build you don't have any extra projectile for frostbolts. Wouldn't this not proc both ice nova for frostbolt? Is there any reason why you only have 1 frostbolt projectiles?

Hell you're actually right mate! Thank you so much for pointing it out!
I made a huge mistake, I though vortex would cast more frostbolts! But the true mechanic is that forstbolts would cast more vortex!

Means I got it all wrong (the skill effects are too flashy for me to comprehend what's actually happening lol, but still, it wasn't too bad tho.)

I fixed the build, check the post!

Much love
Tecken1407 wrote:
diabloyd wrote:
Tecken1407 wrote:
Looks interesting! i might start this out, how is defensive?

Also can you do leveling tree? or post PoB with leveling tree path there if u got time

It can reach up to 8k effective hp (with mom, 6000hp+2000mana), I'd say its pretty tanky. Tho the sustain might be a bit tricky, since you only have warlord's life/mana leech plus the consecrated ground from the Inquisitor node. (I tried Vaal Pact, but it's too far away and not worth it.)

I can't do the leveling tree now but I can give you a direction, first start with the Life nodes on the left of scion's starting area, then go up to the witch's area, take the aoe nodes and crit nodes.The path is rather flexible, just get enough life and damage (don't bother allocating MoM while leveling)

And you can get the addition curse(or just get a doedre's ring), assassin's mark + warlord's mark both are very helpful early on.

Also, you can use basically any spell to start with (don't use CoC too early, it'll be clunky as hell)

I see thanks, when should i start using CoC setup? and i will farm currency on other starter build so i can have item ready for this build.

I'd say after you get Lycosidae, and the Assassin ascendancy node, then you can start to play CoC !

and btw, I made a big mistake, fixed it already in the post

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